2007psy Module 4 review questions answer PDF

Title 2007psy Module 4 review questions answer
Course Biological Psychology
Institution Griffith University
Pages 29
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2007psy biological psychology Module 3 and week 3 review practice questions and with marked answer key in pdf form...



1. ________ refers to the capacity of a drug molecule to bind to a receptor. Dynamic capacity Sensitization Inactivation Affinity Binding capacity 10#points### #


1. Which neurotransmitter activates voluntary movements and reinforces behavior? dopamine norepinephrine acetylcholine serotonin GABA 10#points### #


1. Stimulation of a presynaptic autoreceptor reduces the release of the neurotransmitter from the axon terminal. alters the uptake of the neurotransmitter into the axon terminal. blocks the opening of ion channels in the postsynaptic membrane. increases the release of the neurotransmitter from the axon terminal. would be expected to act as an agonist for this synapse. 10#points### #


1. Which of the following neuron systems that use ACh has been related to the control of REM sleep? dorsolateral pons ACh system hypothalamocortical ACh system basal forebrain ACh system medial septal ACh system nigrostriatal Ach system 10#points### #


1. Medicines are most commonly given to humans via the ________ route. intraperitoneal oral intravascular topical intranasal 10#points### #


1. A drug that blocks a presynaptic autoreceptor reduces the release of the neurotransmitter from the axon terminal. alters the uptake of the neurotransmitter into the axon terminal. blocks the opening of ion channels in the postsynaptic membrane. increases the release of the neurotransmitter from the axon terminal. would be expected to act as an antagonist for this synapse. 10#points### #


1. Which neurotransmitter acts to promote vigilance? dopamine norepinephrine acetylcholine serotonin GABA 10#points### #


1. Which term below refers to sniffing a drug so as to absorb the drug through the nasal mucosa? inhalation insufflation topical intrarectal sublingual 10#points### #


1. Drugs that inactivate monoamine oxidase would be expected to reduce dopamine levels within the blood. elevate acetylcholine levels within the muscles. reduce serotonin levels in the synaptic cleft. cause the release of serotonin into the synaptic cleft. increase dopamine levels within neurons. 10#points### #


1. Damage to which dopaminergic (DA) system would be expected to produce muscle tremors, limb rigidity, and difficulty in movement control? nigrostriatal DA system hypothalamocortical DA system mesocortical DA system nesolimbic DA system corticospinal DA system 10#points### #


1. The ________ is a measure of the safety of a drug. lethality score dose-response curve therapeutic index pharmacokinetic profile psychodynamic profile 10#points### #


1. Which of the following is true of dopamine receptors? Dopamine receptors are metabotropic. Dopamine receptors are ionotropic. D1 receptors are located on the presynaptic membrane. D2 receptors are only found on postsynaptic membranes. Cyclic AMP is increased by activation of D1 and D2 receptors. 10#points### #


1. Which neurotransmitter acts to facilitate learning? dopamine dorepinephrine acetylcholine serotonin GABA 10#points### #


1. Which of the following is true of opioid systems and effects? Opioids reduce appetite. Opioids are commonly used to induce diarrhea. Heroin is an opioid receptor antagonist. Naloxone is an opioid receptor antagonist. Opioid drugs enhance the aversiveness of pain. 10#points### #


1. Drugs that facilitate postsynaptic receptor effects are termed agonists. ligands. synergists. antagonists. pheromones. 10#points### #


1. ________ refers to the study of the effects of drugs on the nervous system and behavior. Biopharmacology Neuropharmacology Psychoimmunology Physiopharmacology Psychopharmacology 10#points### #


1. Match up the transmitter substance below with the appropriate behavioral role or action of that transmitter. acetylcholine; facilitates of learning dopamine; suppresses certain species-typical behaviors norepinephrine; facilitates of learning serotonin; increases vigilance GABA; generally activates voluntary movements 10#points### #


1. Which of the following is true of ACh? Ach is a key transmitter for the control of feeding. The effects of ACh in the brain are mostly inhibitory. Elements of REM sleep are controlled by ACh in the medulla. Learning is facilitated by ACh activity in the basal forebrain. Ach controls mood and emotion. 10#points### #

QUESTION 19 1. Many'of'the'axons'that'use'serotonin'as'a'transmitter'originate'from'the'cell'bodies'of' serotonegic'neurons'found'in'the' substantia'nigra.' red'nucleus.' ' axonal'varicosities.' ' raphe'nuclei.' ' ventral'tegmental'area.' 10#points### #


1. Repeated administration of a constant drug dose typically produces ________, which is defined as a(n) ________ effect of the drug. dynamic capacity; increased sensitization; reduced behavioral inactivation; increased tolerance; reduced homeostasis; constant

10#points### #


1. Which pair of transmitter substances is most involved in synaptic neurotransmission in brain? glutamate; acetylcholine GABA; glycine glutamate; GABA glycine; acetylcholine acetylcholine; dopamine 10#points### #


1. The drug ________ releases serotonin and has been used to treat ________. fluoxetine; depression fenfluramine; obesity amphetamine; obesity reserpine; obesity fluoxetine; mania 10#points### #


1. Serotonin is synthesized from tyrosine. tyramine. tryptophan. MAO. epinephrine. 10#points### #


1. Botox injections smooth the skin of the face by causing the release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction. activating the parasympathetic nervous system, thereby inducing relaxation. dissolving fatty deposits in the skin. causing increased blood flow to the facial muscles. blocking the activity of muscles in the face. 10#points### #

QUESTION 25 1. The'significance'attached'to'glutamate,'GABA,'and'glycine'is'that'these'are' ' involved'in'Parkinson's'disease.' ' known'to'be'solely'inhibitory'in'the'PNS.' ' the'predominant'neuromodulators'in'the'NS.' the'most'common'neurotransmitters'in'the'NS.' the'major'excitatory'neurotransmitters'in'the'PNS.'

10#points### #


1. ________ is the synthesis precursor for dopamine. Tyrosine Tryptophan Norepinephrine Tyramine Trypsin 10#points### #


1. A(n) ________ is an innocuous substance that has no specific physiological effect. placebo agonist drug pseudotransmitter ligand 10#points### #


1. The hallucinogenic drug PCP (phencyclidine) is an indirect antagonist of the NMDA receptor. facilitates the binding of glutamate to the AMPA receptor. releases serotonin from neurons in the raphe nuclei. inhibits the dendrites of dopamine neurons in the ventral tegmental area. acts via the blockade of serotonin receptors. 10#points### #


1. Drugs that block or inhibit postsynaptic receptor effects are termed agonists. ligands. synergists. antagonists. pheromones. 10#points### #


1. The final synthesis step for norepinephrine requires the presence of ______ . serotonin dopamine glycine ACHe epinephrine

10#points### #


1. A general mechanism by which postsynaptic potentials are terminated involves increased synthesis of the neurotransmitter molecule. enzymatic synthesis of the neurotransmitter molecule. reuptake of the neurotransmitter molecule into the axon through a membrane transporter. increased number of postsynaptic receptors. diffusion into glial cells. 10#points### #


1. ________ refers to an increased behavioral effect of a drug with repeated administration. Dynamic capacity Sensitization Inactivation Tolerance Binding capacity 10#points### #


1. The rate at which a drug reaches active sites in the brain is determined mostly by its degree of water solubility. lipid solubility. drug metabolism via the liver. depot binding in blood, bone, and fat. drug metabolism in the kidneys. 10#points### #


1. The primary means by which the postsynaptic action of acetylcholine is terminated is via enzymatic destruction by acetylcholinesterase. reuptake of acetylcholine into the presynaptic terminal. reuptake of choline into the presynaptic terminal. diffusion away from the synapse. reduced synthesis of choline. 10#points### #

QUESTION 35 1. Which'of'the'following'true'of'NMDA'receptors?' Activation'of'the'NMDA'receptor'contributes'to'the'opening'of'the'calcium'ion'channel.' NMDA'receptors'are'metabotropic.'

Glutamate'is'an'antagonist'for'the'NMDA'receptor.' The'activity'of'the'NMDA'receptor'is'not'dependent'on'magnesium'ions.' The'NMDA'receptor'produces'IPSPs.' 10#points### #


1. A person who is admitted to a hospital emergency room with an opiate overdose is likely to be treated with heroin. THC. naloxone. mu opioid receptor agonists. kappa opioid receptor agonists. 10#points### #


1. Imagine that you are suffering from severe pain and that you have the opportunity to request a drug to alleviate the pain. Which of the following drugs should you ask for? an opiate that produces analgesia only at high doses naloxone caffeine an opiate that produces analgesia at low doses a drug that blocks GABA receptors 10#points### #


1. Administration of a drug that binds with a postsynaptic receptor, but does not open ion channels would be termed a(n) direct agonist. ligand. direct synergist. direct antagonist. indirect pheromone. 10#points### #


1. Drugs that block the reuptake of serotonin or that cause the release of serotonin are used therapeutically to treat anorexia depression. some forms of acne disorder. high blood pressure allergies. 10#points### #


1. Which of the following is true of glycine? The glycine receptor opens sodium channels and thus induces IPSPs. Lockjaw is produced by an excess amount of glycine in the brain. Glycine is an excitatory neurotransmitter in the peripheral nervous system. The toxicity of strychnine results from its activation of glycine receptors. The glycine receptor is ionotropic. 10#points### #


1. Injecting an animal with a dose of a chemical molecule that is a precursor for the synthesis of a synaptic neurotransmitter would be expected to reduce the availability of that neurotransmitter. increase the rate of synthesis and release of that neurotransmitter. alter the number of postsynaptic receptors. act as an antagonist at autoreceptors. increase neurotransmitter reuptake into the axon. 10#points### #


1. The fastest way for a drug to reach a site of action in the brain is via the ________ administration route. oral topical intravenous intramuscular intraperitoneal 10#points### #


1. The muscle weakness associated with myasthenia gravis reflects too many ACh receptors on cardiac muscles. reduced ACh function in the basal forebrain. loss of ACh receptors on skeletal muscles. reduced ACh function in the dorsolateral pons. an enhanced release of glycine onto spinal cord motoneurons. 10#points### #


1. Parkinson's disease involves the degeneration of neurons within the ________ DA system. nigrostriatal mesocortical hypothalamocortical mesolimbic retinal-suprachiasmatic

10#points### #


1. The motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease result from neurodegeneration of the corpus callosum. result from the formation of MPTP from dopamine in synaptic vesicles. result from the intravenous abuse of amphetamine. can be treated using L-DOPA. can be treated using drugs that activate MAO in dopamine neurons. 10#points### #


1. The primary route of excretion of drugs from the body is via the liver. lungs. mucosa. kidneys. skin. 10#points### #

QUESTION 47 1. The'GABA'A'receptor'is'a(n)'________'receptor'that'controls'a'________'channel.' ionotropic;'chloride' ionotropic;'potassium' metabotropic;'chloride' metabotropic;'potassium' ionotropic;'sodium' 10#points### #


1. A drug that binds at a postsynaptic site different from that of the neurotransmitter and prevents the opening of ion channels would be termed a(n) indirect antagonist. ligand. direct synergist. direct antagonist. indirect pheromone. 10#points### #


1. Which of the following is true of the relation between drug affinity and drug effects? A drug with high affinity for a receptor will exert an effect only at a very high dose. Drug affinity does not relate to drug activity. A drug with high affinity for a receptor will exert an effect at a low dose.

A drug with a low affinity for a receptor will exert an effect only at a very low dose. A drug that has a potent behavioral effect will have a low affinity for its receptor. 10#points### #


1. ________ refers to the process by which drugs are absorbed, distributed within the body, metabolized, and then excreted from the body. Neuropharmacology Pharmacokinetics Drug metabolism Psychoimmunology Pharmacodynamics 10#points### #


1. Administration of a drug that binds at a postsynaptic site different from that of the neurotransmitter, and facilitates the opening of ion channels would be termed a(n) indirect antagonist. ligand. direct synergist. indirect agonist. indirect pheromone. 10#points### #


1. The effective dose 50 (ED50) value for Drug A is 2.0 mg/kg while its lethal dose 50 (LD50) value is 8 mg/kg. Which of the following is true of Drug A? Drug A is ineffective for its intended purpose. Drug A has a therapeutic index of 4.0. Drug A is safe for use in humans. The therapeutic index of Drug A is 0.25. The therapeutic index of Drug A is 25.

Question)1) 0"out"of"10"points"

________ refers to the capacity of a drug molecule to bind to a receptor. Selected"Answer:" !



Dynamic capacity Sensitization Inactivation "

Affinity Binding capacity !

Question)2) 0"out"of"10"points"

Which neurotransmitter activates voluntary movements and reinforces behavior? !




dopamine norepinephrine acetylcholine serotonin GABA !

Question)3) 0"out"of"10"points"

Stimulation of a presynaptic autoreceptor !

Selected" Answer:"



reduces the release of the neurotransmitter from the axon terminal. alters the uptake of the neurotransmitter into the axon terminal. blocks the opening of ion channels in the postsynaptic membrane.

increases the release of the neurotransmitter from the axon terminal. would be expected to act as an agonist for this synapse. !

Question)4) 0"out"of"10"points"

Which of the following neuron systems that use ACh has been related to the control of REM sleep? !




dorsolateral pons ACh system hypothalamocortical ACh system basal forebrain ACh system medial septal ACh system nigrostriatal Ach system !

Question)5) 0"out"of"10"points"

Medicines are most commonly given to humans via the ________ route. Selected"Answer:" !



intraperitoneal "

oral intravascular topical intranasal !

Question)6) 0"out"of"10"points"

A drug that blocks a presynaptic autoreceptor !

Selected" Answer:" Answers:"


reduces the release of the neurotransmitter from the axon terminal. alters the uptake of the neurotransmitter into the axon terminal.

blocks the opening of ion channels in the postsynaptic membrane. "

increases the release of the neurotransmitter from the axon terminal. would be expected to act as an antagonist for this synapse. !

Question)7) 0"out"of"10"points"

Which neurotransmitter acts to promote vigilance? Selected"Answer:" !



dopamine "

norepinephrine acetylcholine serotonin GABA !

Question)8) 0"out"of"10"points"

Which term below refers to sniffing a drug so as to absorb the drug through the nasal mucosa? !

Selected"Answer:" Answers:"


inhalation "

insufflation topical intrarectal sublingual !

Question)9) 0"out"of"10"points"

Drugs that inactivate monoamine oxidase would be expected to Selected"Answer:" !



reduce dopamine levels within the blood. elevate acetylcholine levels within the muscles.

reduce serotonin levels in the synaptic cleft. cause the release of serotonin into the synaptic cleft. "

increase dopamine levels within neurons. !

Question)10) 0"out"of"10"points"

Damage to which dopaminergic (DA) system would be expected to produce muscle tremors, limb rigidity, and difficulty in movement control? !




nigrostriatal DA system hypothalamocortical DA system mesocortical DA system nesolimbic DA system corticospinal DA system !

Question)11) 0"out"of"10"points"

The ________ is a measure of the safety of a drug. Selected"Answer:" !



lethality score dose-response curve "

therapeutic index pharmacokinetic profile psychodynamic profile !

Question)12) 0"out"of"10"points"

Which of the following is true of dopamine receptors? !

Selected" Answer:"



Dopamine receptors are metabotropic. Dopamine receptors are ionotropic.

D1 receptors are located on the presynaptic membrane. D2 receptors are only found on postsynaptic membranes. Cyclic AMP is increased by activation of D1 and D2 receptors. !

Question)13) 0"out"of"10"points"

Which neurotransmitter acts to facilitate learning? Selected"Answer:" !



dopamine dorepinephrine "

acetylcholine serotonin GABA !

Question)14) 0"out"of"10"points"

Which of the following is true of opioid systems and effects? Selected"Answer:" !



Opioids reduce appetite. Opioids are commonly used to induce diarrhea. Heroin is an opioid receptor antagonist. "

Naloxone is an opioid receptor antagonist. Opioid drugs enhance the aversiveness of pain. !

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