PSYCH 1010 - Module 29, questions and answer PDF

Title PSYCH 1010 - Module 29, questions and answer
Course Introduction to Psychology
Institution York University
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PSYCH 1010, intro to psychology
Module 29 multiple choice questions with answer key
Test 3 preparation...


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1. Experts would most likely agree that intelligence is a(n) A) inborn ability to perform well on standard intelligence tests. B) mental ability to learn from experience. C) general trait that underlies success on nearly any task. D) multiple array of completely independent adaptive traits.

2. Which of the following is NOT an aspect of what is commonly called intelligence? A) artistic ability B) problem solving C) the ability to adapt to new situations D) the ability to learn from experience

3. Spearman's g factor refers to A) the genetic contribution to intelligence. B) a general intelligence that underlies successful performance on a wide variety of tasks. C) a highly developed skill or talent possessed by a person with an otherwise limited mental ability. D) the ability to understand and regulate emotions.

4. Who would have been most enthusiastic about the value of a single intelligence test score as an index of an individual's mental capacities? A) L. L. Thurstone B) Charles Spearman C) Howard Gardner D) Robert Sternberg

5. Factor analysis is a statistical procedure that can be used to A) identify multiple intelligences. B) predict performance on various complex skills. C) identify clusters of closely related test items. D) correlate individuals' skills in evolutionarily familiar situations.

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6. To assess whether intelligence is a single trait or a collection of several distinct abilities, psychologists have made extensive use of A) measures of creative intelligence. B) correlational research. C) the SAT Reasoning Test. D) factor analysis.

7. The theorist who mathematically identified seven clusters of primary mental abilities and did not rank people on a single scale of general aptitude was A) L. L. Thurstone. B) Charles Spearman. C) Howard Gardner. D) Robert Sternberg.

8. Professor Jenkins believes that intelligence cannot be measured by a single intelligence score. Rather, intelligence should be derived from seven clusters of primary mental abilities. Professor Jenkins' view of intelligence most closely resemble that of A) Charles Spearman. B) L. L. Thurstone. C) Howard Gardner. D) Robert Sternberg.

9. L. L. Thurstone believed that there is(are) A) three forms of intelligence: analytic, creative, and practical. B) seven different primary mental abilities, each of which is a relatively independent element of intelligence. C) multiple intelligences, some of which are not measured by standard intelligence tests. D) one general intelligence, or g factor, that is responsible for overall performance on tests of mental abilities.

10. Rather than being interested in a single factor to identify intelligence, L. L. Thurstone believed that it was more important to consider A) the multiple g factors. B) verbal and performance test scores. C) an individual's specific pattern of mental abilities. D) a person's problem-solving abilities.

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11. L. L. Thurstone identified seven clusters of primary mental abilities, including word fluency, memory, and inductive reasoning. He claimed that word fluency A) underlies all of our intelligent behaviors. B) is the most difficult mental ability to assess reliably. C) involves a different dimension of intelligence from that of reasoning. D) is not actually a form of intelligence.

12. Satoshi Kanazawa claims that people's scores on the general intelligence factor are most highly correlated with their ability to solve ________ problems. A) emotional B) sexual C) social D) novel

13. In 8 to 10 seconds, the late memory whiz Kim Peek could read and remember the contents of a book Page. Yet, he had little capacity for understanding abstract concepts. Kim's mental capacities best illustrate A) autism spectrum disorder. B) creative intelligence. C) emotional intelligence. D) savant syndrome.

14. People with savant syndrome are best described as those who demonstrate A) high levels of emotional intelligence. B) difficulty remembering past experiences. C) an exceptional specific skill. D) a lack of numerical ability.

15. Twenty-five-year-old Alexandra has an intellectual disability and can neither read nor write. However, after hearing lengthy, unfamiliar, and complex musical selections just once, she can reproduce them precisely on the piano. It is likely that Alexandra is A) gifted with a superior level of Spearman's g factor. B) demonstrating a high level of emotional intelligence. C) above average in interpersonal intelligence. D) someone with savant syndrome.

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16. The characteristics of savant syndrome most directly suggest that intelligence is A) a diverse set of distinct abilities. B) largely unpredictable and unmeasurable. C) a culturally constructed concept. D) dependent upon the speed of cognitive processing.

17. Howard Gardner identified a total of ________ relatively independent intelligences. A) three B) five C) nine D) twelve

18. Those who define intelligence as academic aptitude are most likely to criticize A) Spearman's concept of general intelligence. B) Thorndike's concept of intelligence. C) Gardner's concept of multiple intelligences. D) Sternberg's concept of analytical intelligence.

19. Howard Gardner is most likely to agree that the concept of intelligence includes A) minimizing one's negative emotions. B) spatially analyzing visual input. C) a g factor. D) a single ability that can only be measured by standardized testing.

20. Howard Gardner has proposed ________ as a ninth type of intelligence. A) emotional intelligence B) existential intelligence C) analytical intelligence D) savant syndrome

21. Miguel is a published philosopher. He regularly spends time in a monastery to ponder large questions about life, death, and human existence. According to Gardner, Miguel is demonstrating ________ intelligence. A) emotional B) interpersonal C) existential D) analytical

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22. Which statement best characterizes Howard Gardner's view of intelligence? A) “There is a single factor that can explain the pattern of specific mental abilities called intelligence.” B) “There are multiple independent intelligences, and each must be defined within the context of a particular culture.” C) “There are three mental abilities that together make up what is called successful intelligence.” D) “There are three types of intelligence: analytical, creative, and practical.”

23. Robert Sternberg distinguished among analytical, practical, and ________ intelligence. A) intrapersonal B) creative C) spatial D) musical

24. With whom do you associate the triarchic theory of intelligence? A) Satoshi Kanazawa B) Howard Gardner C) Charles Spearman D) Robert Sternberg

25. Geneva is the mayor of a small city. When a serious flood struck the city, she allocated people, financial resources, and temporary housing to help those whose homes were damaged by the flood. According to Sternberg, Geneva is demonstrating ________ intelligence. A) practical B) creative C) emotional D) analytical

26. David's motorcycle would occasionally lose power or stall out. David thought about possible solutions: changing the ignition wires, putting an additive in the gas tank, or taking his motorcycle to a mechanic and letting the mechanic figure out the problem. David decided to put an additive in the gas tank to see if that corrected the problem. Which of Sternberg's intelligences was David using? A) naturalist intelligence B) creative intelligence C) analytical intelligence D) logical-mathematical intelligence

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27. Which of the following people best illustrates Sternberg's concept of practical intelligence? A) Jamal, a student who quickly recognizes the correct answers to multiple-choice test questions B) Gareth, a graduate student who generates many creative ideas C) Shelley, a newspaper reporter who has established a large network of information sources D) Cindy, a young mother who prefers cleaning her house to supervising her children

28. Compared with traditional college entrance exams, assessments that include tests of Sternberg's three intelligences reveal ________ ethnic group differences in intelligence and ________ accurate prediction of American students' first-year grades. A) increased; less B) reduced; less C) increased; more D) reduced; more

29. The U.S. National Longitudinal Survey of Youth showed a small but significant positive correlation between youths' intelligence test scores and their subsequent A) social isolation. B) income levels. C) overconfidence. D) risk of depression.

30. Participants in the U.S. National Longitudinal Survey of Youth were tracked across 25 years. The researcher found that their intelligence test scores predicted their A) existential intelligence. B) income. C) emotional intelligence. D) spatial intelligence.

31. Energetic persistence in pursuit of challenging goals is most clearly an indication of A) emotional intelligence. B) street smarts. C) the g factor. D) grit.

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32. By demonstrating both intelligence and grit, highly successful people demonstrate the importance of both ability and A) creativity. B) problem solving. C) motivation. D) aptitude.

33. Andrew is no smarter than his graduate school classmates, but his self-discipline and passionate dedication to long workdays resulted in notably superior academic accomplishments. Andrew's unusual level of success best illustrates the importance of A) grit. B) the g factor. C) street smarts. D) analytical intelligence.

34. An important aspect of social intelligence is called A) the g factor. B) analytical intelligence. C) grit. D) emotional intelligence.

35. When Professor McGuire asks her students to answer questions in class, she can quickly tell from their facial expressions whether they are happy to participate. Professor McGuire's perceptual skill best illustrates A) analytical intelligence. B) practical intelligence. C) emotional intelligence. D) factor analysis.

36. The ability to perceive, understand, manage, and use emotions is called A) street smarts. B) existential intelligence. C) emotional intelligence. D) the g factor.

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37. The ability to delay immediate pleasures in pursuit of long-range rewards is most clearly a characteristic of A) emotional intelligence. B) the g factor. C) savant syndrome. D) practical intelligence.

38. Although Nicole scored well above average on an academic aptitude test, she frequently loses her temper and needlessly antagonizes even her best friends. Her behavior best illustrates a low level of A) street smarts. B) the g factor. C) creative intelligence. D) emotional intelligence.

39. The concept of emotional intelligence is most likely to be criticized for A) lacking definitional clarity. B) being indistinguishable from analytical intelligence. C) being difficult to measure reliably. D) extending the definition of intelligence to an overly broad range of skills.

40. Compared with Gardner, Sternberg has identified ________ independent dimensions of intelligence, and his forms of intelligence have been ________ reliably measured. A) more; more B) fewer; less C) more; less D) fewer; more

41. Gardner's concept of bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is most likely to be criticized for A) lacking clarity. B) being indistinguishable from linguistic intelligence. C) being difficult to measure reliably. D) extending the definition of intelligence to an overly broad range of skills or talents.

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Answer Key 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.


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