PSYCH 1010 practice exam questions and answers PDF

Title PSYCH 1010 practice exam questions and answers
Course Introduction to Psychology
Institution York University
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some of these question may be on test 4 exactly as it is....


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1. People often enter psychotherapy during a period of crisis in their lives. This helps us understand why they A) prefer behavior therapies over other forms of treatment. B) seldom block anxiety-laden thoughts from consciousness. C) tend to overestimate the effectiveness of their psychotherapy. D) claim to receive the most effective treatment from highly experienced clinicians.

2. The placebo effect refers to A) relief from symptoms without psychotherapy. B) the alleviation of depression and anxiety by means of aerobic exercise. C) the use of drugs in the treatment of psychological disorders. D) the beneficial consequences of merely expecting that a treatment will be effective.

3. Mr. Gotanda mistakenly believed that a single intake interview in which he simply described his numerous symptoms to a therapist was a treatment for his distress. His immediate relief from many of his symptoms following this session best illustrates A) a randomized clinical trial. B) evidence-based practice. C) meta-analysis. D) the placebo effect.

4. Glenda put a lot of time and work into trying to achieve positive cognitive and behavioral changes through psychotherapy. Which of the following factors is most likely to lead her to exaggerate the effectiveness of her psychotherapy? A) the comorbidity of disorders B) meta-analysis C) randomized clinical trials D) the self-justification motive

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5. In one massive experiment, potentially delinquent boys were assigned to a 5-year treatment program that included professional counseling and family assistance. Many years later, Joan McCord's investigation of this program's effectiveness revealed that A) clients who received the special treatment subsequently had fewer incidents of juvenile delinquency. B) clients typically underestimated the truly positive effects of this program on their own lives. C) only the therapists who were involved in the program could accurately gauge its effectiveness. D) clients' accounts of the program's effectiveness were often misleading and overly positive.

6. Therapists' perceptions of the effectiveness of psychotherapy are more likely to be overly positive because A) clients justify entering therapy by emphasizing their financial well-being. B) clients justify leaving therapy by emphasizing their psychological well-being. C) clients justify entering therapy by emphasizing their psychological well-being. D) clients justify leaving therapy by emphasizing their financial well-being.

7. Clients often stay in touch with their psychotherapists only if satisfied with the treatment they received. This helps us understand why therapists A) avoid developing a therapeutic alliance. B) prefer client-centered therapy over other forms of treatment. C) avoid diagnosing clients' disorders during the course of therapy. D) often overestimate the effectiveness of psychotherapy.

8. Hans Eysenck launched a spirited debate regarding the effectiveness of psychotherapy because he found that it appeared to be A) too expensive and time-consuming. B) less beneficial than drug therapy. C) helpful only for those with relatively mild disorders. D) no more beneficial than no treatment at all.

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9. The best outcome studies for evaluating the effectiveness of psychotherapy typically use A) virtual reality. B) token economies. C) randomized clinical trials. D) EMDR.

10. Meta-analysis refers to A) a procedure for statistically combining the results of many different studies. B) the use of a variety of therapeutic techniques in the treatment of a single client. C) counseling and treatment of troubled individuals by friends, family, and other nonprofessionals. D) clinical decision making that integrates the best available research with clinical experience and patient characteristics.

11. After performing a meta-analysis of some 475 psychotherapy outcome studies, researchers reported that A) evidence supports the efficacy of psychotherapy. B) psychotherapy is no more effective than talking to a friend. C) psychotherapy harms just as many people as it helps. D) it is impossible to measure the effectiveness of psychotherapy.

12. Research has shown that clients' level of satisfaction with psychotherapy A) is unrelated to the level of training and experience of their therapists. B) depends on whether they received individual treatment or group therapy. C) depends on whether they were treated with cognitive therapy or behavior therapy. D) depends on whether they were treated by a psychiatrist, psychologist, or social worker.

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13. The overlapping of two or more disorders in a single person is an indication of A) meta-analysis. B) comorbidity. C) randomized clinical trials. D) the placebo effect.

14. Behavioral conditioning therapies have achieved especially favorable results in the treatment of A) bipolar disorders. B) personality disorders. C) phobias. D) depression.

15. Psychodynamic therapy has been found to be helpful in the treatment of A) depression. B) sexual dysfunctions. C) obsessive-compulsive disorder. D) posttraumatic stress disorder.

16. Which form of therapy has been found to be especially effective in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder? A) client-centered therapy B) psychodynamic therapy C) cognitive-behavioral therapy D) humanistic therapy

17. Ron is a 22-year-old mechanic who suffers from claustrophobia. The most effective way to treat Ron's problem would involve ________ therapy. A) cognitive B) psychoanalytic C) client-centered D) behavior

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18. There is little or no scientific support for the therapeutic effectiveness of A) systematic desensitization. B) aversive conditioning. C) rebirthing therapies. D) cognitive-behavioral therapy.

19. Clinical decision making that integrates the best available research with clinical expertise and an understanding of patient characteristics best illustrates A) EMDR. B) meta-analysis. C) comorbidity assessment. D) evidence-based practice.

20. Which of the following is most likely to contribute to inflated perceptions of the effectiveness of alternative therapies such as herbal medicine? A) meta-analysis B) randomized clinical trials C) the placebo effect D) comorbidity assessment

21. Rapidly moving one's eyes while recalling traumatic experiences is most descriptive of A) light exposure therapy. B) meta-analysis. C) rebirthing therapies. D) EMDR.

22. Kammy vividly imagines being abused by her mother while her therapist triggers eye movements by waving a finger in front of Kammy's eyes. The therapist is apparently using a technique known as A) EMDR. B) randomized clinical trials. C) meta-analysis. D) light exposure therapy.

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23. The value of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing is in part due to the effectiveness of A) physical exercise. B) meta-analysis. C) exposure therapy. D) comorbidity assessment.

24. Light exposure therapy was developed to relieve symptoms of A) anxiety. B) eating disorders. C) depression. D) alcohol use disorder.

25. Light exposure therapy sparks activity in a brain region that influences A) the body's arousal. B) self-awareness. C) animal magnetism. D) meta-analysis.

26. A common ingredient underlying the success of diverse psychotherapies is the A) professional training and experience of the therapist. B) escape from real-life pressures offered by psychotherapy. C) length of time the client spends in psychotherapy. D) client's expectation that psychotherapy will make things better.

27. Evidence that placebos can reduce some of the distressing symptoms of psychological disorders best illustrates the therapeutic value of A) meta-analysis. B) individualism. C) empathy. D) hope.

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28. Clients often benefit from psychotherapy because it provides them with an explanation for their symptoms and frees them from false beliefs. This best illustrates the therapeutic value of A) meta-analysis. B) a new perspective. C) randomized clinical trials. D) free association.

29. The therapeutic alliance refers to A) the transference of feelings from earlier relationships to client-therapist interactions. B) a form of therapy conducted with groups rather than individuals. C) a bond of trust and mutual understanding between a therapist and a client. D) a program developed by the American Psychological Association to advance evidence-based practice.

30. By earning a client's trust, empathic and caring therapists promote A) evidence-based practice. B) a therapeutic alliance. C) comorbidity. D) meta-analysis.

31. People are less likely to need psychotherapy if they experience A) randomized clinical trials. B) caring relationships. C) meta-analysis. D) the self-justification motive.

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32. Therapists who encourage clients to think primarily about others' expectations are likely to experience difficulty forming a strong ________ with clients who value individualism. A) meta-analysis B) therapeutic alliance C) psychotherapy outcome study D) randomized clinical trial

33. In one experiment, Asian-American clients were more likely to perceive counselor empathy if their counselor A) encouraged free association. B) was actively religious. C) shared the clients' cultural values. D) practiced systematic desensitization.

34. Psychologists with a Ph.D. or Psy.D. who specialize in the practice of psychotherapy are typically A) social workers. B) clinical psychologists. C) psychoanalysts. D) psychiatrists.

35. Dr. Miller prescribes drugs for the treatment of chronic depression, and she encourages rest and relaxation training for clients suffering from excessive anxiety. It is most likely that Dr. Miller is a A) clinical social worker. B) cognitive therapist. C) psychiatrist. D) client-centered therapist.

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36. Many professionals outside the field of psychology are prepared to offer psychotherapy in the process of completing a graduate program in A) law. B) anthropology. C) social work. D) philosophy.

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Answer Key 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.


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