Hist 1010- Quiz 2 Questions and Answers PDF

Title Hist 1010- Quiz 2 Questions and Answers
Author Lily Kilpatrick
Course Europe To 1600
Institution University of Toledo
Pages 3
File Size 125.2 KB
File Type PDF
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These are the correct questions and answers to the online quiz for Dr. Bruce Way's course. This is the quiz for chapter 2 from the textbook....



1. Under the ruler Darius I, the Persian Empire was divided into administrative districts. These areas would be ruled by Persians or local nobles. What were these administrators called? Governors Khans Satraps Proconsuls Score: 1 of 1 2. How did the Assyrians organize the different parts of their empire? Lands that paid substantial tribute to Assyria were allowed greater self-determination, while those that offered fewer taxes were directly governed by the king. Lands that adopted the Assyrian religion were granted substantial political rights, while those that did not were placed under military control. Lands that adopted Assyrian culture and dress were granted self-rule, while those that refused became militarily ruled dependencies. Lands close to Assyria became provinces governed by Assyrian officials, while those farther removed were made dependent states in which the Assyrians chose their rulers. Score: 1 of 1 3. The Phoenicians' greatest cultural achievement was the invention of settled agriculture. development of a sun-based calendar. creation of an alphabet. adoption of monotheistic religion. Score: 1 of 1 4. The Phoenicians spread their trade and customs by establishing small trading posts from which local peoples could learn and adopt whatever they found desirable. requiring that taxes be paid in Phoenicians coins, thus forcing local people to engage in commercial exchange. building large markets throughout their lands and requiring all trade to occur within the market walls. requiring local communities to send male children to the local temple to be trained in Phoenician religious rituals. Score: 1 of 1 5. Under the leadership of King Piye, the African kingdom of Kush in the eighth century forged a land route across the Sahara Desert, linking trade from the Mediterranean to central Africa. united Egypt into a single empire and established a period of peace while they assimilated to Egyptian culture. established a slave-trade network to bring thousands of central African slaves to Egypt to work on royal building projects. allied with the Philistines and Phoenicians of the Near East to contain Egyptian power

Score: 1 of 1 6. What was the primary military innovation of the Assyrians? Drill practice and training for military troops Applying technology to warfare and building extensive siege machinery The integration of naval and land forces in coordinated attacks Making the mounted horseman central to military forces Score: 1 of 1 7. Which of the following best describes the Hebrew attitude toward sex? Sex was basically evil but was tolerated within marriage. Sex was basically good because it was part of Yahweh's creation. Sex was the highest form of human endeavor. Sex was something never to be spoken of. Score: 1 of 1 8. Zoroaster taught that humans are mere pawns, manipulated by the gods. priests should have power over political leaders. it was the individual's responsibility to choose between good and evil. there is only one god. Score: 1 of 1 9. How did the Hebrews' transition to settled agriculture affect their society? Religious leaders became more important than political ones in directing the affairs of the kingdom. The extended family became more important than the tribe in the individual's social framework. The power of regional authorities diminished as the central state expanded the scope of its activities. The private ownership of land gave way to communal agriculture, which could produce more crops. Score: 1 of 1 10. After Solomon's death, the Hebrew kingdom became a powerful empire. devolved into a tribal-based society. continued to consolidate politically. split into two separate kingdoms. Score: 1 of 1 11. The concept of opposition and struggle that we see in Zoroastrianism between the deities Ahuramazda (good) and Angra Mainyu (evil) is identified by scholars as what? Dualism

Atheism Pluralism Score: 1 of 1 12. The key to the Assyrians' success in conquering and controlling their empire was their brutality. acceptance of other cultures. shrewd diplomacy. sophisticated military organization. Score: 1 of 1...

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