2020 Mousetrap Car 2.0 Design Challenge and Background for Canvas PDF

Title 2020 Mousetrap Car 2.0 Design Challenge and Background for Canvas
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BMS STEM / Pre-Engineering Education White Box Learning Mousetrap Car 2.0 Design Challenge and Background ●Click on this link -- www.whiteboxlearning.com/login ●Click on “Mousetrap Car 2.0” and log in using your student ID and group ID: E06 ●Click on “Research” ●Type the answer to the fill in the blank starting in the middle of the blue line. Do not delete any of the line. Leave your answers in __blue__ and __highlighted__. Your answers will not have to be underlined! Unfortunately, if you do not follow this procedure- your work will not be able to be graded and receive credit. Question 1d. is completed for you as an example. Do not copy and paste!

Engineering Design Process Design Challenge Click the button to the right of Design Challenge Design Challenge 1d. Every design __challenge__ has rules that must be followed. 2d. The rules are the __specifications__ and tolerances that ensure that a design is __compliant__. 3d. Specifications are a written __description__ of the size, __shape__, materials and other details of a design. 4d. Tolerances define the allowable __differences__, minimum and __maximum__, in the size of a part. 5d. Engineers use __standards__ so that systems work together. 6d. Rules, specifications and tolerances ensure that roadways meet with bridges, pipelines do not ____ right of ways, buildings remain standing, and vehicles and other products are ____. Performance Criteria 7d. Your instructor has set your performance criteria to: __Speed__ (race distance = 10 m) Specifications and Tolerances Fill in the blanks. Design Parameter Mass Frame Length Frame Width Total Width including Wheels Axle Diameter Wheel Diameter Rear Axle Hole Position Wheelbase Budget


Minimum 50 g 175 mm __40__ mm 76 mm 3 mm 35 mm 9 mm __165__ mm --

Maximum 100 g 305 mm 50 mm

__145__ mm 9 mm 55 mm 20 mm 295 mm $ 5.95

The Age of Mechanization Click the button to the right of The Age of Mechanization The Industrial Revolution 1. During the Industrial Revolution (1750-1850), society changed from farm-based to a __machine__based industry. 2. The textile industry began moving towards a "__mechanized__" method of manufacturing. 3.* More __factories__ were built and more products were made at a __faster__ rate. 4.* __Steam__ power ran the industrial revolution. 5.* Machine tools such as lathes, saws, shovels, and mills ran on __stream__ 6.* A major invention during the industrial revolution was __interchangeable__ parts. 7.* Before interchangeable parts, when one component of a firearm malfunctioned, it would have to be sent off to an __expert__ for repair 8.* Interchangeable parts positively affected the economy by making it more __cost__ effective to fix complex machines 9. Mass __production__ of interchangeable parts that could be assembled into tools or machines lead to the revolutionary development of __assembly__ lines. Machines as a Driving Force 10. While steam and interchangeable parts were major components of the industrial revolution, the __tools__ used were also unique and vital to this transition. 11.* Fuel for the machines went from wood to __coal__, and this was an example of increased __fossil__ fuel use. 12.* Railways were expanded and more canals were __bui;t__. 13.* Canal systems allowed for more __supplies__ to be moved around. 14. The machine tools increased __manufacturing__ capabilities. 15. It was __simples__ machines that made these new tools work. Click on the button to the right of “Quiz: The Age of Mechanization.” Take the quiz. You can look up the answers in The Age of Mechanization section and on this worksheet. The questions with an * and items in purple will help you answer quiz questions! How did you do on Quiz: The Age of Mechanization? If it’s below a 90, please ask Mr. Fagan to clear it for you.

Simple Machines Click the button to the right of Simple Machines

16. The purpose of these simple machines is to help humans do work by changing the __amunt__ or direction of an input force. 17.* The ratio of output force to input force is called mechanical __advantage__. 18. As the term implies, mechanical advantage is literally a measure of the advantage of using the __tool__. 19. The six simple machines are __lever__, wheel and __axle__, pulley, incline plane, wedge and screw.


Wheel and Axle


20.* A lever consists of a beam that pivots about a fixed hinge, or __fulcrum__.

21. The wheel and axle consists of a wheel attached to a smaller axle so that these two parts rotate __together__.

22. A pulley is a wheel on an axle or shaft that is designed to support movement and change of direction of a taut __cable__ or belt. *Hint: This simple machine can directly utilize the wheel and axle to lift and maneuver heavy loads.

Inclined Plane



23. An inclined plane, also known as a __ramp__, is a flat surface tilted at an angle.

24. A wedge is a ___triangular_ shaped tool, and is derived from the inclined plane.

26. A screw can be used to raise or lower weights, or __hold__ objects together.

25. A wedge can be used to separate _separate___ objects or portions of an object, lift up an object, or hold an object in __place__.

Work and Energy 27. Simple machines help humans do __work__. 28. This sounds obvious, but the term work has a specific and important meaning in __science__. 29. If we can apply a __force__ to move an object by some distance, then we have done work to move the object.

30. If the object does __not__ move, then we have not done any work because we have not transferred any energy to the object. 31. Mathematically, we can define work as follows: Work = Force x __Distance__ 32. Simple machines are constrained by the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or __destroyed__. 33. Energy can only be __converted__ from one form to another. 34. This means that a system always has the same amount of energy, unless it's added from the __outside__. 35.* For simple machines, this means that the work put into the system is __equal__ to the work output by the system. From: Engineer’s Tip 36.* The work we put into a simple machine will always be __equal__ to the work done by the simple machine 37. In the following sections, we'll take a closer look at levers and wheel and axle simple machines. Your mousetrap car will use __both__ of these simple machines in combination to create a propulsion system. Lever 38.* A lever consists of a beam that pivots about a fixed hinge, or __fulcrum__. 39. Typically levers are used to apply a large force over a small distance on one __end__ by applying a smaller force over a greater distance on the other. 40.* Fill in the blanks below the pics:

__Mouse Trap__



41.* There are actually __three__ types (classes) of levers. Wheel and Axle 42. The wheel and axle has been in use for __thousands__ of years. 43.* Door __knobs__, bicycles, automobiles and even wind turbines are all examples of this simple machine. 44. The wheel and axle consists of a round disk (the wheel) with a rod through the center of it (the axle).

45. When the wheel is turned, the axle rotates at the __same__ rate. In other words, both the wheel and axle will complete one full __rotation__ in the same amount of time. 46. But, since the circumference of the wheel is larger than the circumference of the axle, the input and output forces will __not__ travel the same distance. Click on the button to the right of “Quiz: Simple Machines.” Complete the quiz. You can look up the answers in the Simple Machines section and on this packet. The questions with an * and items in purple will help you answer quiz questions! How did you do on Quiz: Simple Machines? If it’s below a 90, please ask Mr. Fagan to clear it for you.

Mechanisms Click the button to the right of Mechanisms Mechanisms 47. Mechanisms are a __collection__ of simple machines that form a __system__ that does work. 48. With all their __components__, working as a system, these mechanisms can achieve a variety of goals using both moving and fixed parts. Power Source 49.* Machines require an input __force__ provided by a power source. 50. From power tools to game systems, __electricity__ acts as a power source for much of our technologies. 51. If you take a __spring__, wind it up, and release the energy you can power anything from a watch to a __mousetrap__. Powertrain 52.* A powertrain is the system of simple machines that takes the input energy and __transfers__ it through the device. 53. This includes a team of components such as the power source, transmission, and a series of __gears__ and shafts. 54. In many cases a transmission is used to __transfer__ such energy by using gears. Linkages 55. These linkages are a system of links connected at joints with rotary or linear bearings that allow movement to transfer through the use of simple machines such as the __lever__ and fulcrum. 56.* Linkages can be in place for a variety of reasons and contain both __fixed__ as well as __pivoting__ points. Structural Components 57. Its structural components secure the parts so everything works __together__.

58.* All parts of a __machine__ must be housed, secured, and connected to allow proper function and to prevent them from breaking or becoming disoriented in order to produce the desired results. Frames 59. Using beams, trusses, and similar structural elements, a frame is designed to contain the vital parts together as __one__ item. 60.* Sometimes a body will be constructed around a frame for higher quality __protection__. Bearings 61.* A bearing allows for rotational and linear movement while reducing __friction__ leading to a more efficient machine. Mounts 62. Mounts secure and contain the __mechanical__ components of a machine to the frame as well as other parts. Splines / Keys 63. Splines and keys are used in such applications as __attaching__ gears to shafts or wheels to axles. Springs 64. In some cases, a __spring__ can be used as a __power__ source for machines. Fasteners 65.* As a machine is assembled, the components are attached using __fasteners__. 66.* These (fasteners) can include __rivets__, nuts and __bolts__, as well as screws. Hint: Structural components such as frames, bearings, and mounts - house, secure, and connect all parts to form one machine or tool. Click on the button to the right of “Quiz: Mechanisms.” Complete the quiz. You can look up the answers in the Mechanisms section and on this worksheet. The questions with an * and items in purple will help you answer quiz questions! How did you do on Quiz: Mechanisms? If it’s below a 90, please ask Mr. Fagan to clear it for you .

Mousetrap Cars Click the button to the right of Mousetrap Car on the monitor. Mousetrap Car 67. Vehicles allowed man to move more and heavier __goods__ across further distances which increased jobs, trade, and the ability to __travel__. 68. A good model of the basic components of a __vehicle__ as well as numerous other technologies is a __mousetrap__ car. Power Source (Spring) 69.* The power source of the mousetrap is a __spring__.

70. When springs are wound and held, they contain __potential__ energy. 71.* Once released, springs convert that potential energy into __kinetic__ energy. 72. Some __toy__ cars are powered by having the user put the toy car on a surface, pull the car back a few inches (this winds the spring), and then release it allowing for it to speed forward. 73. __Tension__ can be thought of as the force that occurs when something is tightened or loosened. 74. As a spring is wound up, its tension becomes __higher__ and tighter. Powertrain (Lever and Linkage) 75.* Acting as a powertrain that __transfers__ energy from the spring motor to tires are the __lever__, string, as well as the wheel and axle. 76. On a mousetrap, a spring is connected to a __lever__. 77. As the spring is released it transfers its __torque__ to the lever. 78. This transfers the energy from the __lever__ to the wheels and axles. Wheels and Axles 79.* As the string is pulled by the lever it __unwinds__ from the axle, transferring energy from the lever arm to the wheels. 80. The __unraveling__ rotates the axle. 81. This enables the vehicle to __roll__ forward. 82. The distance traveled using the wheels and axles depends on numerous things such as spring tension, __length__ of string to unravel, __friction__ having to be overcome, texture of surface the vehicle is driving on, in addition to the __wieght__ of the vehicle as well as the type and material of the wheels being used. Structure 83. While all of these __components__ function together to power and transfer energy throughout the vehicle, none of this would be possible without a __structure__ to mount, house, and secure the pieces. 84.* The wheels and axles can even be mounted to the mousetrap car using __bearings__ which can reduce friction. 85. No matter how well you have __engineered__ your components, they will not function properly without a proper __frame__ to secure them together that allows for all pieces to work as they are __designed__. Click on the button to the right of “Quiz: Mousetrap Car.” Complete the quiz. You can look up the answers in the Mousetrap Car section and on this worksheet. The questions with an * and items in purple will help you answer quiz questions!

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