21440 Isabelle Phillips Mindfulness PDF

Title 21440 Isabelle Phillips Mindfulness
Course Management Skills
Institution University of Technology Sydney
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contains the lecture slides from spring presentation....




Lecture: Mindfulness at Work Management Skills

Isabelle Phillips, PhD UTS Business School Spring 2017




Mindfulness in the Media

• Mindfulness in Popular Culture • Mindfulness - East and West

• Time Magazine Cover article 2004 • New York Times

• Defining and Measuring Mindfulness • Mindfulness Research – Wellness correlations

• Huffington Post • BBC documentaries

– Workplace correlations

• Mindfulness Applications • Criticisms of Mindfulness

• Sydney Morning Herald

UTS Business School Spring 2021


UTS Business School Spring 2021


Mindfulness Apps (Mani at al 2015)

CEO’s ‘coming out’ as mindfulness practitioners:

• • • • •


Bill George – Medtronic’s CEO Steve Jobs – Apple’s ex-CEO Arianna Huffington – Huffington Post’s President and Editor-inchief Bill Ford – Ford Motor Company’s Executive Chairman Gordon Cairns - chairman of David Jones and Origin Energy




From East to West • India Circa 5th Century BC – Discourse on the Establishing of Mindfulness called the Sattipatana Sutta passed on via oral traditions in Pali language

• Kabat-Zinn, University of Massachusetts Medical School, introduced to mindfulness via Buddhism which he promoted in the field of medicine (1980s) – Now distances himself from Buddhism, emphasising that he is a scientist

• Ellen Langer, of Harvard University, introduced mindfulness to psychology – Criticised for omitting to reference Eastern takes on mindfulness



Definitions from Pioneer Researchers

Two part model of mindfulness

(Cardaciotto, 2005)

(Bishop et al. 2004, p. 232)

• Jon Kabat-Zinn - University of Massachusetts Medical School

• Being present to one’s experiences (emotions, feelings, sensations, thoughts)

– “the awareness that arises from paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally” (Kabat-Zinn 1991)

– Self-regulation of attention so that it is maintained on immediate experience in the present moment

• Non-judgmental curiosity and acceptance

• Ellen Langer - Harvard Business School

– Adopting an orientation in the present moment, characterized by curiosity, openness, and acceptance

– “A state of openness to novelty in which the individual actively constructs categories and distinctions”(Langer 1992)



Mindfulness has been connected to the following fields Management Social/Emotional





Khoury et al , 2013 a nd 2015





Why Now?

ti me

Person A Pre-test

Person A Undergoes MBSR 8 weeks

Japan reported the first case of ‘karoshi’ In 1969

Japanese Government has statistics on karoshi since 1987

Person A Post-test

– Death from overwork – Most commonly heart attack and stroke


– Ten thousand deaths a year in Japan

Per B Pre-test

Person B Post-test

Person B Post-test Follow up

China is also now reporting death from overwork called ‘Gualoisi ’

Developed nations experience casualization of the workforce combined with new technologies Allowed us to move to an always-on and always-up culture

– Kills 600,000 Chinese workers a year according to The China daily

‘traditional’ intrapersonal research

– Overtaxes adrenals – Limits downtime to recharge – Contributes to lowered immune functioning, wellness & performance

emergent interpersonal research since 2014



Measuring Mindfulness: Trait or State?

Ai Group 2015 Survey

(Brown & Ryan 2003)

• Cost of Absenteeism to the Australian economy is in excess of $44 billion • Cost of Presenteeism is in the vicinity of $35 billion 1 • Over 40% of organisations say they are counting its cost

Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS)

15-item scale

One of a dozen mindfulness measures published in the peer reviewed literature

Designed to assess a core characteristic of dispositional mindfulness: – open or receptive awareness of and attention to what is taking place in the present

Strong psychometric properties – Validated with correlational, quasi-experimental, and laboratory studies – Tap s a uni qu e q ua lit y of co nscio usn ess t hat is rela ted t o, and predictive of, a variety of self-regulation and wellbeing constructs


Takes 10 minutes or less to complete.

UTS Business School Spring 2021


UTS Business School Spring 2017


Psychological Benefits

Wellness Benefits of Mindfulness

Acceptance Commitment Therapy uses mindfulness to successfully treat:

Rumination Neuroticism Depression Self-conciousness Angry hostility Impulsiveness Self-reported physical symptoms • Doctors visits • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • •

Life satisfaction Self esteem Vitality Self-actualisation Autonomy Relatedness Competence Longevity

Depression – (Zettle & Hayes, 1986; Zettle & Raines, 1989),

Anxiety disorders – (Block, 2002; Block & Wulfert, 2000; Hayes, 1987),

Workplace stress – (Bond & Bruce, 2000),

Chronic pain – (Geiser, 1992),

Schizophrenia – (Bach & Hayes, 2002; Gaudiano, Dalrymple, & Herbert, 2002), Smoking cessation – (Gifford, 2002), and Substance abuse – (Hayes et al., 2002).

• •

UTS Business School Spring 2021

Brown and Ryan (2003), Grossman et al (2003), Khoury et al (2013) Langer (2000) Ryan and Deci (2000) Langer (2000) Jacobs (2011)





Workplace Related Benefits • • • • •

• •

Mindful Mindfulness ness mec mechanism hanism

Cognition – makes you smarter (Zeidan 2010) Time affluence –seem to have more time each day Decision making – higher quality (Mirams 2013) Relationship quality – improved via empathy, (Wachs 2007) Reduced burnout – effective recharging (Lewallen 2015; Marzuq, Drach-Zahavy 2012; Naraynan & Moynihan 2006; Hulsheger 2012) Risk management (Weick 1999) Leader mindfulness increased linked to employee wellbeing and performance (Reb 2014; Naraynan & Moynihan 2006) Performance – enhanced in complex and fluid environments (Dane 2011)

• Mindfulness meditation experience is associated with increased cortical thickness (Lazar et al 2009) • Mindfulness meditation offsets age-related cortical thinning (Lazar et al 2005) • Mindfulness based stress reduction correlates with structural changes in the amygdala – specifically decreases in right basolateral amygdala gray matter density – (Holzel 2009) UTS Business School Spring 2021



Mindfulness & the Autonomic Nervous System

The Brain & Mindfulness


(Barrios-Choplin, McCraty & Cryer 1997)


Mindfulness as Perceiving in EI

Application: How are you? • Deliberate attention to ongoing experience • Comes with curiosity, openness & equal acceptance of the range of experience arising from mental awareness • Requires engagement of our executive function (PFC) a toward state –facilitating innovative thinking





Identifying in self

Achieve outcomes

Complex emotions

Managing in self

Identifying in others

Solve problems

Changing emotions

Managing in other

Capitalise on opportunities

Kabat Zinn (1991), Langer (1989). Brown, K. W., Ryan, R.UTS M.,Business & Creswell, J. D.Spring (2007) Black (2010) M. A. Killingsworth and D. T. Gilbert (2010), School 2017 Fredrickson (2001) Brown and Ryan (2004) Zeidan (2010)


Mayer, J. D., Salovey, P., Caruso, D. R., & Sitarenios, G. (2001), Goleman, D. (2006)..




Requires an Emotional Vocabulary

Decoupling Mindfulness & Meditation In the 1960’s meditation began to be examined and applied in psychology independent of its historical Buddhist roots Meditation was found to produce a state of consciousness that could objectively be measured through electroencephalogram (EEG)

• •



• Yoga & TI • Unaware of distractions (lack of alpha blocking), (Kasamatsu & Hirai, 1966)

UTS Business School Spring 2021

Robert Pluchik’s representation of Basic emotions similarity, and intensity


• Zen, Insight • Each intrusion experienced as if it was being experienced it for the first time (very brief periods of alpha blocking demonstrating lack of habituation to distractions) (Kasamatsu & Hirai, 1966)


Critique: “Mc Mindfulness” •

Critique: Minding your own business? • A study with 366 subjects found a brief mindfulness practice, compared to a control, decreased prosocial behavior among those with independent self-construals. The brief mindfulness practice had the opposite effect among those with relatively interdependent self-construals. • Another study with 325 subjects found a mindfulness practice led to decreased prosocial behavior among those primed with independence, but had the opposite effect among those primed with interdependence.

The mindfulness conspiracy, Ronald Purser (2019), The Guardian

“Although derived from Buddhism, it’s been stripped of the teachings on ethics that accompanied it…. What remains is a tool of self-discipline, disguised as self-help. Instead of setting practitioners free, it helps them adjust to the very conditions that caused their problems…

• ‘self-construal is both a trait and a state’

The neoliberal order has imposed itself by stealth in the past few decades, widening inequality in pursuit of corporate wealth. People are expected to adapt to what this model demands of them.

Stress has been pathologized and privatised, and the burden of managing it outsourced to individuals. Hence the pedlars of mindfulness step in to save the day.” https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/jun/14/the-mindfulness -conspiracycapitalist-spirituality


Poulin, M ., M i nistero, L., Gabriel, S., M orrison, C., Na idu, E., & Poulin, M. J. (2021). M inding your own business? Mindfulness decreases prosocial behavior for those with independent self-construals. PsyArXiv. April, 9.

UTS Business School Spring 2021


Critique: The Buddha Pill • Farias and Wikholm discuss anecdotal evidence of psychotic episodes and subsequent long term ill effects from intense mindfulness meditation in retreat settings. •

Thank You

Farais, M., & Wikholm, C. (2015). The Buddha Pill

UTS Business School Spring 2021


UTS Business School Spring 2021



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