2nd Year GNM Question paper PDF

Title 2nd Year GNM Question paper
Author Anonymous User
Course GNM Nursing
Institution Ranchi University
Pages 1
File Size 76.2 KB
File Type PDF
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about GNM nursing academic course, this is the question paper for the year of first year...


Time- 3hrs Batch- GNM 1st Year

Ideal School of Nursing Daladali, Ranchi

Full Marks- 75 March 2021

Subject- Nursing Foundation Instructions:•

Answer all the questions. • Answer as per the instruction of the question. 1. a. Define inflammation. b. Explain defence against injury. c. Write in detail about the nutritional consideration. 2. a. Define health assessment. b. What are the techniques used in physical examination. c. Explain in detail about physical examination. 3. a. Define Nursing process. b. Write down the purpose of nursing process. c. Write in detail about the steps in nursing process. 4.




Write true or false for the following statements1x10=10 a. The normal body temperature is 98.6°C. b. An abnormally rapid breathing rate is called as bradypnoea. c. Various positions are helpful for the physical examination. d. An absence of oxygen in the tissues is known as hypoxia. e. Sufficient ratio of nutrients in the body is termed as malnutrition. f. Nausea and vomiting are the common symptoms for all the disease conditions. g. Antibodies are produced by the liver in the human body. h. The skin protects the body from the invasion of microorganisms. i. Wound healing is the process of replacement of damaged tissues by the newly produced tissues. j. Percussion is a technique of hearing sounds through stethoscope.

5. Write short notes on the following instruments (any five) – a. Stethoscope b. Tongue depressor c. Sphygmomanometer d. Ophthalmoscope e. Thermometer f. Otoscope


6. Define the following (any five) – a. Cyanosis b. Anorexia c. Bradypnoea d. Abscess e. Gait f. Nausea g. Tachycardia


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