3 /28/17 human development PDF

Title 3 /28/17 human development
Author Emma Rogers
Course Human Development
Institution Rhode Island College
Pages 2
File Size 39.6 KB
File Type PDF
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Professor ladd human development ...


Kohlberg- moral development ●

Preconventional level ○ 1. obedience - punishment orientation ■ Following rules to not get punished ○ 2. naively - egoistic orientation ■ Following rules to get things back ● Conventional level until at least 9 ○ 3. Good-boy-nice-girl orientation ■ Friends become most important ( care what they think) ■ (most common for adolescence) ○ 4. Authority social order maintenance orientation (most common for adults) ■ People only follow rules to maintain order ■ This is because of religion ● Post-conventional level at least 16 ○ 5. Contractual-legalistic orientation ■ See laws as based on the people’s agreement ○ 6. Conscience- principle orientation ■ Doing what you believe to be right, ■ justifying your answer Freud moral development ● Freud: superego (conscience) age 7 ● Erikson : superego - age 7 ● Piaget : Moral relativism (subjective morality) - age 7 ● Kohlberg : Post conventional level - Conscience minimum age 16 (90% never reach this) Learning theorists ● ● ● ●

SKINNER Operant (instrumental) Conditioning Reinforcement Shaping (successive approximate ) ○ Requires to come to closer response ● Bandura ○ Observational (social) Learning; Modeling ■ Imitation Prenatal development ● Pregnancy : 40 weeks : 3 trimesters : 3 months each ● Prenatal development ○ 3 stages of development based on type of development that is occurring ● GERMINAL- 1st 2 weeks- rapid cell multiplication ● EMBRYONIC- 2 to 8 weeks after conception - rapid cell differentiation ● FETAL- 8 weeks until birth- rapid growth ● CONCEPTION. FERTILIZATION

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Ovum + Sperm = zygote Haploid ----> diploid Takes place in fallopian tubes. Travels to uterus for implantation Sex cells = gametes= ovum, sperm - each have 22 autosomes and 1 sex chromosome ( x or Y) ● y= punk chromosome ● Androsperm (y carrying) gynosperm (x carrying) Sex linked traits ● Hemophilia ● Color blindness ● Recessive traits ● Carried on x chromosome...

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