3141 Contagion Movie Questions PDF

Title 3141 Contagion Movie Questions
Author Anonymous User
Course Principles of Microbiology
Institution Bossier Parish Community College
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Contagion Movie Clinical Assignment Case Study Questions

Instructions: Answer each question thoroughly in complete sentences. Use citations and document your references in correct APA. ____________________________________________________________________________

1. As nurses, how do bacteria and viruses spread throughout health care facilities? Bacteria and viruses spread throughout health care facilities by modes of transmission. Common types of transmission are direct, droplet, airborne, and vehicle. Direct occurs through skin-to-skin contact. Droplet refers to spray with relatively large, short-range aerosols produced by sneezing, coughing, or even talking. Airborne occurs when infectious agents are carried by dust or droplet nuclei suspended in air. Vehicles that may indirectly transmit an infectious agent include food, water, biologic products (blood), and fomites (inanimate objects such as handkerchiefs, bedding, or surgical scalpels). 2. What steps do you take if you develop symptoms suggesting you have been exposed? (1 reference) Some steps to take if you develop symptoms suggesting exposure to a virus are stay home and stay away from others. Monitor your current symptoms, such as, fever and cough (CDC, 2020). Call ahead before visiting your doctor and wear cloth covering over nose and mouth. Cover cough and sneezes, clean high-touch surfaces daily, and handwashing (CDC, 2020). 3. Define the modes of transmission and identify pathways of transmission as presented in the movie. How can the mode of transmission be broken/stopped? How did the pathogen survive? In the movie, the modes of transmission used were airborne and fomite. Airborne transmission can be broken by covering sneezes and coughs, along with wearing face masks and social distancing. Fomite transmission and be broken by hand washing and avoiding touching the face. The pathogen survived by infected people touching and cross contaminating objects that other people touch. 4. List all the agencies that played a part in the epidemic. For example, the Centers for Disease Control was one in the movie. CDC is always preparing for, and working to prevent, the next pandemic. At the center of the nation's public health system, CDC exists to protect communities

and save lives by controlling disease outbreaks like the 2009 H1N1 pandemic and the 2014 Ebola outbreak in U.S. Who were others and what is their main function? The World Health Organization (WHO) took part in the epidemic. Their role is to promote health, safety, and serve the vulnerable worldwide. In the movie, a doctor that worked for WHO traveled to Hong Kong to investigate the origin of the pathogen.

5. List the order of virus infection in the movie. In other words, where did the virus originate, how did Gwyneth Paltrow become infected? It was transferred from what and what? The virus was originated in Hong Kong. It all began with a bat eating a banana off a tree, and then was dropped in a hurdle of pigs. A pig had consumed this banana. Later on, a chef had come into contact with this pig and did not wash his hands shortly after when shaking hands with the American woman, Beth (Gwyneth Paltrow). Beth came back to the US and began the transmission of this virus to thousands of people in the country. 6. How does what happened in the movie relate to our current situation with COVID-19? The virus in the movie is very similar to the COVID-19 virus. Thus, both originated from China and both were acquired from an animal. This virus was contacted by one person and then spread vastly. In the movie, nationwide shut down was ordered to help contain and stop the spread. People are being educated to wash hands, social distance, and wear face masks if needed to go in public. We are now in the same situation. Also, medical staff tried to find a vaccine, whereas the US is trying to now as well. 7. As a nurse, how will you apply lessons you learned from this movie to taking care of your patients in the healthcare setting and taking care of yourself? (2 references) Handwashing is the single most important procedure for preventing the spread of infection. According to Popescu and Diamond (2000), the decision of when to perform handwashing is based on the intensity of contact with patients, the degree of contamination that is likely to occur with that contact, the susceptibility of patients to infection, and the procedure to be performed. Another lesson I learned was to wear the correct PPE. PPE will only protect you and others from harm if you are able to put it on, use it, remove it and dispose of it in the correct manner; Getting it wrong at any of these stages can lead to germs being passed on (Raut, 2017). Using these techniques can be beneficial to not only patients, but also to myself as well, and I plan to continue to use them.

References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. What to Do If You Are Sick. (2020, April 09). Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/if-you-are-sick/steps-whensick.html. Popescu, S., & Diamond, F. (2000, July 01). Handwashing: Breaking the Chain of Infection. Retrieved April 14, 2020, from https://www.infectioncontroltoday.com/handhygiene/handwashing-breaking-chain-infection. Raut, G. (2017, December 08). Personal protective equipment: First Steps. Retrieved April 14, 2020, from https://rcni.com/hosted-content/rcn/first-steps/personal-protectiveequipment....

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