3.1.6 Practice Comparing Executive Organizations PDF

Title 3.1.6 Practice Comparing Executive Organizations
Author Erin Yamane
Course History of World Civilization: The Ancient Period
Institution California State Polytechnic University Pomona
Pages 5
File Size 178.2 KB
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3.1.6 Practice: Comparing Executive

Practice Assignment


U.S. Government and Politics (S4504825)

Points possible: 20

Erin Yamane

Date: ____________

For this assignment, you will compare the structures and responsibilities of two organizations that are part of the federal bureaucracy. To do this, you will complete the following steps: 1. Research: Explore the websites for your two chosen organizations and take notes on the purpose and functions of each one. 2. Analyze: Answer a series of questions about the similarities and differences between the organizations and their roles in the federal bureaucracy. To get the best grade possible, follow the instructions in the assignment closely and answer all the questions completely. This assignment is worth 20 points.

Use the websites for your chosen pair of organizations to conduct research and respond to the numbered prompts on this page. Your research will be critical in completing the analysis portion of this assignment. This section is worth 4 points.

Research Sources: Pair 1 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) https://www.fbi.gov/about-us National Security Agency (NSA) https://www.nsa.gov/about/index.shtml

Pair 2 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) http://www.fda.gov/AboutFDA/default.htm Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) http://www.cpsc.gov/en/About-CPSC/ Pair 3 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) http://www.epa.gov/aboutepa National Park Service (NPS) http://www.nps.gov/aboutus/index.htm Pair 4 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) https://www.fdic.gov/about/ Federal Trade Commission (FTC) https://www.ftc.gov 1. Which pair of organizations have you selected?

The NSA, and the FBI.

2. Describe the primary goal of each organization. (1 point) Organization 1:

Organization 2:

The mission statement of the NSA is the

The mission statement of the FBI is the

following “The National Security

following “To protect the American people and

Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS)

up hold the Constitution of the United States.”

leads the U.S. Government in cryptology that encompasses both Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) and Information Assurance (IA) products and services, and enables Computer Network Operations (CNO) in order to gain a decision advantage for the Nation and our allies under all circumstances.”

3. Describe the reasons and circumstances surrounding the founding of each organization. Include any notes about how the agency has evolved over time. (1 point) Organization 1:

Organization 2:

The NSA was established in 1952 by President

In 1908 the Attorney General issued a memo

Harry Truman. This was because of after

out which consisted of describing a “regular

efforts of code breaking during the Japanese

force of special agents” which were intended to

and German WWI (which lead to the success

be able to investigate certain cases within the

of the war.) Truman wanted to further continue

Department of Justice due to the United States

the efforts of codebreaking post-war

having an ongoing problem with crime rates rising and rising,this memo is considered formally the birth of the FBI.

4. Describe the structure and organization of each of each entity. Make sure to identify where the organization fits within the federal bureaucracy. (1 point) Organization 1:

Organization 2:

The FBIis headed by a director who is

The NSA’s current director is Michael S Rogers and the deputy director is Richard H Ledgett, Jr. They then have a Deputy Chief, Executive Directorand a Chief of Staff.

appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. The current Director is James B. Comey T

5. Describe the responsibilities and areas of oversight of each organization. (1 point) Organization 1:

Organization 2:

The FBI carries a subdivision for nearly every

The NSA leads the Government in cryptology.

sort of major crime they watch out for, while it

They are able to enable computer network

doesn’t list the major responsibilities on the

operations to obtain a decison advantage for

website they each care for and protect for say

the nation and our allies under any

for terrorism, white collar crimes, etc


Use the notes you gathered while doing research to answer these questions. Bring in specific details from section 1 to support your responses. This section is worth 16 points. 1. Compare the two organizations you selected in terms of the public services they provide. How are they alike, and how are they different? (4 points)

The FBI investigates major crimes that happen, they provide investigations on terrorism, cyber crimes, weapons of mass destruction as well as other crimes such as white collar crimes. The NSA tries to pre-understand a threat before it happens, rather than being the investigating force after- they heavily watch and screen for potential threats within the united states. These two organizations are alike in terms of the fact they both try to offer protection and clear crime within our Nation in order to protect the citizens within the United States.

2. Compare the impacts these two organizations have had on the federal bureaucracy. How has each helped shape the activities and identity of the executive branch? Which do you think has had a greater impact on the bureaucracy? Provide evidence to support your opinion. (4 points)

I believe both the NSA and FBI have created major attention towards the Federal Bureaucracy and just how extensive and important it is to the United States. While most politically uninformed people wouldn’t necessarily know the other 498 departments, there’s a good chance that they’ve heard of these two. I believe the FBI and NSA help provide the government with nationwide insight to crimes and potential crimes happening within our country, becoming the most useful departments in protecting us as a nation from not only domestic but as well as foreign crimes.

3. Many people think the federal bureaucracy is too large. Do you agree? Support your answer with evidence from your research. Hint: Consider whether both of the agencies you researched are necessary. Could or should they be merged somehow, or are they distinct enough to remain separate? (4 points)

Yes, I think that some agencies do almost the exact same things and can be merged together. For example, with the NSA and the FBI they both handle cases and monitor and collect information that is necessary for the US however, the FBI is much more broad so they have many smaller branches that take care of certain cases. And I think some of those branches are closely tied with what the NSA does and would be easy to merge them together.

4. In what ways do the activities of these organizations reflect the constitutional principles on which our government was created? Discuss both organizations in developing your response. Recall the six principles discussed in this course: popular sovereignty, republicanism, rule of law, limited government, federalism, and the separation of powers. (4 points)

The FBI reflects the separation of powers and rule of law principle because they separate certain cases todifferent branch, and each branch has their own task that they take care of. They also demonstrate the rule of law through enforcing the laws that people are committing and trying to investigate and find out who they are to stop them. The NSA reflects the rule of law and limited government principle because they are monitored and are governed by the US constitution, federal law, executive order, and regulations of the Executive Branch. So they are limited by what they can and can’t do since they are regulated by the Executive Branch. Theyreflect the rule of law because they are supposed to obey the laws to the fullest of their abilities even if they are of higher rank, they themselves are not higher than the law or the constitution and have to uphold the constitution....

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