31865 01 Chcece 005 Written Assessment PDF

Title 31865 01 Chcece 005 Written Assessment
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CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care

CHCECE005 Provide care for babies and toddlers

Student Name: XXXXXX Student Number: XXXXXX Assessment Number: 31865/01

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File naming Once you feel confident that you have covered the learning materials for this unit, you are ready to attempt this assessment. To help Open Colleges manage your assessment, please use the following file-naming convention: [student number]_[assessment]_[assessment number].doc

Assessment submission When you are ready to submit your assessments, upload the files in OpenSpace using the Assessment Upload links in the relevant Module of your course. If you need further assistance, the Student Lounge provides a ‘Quick Guide to Uploading Assessments’. Uploading assessments in OpenSpace will enable Open Colleges to provide you with the fastest feedback and grading for your assessment. Please ensure any supporting documents uploaded with your assessment have your student name and number provided. Ensure that you upload each assessment task separately. Each assessment can be identified by the unique Open Colleges Code. It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic assessments submitted to Open Colleges.

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Getting started The assessment activities in this booklet have been designed to allow you to provide evidence that demonstrates your competence in the unit CHCECE005 Provide care for babies and toddlers. Your trainer will: 

answer any questions that you might have about the assessment

assess your competence as required by the unit of competency, by making judgments about the evidence you have presented in line with the rules of evidence: validity, authenticity, currency and sufficiency

provide feedback on the outcomes of the assessment process

Introduction You are required to complete two separate written assessment tasks; each has two components for CHCECE005 Provide care for babies and toddlers. In completing the final assessments, you will show evidence of your ability to: 

promote safe sleep

provide positive nappy-changing and toileting experiences

promote quality mealtimes environments

create a healthy and safe supporting environment

develop relationships with babies and toddlers

develop relationships with families.

Assessment number

Assessment deliverables


Written assessment



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31865/01 Written assessment Part A – Short answer questions Student instructions 

Answer each of the following questions.

To answer questions accurately, you may refer to applicable legislation including the National Quality Standard and Education and Care Services National Regulations, along with the Belonging, Being and Becoming – The Early Years Learning Framework, Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics, policies and procedures common to early childhood education and care services, position descriptions detailing an educator’s duty of care responsibilities, and/or other sources such as professional readings along with the course textbook and identified key resources.

When referring to early childhood education and care service policies and procedures or position descriptions, please submit with your assessment to support your answer.

Short answer questions


What does the acronym SUDI stand for?

(Enter Response Here)

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What does SUDI mean? Provide a brief description of the term, explaining how this type of death may occur.

(Enter Response Here)

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What safe sleep practices can early childhood educators adopt to reduce the risk of SUDI? Identify four practices.

(Enter Response Here)

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After each statement below, write what you think the baby might be feeling, wanting, and needing. a.

A baby is pulling on his ear repeatedly.


A baby turns her head away while being fed at lunchtime.


A baby is rubbing his eyes and patting his face.


A baby sitting on the floor reaches both arms up to the educator.


A baby is playing with a rattle when he suddenly starts crying.


A baby crawls over to another child who is having a bottle, tries to take the bottle off the other child, and then starts crying.


A baby starts putting her hand in her mouth and chewing on it and softly crying.


A baby points to something and makes a grunting sound.


A baby crawls over and starts hitting you on the leg with a block.


A baby is trying to get on a small trike, but is having difficulty getting her leg over. She begins to cry and looks at the educator.


A baby crawls to the couch where the educator is sitting, gives a soft grizzle, and puts his head down on the cushion. Enter responses in table below

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Open Colleges


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h) i) j) k)

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List the steps you would take to change a child’s nappy. Make sure the steps identified outline the best way to stop disease spreading when changing nappies.

(Enter Response Here)

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Describe the practices you could implement in an early childhood education and care service to ensure that each child has clean bedding for rest and sleep times.

(Enter Response Here)

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Briefly outline why it is important for babies to be fed one at a time.

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Give three examples of practices you can implement to help create a positive meal-time environment for young children.

(Enter Response Here)

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Outline three ways you can encourage and support the mothers at your service to continue breastfeeding.

(Enter Response Here)

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10. List the steps that must be completed to safely prepare a bottle of formula. In your answer clearly state whether the leftover formula should be reheated after usage. (Enter Response Here)

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11. In your own words, explain how expressed breast milk should be stored, heated and temperature tested. (Enter Response Here)

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12. Outline some basic steps that you could implement in an early childhood setting to support a child when they are learning to use a toilet. In your list of steps for toilet training make sure you include: a.

two ways to manage setbacks and accidents


two ways you could work with the family to support their child through this process.

a. (Enter Response Here) b. (Enter Response Here)

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13. Identify the appropriate age groups for each type of food. Food type

Appropriate age group

Full cream milk Pureed food Finger food Mashed food (lumpy) Breast milk Solid food

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14. Explain why it is important that babies and infants sleep as they need, rather than setting a specific ‘sleep time’. (Enter Response Here)

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15. Briefly describe two ways you could support a young child's attachment needs. (Enter Response Here)

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Part B - Case studies Student instructions 

Consider each of the below situations then answer the questions or complete the tasks that follow.

To answer questions accurately, you may refer to your learning materials for this Unit of Competency, applicable legislation including the National Quality Standard and Education and Care Services National Regulations, along with the Belonging, Being and Becoming – The Early Years Learning Framework, Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics, policies and procedures common to early childhood education and care services, position descriptions detailing an educator’s duty of care responsibilities, and/or other sources such as professional readings along with the course textbook and identified key resources.

Ensure you acknowledge and cite your sources accordingly. This is important whether you use your own words or quote the author’s words. For more information on referencing and plagiarism, refer to the ‘Academic reference guide’ in the Student Handbook.

When referring to early childhood education and care service policies and procedures or position descriptions, please submit with your assessment to support your answer.

Case studies

Case study 1 You have observed a new staff member make comments like, ‘Wow, that stinks!’ and ‘Pooooh, what does your mother feed you?’ when they have been helping children to use the toilet. When you have explained to them that those types of statements are inappropriate, the staff member has declared ‘Who cares? They are too young to understand anyway. It doesn’t matter.’ Complete the following: 1. Describe why this could be considered an inappropriate way of interacting with a child. (Enter Response Here)

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2. Which part of the ECA Code of Ethics does this behaviour breach? (Enter Response Here)

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3. What quality area, standard and element of the National Quality Standard would you share with this staff member to help them understand that their interactions are unacceptable? (Enter Response Here)

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Case Study 2 Sam is an eight-month-old baby who is due to start at the centre in two weeks’ time. During the orientation process, Sam’s mother has described Sam’s bedtime routine to you and asked that it be implemented at the service. According to Sam’s mother, he will only go to sleep sucking on his bottle and cuddling his favourite teddy bear. He also requires his environment to be totally dark and silent, as the slightest noise will wake him. She has also requested that if he does wake, that he is rocked back to sleep by a staff member.

Complete the following: 1. What unsafe sleep practices is Sam’s mother using? (Enter Response Here)

2. Identify three sleep practices in the scenario that would contravene a service’s safe sleep policy or be impossible to implement in an early childhood setting. (Enter Response Here)

3. How would you explain to Sam’s mother that you are unable to follow her instructions for settling Sam to sleep? Outline what you would say and do. In your answer identify what documents, references or resources you could you use to support your position (name at least three). (Enter Response Here)

4. What alternative arrangements could you suggest? (Enter Response Here)

5. What are the dangers to Sam if the practice of bottle feeding in bed continues? (Enter Response Here)

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