8 Outline- Anorexia en Boulimia Nervosa PDF

Title 8 Outline- Anorexia en Boulimia Nervosa
Author soeshma khedoe
Course Algemene Psychologie
Institution Anton de Kom Universiteit van Suriname
Pages 3
File Size 114.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 36
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Download 8 Outline- Anorexia en Boulimia Nervosa PDF


‘Anorexia en Boulimia Nervosa’ by Glenn Leckie, PhD

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Anorexia en Boulimia Nervosa DSM-V en ICD-10  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders  International classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems  Offers a common language and standard criteria for the classification of mental disorders Comparison DSM-V:  Produced by American Psychiatric Association (APA)  Single national professional association  Beperkt tot psychische aandoeningen  Approved by assembly of APA  APA earns a lot of money with DSM and other products ICD-10:  Produced by World Health Organization (WHO)  With constitutional health mission  Uitgebreid, inclusief alle andere ziektebeelden  Approved by World Health Assembly, including health ministers of all member countries  Distributed wildly, at very low cost Eating Disorder  Abnormal eating habits  Include thoughts of weight control  Response of stress  Can be life threatening Differences Males  Mostly linked to sports  Less likely to seek help (women’s disease)  More likely to exercise than purge Females  Easily influenced  Loss of control over life, turn to weight control  Child abuse is a possible cause  Manage stress by restricting diet ANOREXIA NERVOSA (DSM: 307.1, ICD: F50.01/F50.02) Diagnostic Criteria A. Gewichtsverlies t.g.v beperkte voedselinname, proportioneel aan de leeftijd en lengte B. Intense angst voor gewichtstoename/dik worden C. Stoornis in lichaamsbeleving/body distortion Subtype:  Restrictive (F50.01)  Binging/purging (F50.02) Prevalentie  Heel laag  0.4% in female populations 1

‘Anorexia en Boulimia Nervosa’ by Glenn Leckie, PhD  10:1 female-male proportions  Komt meer voor bij adolescente meisjes en jonge vrouwen  In Nederland is de prevalentie 0.6%  5600 gevallen in 2009  Incidentie: 0.1%  1300 nieuwe gevallen per jaar

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Risicofactoren  Mensen met anxiety disorders (angststoornissen) or obsessional traits in childhood  Environmental factors  Familial exposure  First degree relatives Comorbiditeit  Depressie  Angststoornissen  Fobieën  Persoonlijkheidsstoornissen (bipolar disorder) Statistics Males  10 – 15 % are afflicted  Less likely to seek help Females  81% of ten year-olds are afraid to gain weight  Body image of 69% of 5th – 12th graders (3rd – 4th MULO) are influenced by magazines  20% at risk of death BOULIMIA NERVOSA (DSM: 307.51, ICD: F50.2) Diagnostic Criteria A. Herhaaldelijke eetbui episodes B. Herhaaldelijk compensatoir gedrag ter voorkoming van gewichtstoename C. Eetbuien en compensatoir gedrag komen minimaal eens per week gedurende drie maanden voor D. Zelfoordeel beïnvloedt door lichaamsvorm en gewicht E. Continu overtuigd zijn van hun dikte Prevalentie  Komt vaker voor dan Anorexia  1 – 1.5% in female populations  10:1 female-male ratio  Prevalentie: 2.2%  22,000 gevallen in 2010  Incidentie: 0.2%  2,200 nieuwe gevallen per jaar Risicofactoren  Temperamental factors  Weight concerns  Low self esteem  Depression 2

‘Anorexia en Boulimia Nervosa’ by Glenn Leckie, PhD  Social anxiety  Environmental factors  Internalization of thin body ideal  Childhood abuse  Genetic and physiological factors  Childhood obesity  Early pubertal maturation

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Comorbiditeit  Persoonlijkheidsstoornissen (borderlinesymptomen)  Depressie Statistics Males  10 – 15% of boys are afflicted  Less likely to seek help Females  50% of anorexic patients become bulimic  18 times more likely to develop when faced with constant diet changes References  American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders: DSM-5. Virginia: American Psychiatric Association Publishing.  Vandereycken, W. (2002). Handboek Eetstoornissen. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom Uitgeverij.


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