A Class Divided - thanks for the answers. cause this is a bs worksheet that . PDF

Title A Class Divided - thanks for the answers. cause this is a bs worksheet that .
Author Daniel Samia
Course Hearing Science
Institution University of Northern Iowa
Pages 6
File Size 151.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 78
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i dont even know what the fuck this is but i submitted it becaue i need answers for my class so idek if this is gonna work but if it does LETS GO...


“A Class Divided” Due: _________________ Name: __________________________ Prejudice on display in the classroom (A word of advice – do not wait until a day before this is due to begin.) Needed: Textbook or a PDF version of David Myers Psychology Topic: One day in 1968, Jane Elliott, a teacher in a small, all-white Iowa town, divided her third-grade class into blue-eyed and brown-eyed groups and gave them a daring lesson in discrimination. This is the story of that lesson, its lasting impact on the children, and its enduring power thirty years later. Procedure: 1. Read pages in your textbook to understand the roots of prejudice and discrimination. 2. Identify each of the concepts listed below while completing the reading. Do not be satisfied with definitions only. Include additional information such as examples from your reading. These key ideas for each topic, will demonstrate your understanding of the concept. 3. Complete the questions after the chart.


a set of generalizations about a group of people or a social category. It may correct or incorrect. Mostly, these statements are exaggerated.

Discuss 3 specific, different examples in which Mrs. Elliott established stereotypes among the children. Clearly demonstrate how they are stereotypes, according to the text.  The kids thought that they were better then the brown eye people

The kids thought that the wee smarter than the brown eye people

The blue eye kids thought that they were funnier

Discuss 2 specific, different examples in which the students reinforced or acted upon stereotypes established by Mrs. Elliott. Clearly demonstrate how they are stereotypes, according to the text.  They made fun of the brown eye kids and called them brown eyes

They would purposely taunt the brown eye kids by laughing at them


is the act of making unjustified distinctions between human beings based on the groups, classes, or other categories to which they are perceived to belong

Discuss 2 specific examples of discrimination from the video, clearly demonstrating how they were examples of discrimination. 

They were trying to say that brown eyes were mentally slower then blue eyes kid

They were also laughing when they didn’t get enough time for recess

Self-fulfilling prophecy:

When you behave on how others treat

Discuss how the “card pack” activity demonstrated the self-fulfilling prophecy.

(Discuss does not mean tell me in one sentence. Explain what happened over the course of two days, and relate it to the concept of self-fulfilling prophecy.)

The productivity went up 50 percent by the kids that were wearing the collars on the card pack

In-group bias:

social group to which a person psychologically identifies as being a member. Discuss 2 specific instances in which Mrs. Elliott promoted in-group bias, clearly tying it to the concept as described in the book.

When the brown eye people had a collar on they felt like they were less than the blue eye kids because they didn’t get the same privileges

The blue eye kids acted like they were superior to the brown eye kids just because they were getting benefits

Discuss 2 specific instances in which the students demonstrated in-group bias, clearly tying it to the concept as described in the book.  When the blue eye kids were saying that the brown eye kids are stupid and the blue eye kids all followed along with them

The brown eye kids all got along at recess and connected more because they were all sharing the same struggles


tendency to have negative views about people that are not part of one's own group. Discuss 2 specific examples from the video that demonstrates the psychological impact on the students from being in the out-group, clearly tying it to the concept as described in the book.  The blue eye kids started to believe that they were all mighty and no one was as good as them

The brown eye kids started to believe that they were not as good as the blue eye kids because of the standards out onto them

Vivid cases (specifically described): Estimating the likelihood of events based on their availability in memory.

Provide 3 specific examples from the video when a person used a vivid case to support a stereotype or in-group bias, or an action that Mrs. Elliott used to create a vivid case.  When the blue eyes thought that the brown eyes were not as smart as them

The brown eye kids thought that they were not good enough because they weren’t getting enough recess time and weren’t getting seconds at lunch and had to sit in the back of the class

The blue eye kids thought they were better off of the sheer fact that they were being treated like kings, and the brown eyes were being treated like peasants

Questions for reflection: 1. Using specific examples from the video, would you say that prejudice is a result of discrimination, or that discrimination is a result of prejudice? Explain._____I would say that discrimination is a result of prejudice. I believe this because when you are taught a certain way and people always telling you one thing you will follow that thing that is being fed to your mind. From the video we saw the blue eye kids treat the brown eye kids

poorly just because the teacher had fed them the information that they were better than brown eyes. ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2. The video seems to suggest that prejudice is a learned response to societal expectations. Contrast this idea with the information in the article included in this packet. Compare and contrast the arguments, and which one has an argument for greater validity. __________I believe that prejudice is a learned experience because you will go through with something that you are being taught 24/7 it gets temporarily cemented you’re your mind. Fortunately you can change but it is embedded in your mine_______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. How do the events of “A Class Divided” support the over-arching theme of social psychology, which is essentially “behavior is a result of the individual and the social environment”? Explain with details and examples from the video and tie them to our class discussion/presentations/textbook. (____The “Class divided” supports the theme of social psychology because depending on what you’re surrounded by and your beliefs will be displayed when you act in public in groups and in private______________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

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