A1 - Character and Narrative Design PDF

Title A1 - Character and Narrative Design
Course Game Design And Narrative
Institution Monash University
Pages 3
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Assignment 1 brief along with marking criteria...


FIT2073 - Game Design Studio 1

ASSIGNMENT 1 [15%] Character and Narrative Design Word Limit The minimum word limit for this assignment is 3000 words. Failing to meet the minimum word limit will result in a grade of 0 for this assessment. The maximum word limit for this assignment is 6000 words. Any words exceeding the maximum word limit will not be assessed.

Learning Outcomes Completion of this assignment demonstrates understanding of the following learning outcomes: ●

Construct a game narrative that expresses effective structure and mapping of plotlines and characters into interactive structures

Formulate a theoretical game design to a specific brief, implementing effective game narrative and balancing

Brief For this assignment you must design characters and narrative for a new game. This will involve

You have freedom to choose the game style and genre of your preference. However, your world and character designs must conform to the principles of good game design, including those related to . You must also demonstrate appropriate It is up to you to ensure that your chosen game design meets the requirements outlined in the assessment criteria.


FIT2073 - Game Design Studio 1

Task As part of your narrative document you are required to complete the following tasks:

Recommended word count for section: 1000 - 2000 words (200 - 400 words per character) Narrative Design: You must write a compelling narrative containing:

Recommended word count for section: 1000 - 2000 words Critical Analysis: You must write a critical analysis of the core game design concepts used in your character designs and narrative as outlined above including: ● ●

Recommended word count for section: 1000 - 2000 words (200-400 words per discussion point)


FIT2073 - Game Design Studio 1

Assessment Criteria Your assignment will be marked on the following criteria listed below. This is graded based on the quality of the submitted work as well as inclusion in the document. Character Design (5 Marks) ●

Does each character include an original portrait and basic details including their name, age and gender (if specified)?

● ●

Does each character include an appropriate description of their appearance? Does each character include an appropriate background?

● ●

Does each character include appropriate goals? Does each character appropriately portray a character archetype and genre conventions?

Narrative Design (5 Marks) ● Is an appropriate narrative genre clearly specified? ● ●

Does the narrative include each of the five characters? Does the narrative include an appropriate description of its setting?

● ●

Does the narrative follow the 3-act structure and hero’s journey? Does the narrative appropriately portray narrative tropes and genre conventions?

Critical Analysis (5 Marks) ● ●

Is there an appropriate discussion about the character archetypes used? Is there an appropriate discussion about the narrative tropes used?

● ●

Is there an appropriate discussion about any stereotypes or clichés present? Is there an appropriate discussion about the use of the ‘show, don’t tell’ rule?

Is there an appropriate discussion about the genre conventions used?

Penalty (Up To -5 Marks) ●

Were any stereotypes or clichés present that were not discussed and appropriately justified in the critical analysis?

SUBMISSION DUE: Monday Week 5, 5:00PM


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