Abi Englisch struktur probeklausur PDF

Title Abi Englisch struktur probeklausur
Course Englisch 1
Institution Universität Paderborn
Pages 6
File Size 63.2 KB
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Struktur Klausur...


Writing an exam Task 1: Comprehension • introductory sentence: author, title, text type, year, place of publication, topic

examples: • The given article “…”, written by XY and published in XY on 27th of January 2015 deals with/criticizes... • The speech “…”, delivered by XY in XY on 7th of November 2007 deals with... • The given text is an extract from Shakespeare's play “…” which deals with… The scene starts with…

→ use present tense, present perfect (has/have watched) → no quotes, own words, no “I, us, we” → no direct speech, no suspense, no interpretation of feelings → only sum up the aspects mentioned in the task

Task 2: Analysis structure your notes: • Option 1: structure them according to the different arguments your using • Option 2: structure them according to the aspects that you have to analyse (e.g. structure, use of language…)

introductory sentence: • refer to the individual task+come up with a thesis • thesis: Haltung des Autors definieren, Wovon will er den Leser überzeugen?

examples: • Analysing the article one can say that XY’s main aim is to convince his reader that.. In order to achieve that he makes use of several stylistic+structural devices…

• XX and XY have a very complex relationship as… That is also portrayed in the way the express their feelings and attitude towards each other..

• XY experiences India on her day of arrival as an overwhelming and intimidating place. In order to create this atmosphere the author makes use of several stylistic and rhetorical devices.

Main part: → structure your text in paragraphs, including topic sentences → use examples from the text+their effects → use quotes, direct+indirect → do not bring background knowledge in

fictional text Non-fictional text narrative devices: → point of view → scenic/panoramic presentation → dialogues, many descriptions, structured like an interior monologue... Examples: hiding of questions of conscience, erratic thoughts, comments to assure oneself line of argument point of view: → first person narrator, third person narrator, limited point of view, omniscient narrator… → intense impressions, comments on emotion+observations → experience observation through one person → comparison with his past experience Structure: → overall the article is structured in 3 parts → The first part deal with… → In the middle section XY criticizes… → In his final part XY summarizes his idea pointing out.. → With this structure XY intends to..

Language: → enumeration, repetition

→ positive/negative choice of words (adjectives, adverbs), pictorial/emotive language (metaphor, concrete examples) → exclamations, short incomplete sentences → contrast, subjunctive, special sentence structure Language: →enumeration, alliteration, positive/ negative choice of words, one-sided perspective → pictorial+descriptive language → parallel sentence structure, formal+informal language → personification, metaphor Content: → keine erneute Inhaltsangabe → sondern: Deutung des Inhalts+Aufbau → Bsp: detailed descriptions, comparisons, reactions to underline the problem communicative strategies → comparisons, concrete examples → generalisations+stereotypes, exaggeration → directly addressing: insertions, appeal, inclusive pronouns → rhetorical questions, irony → quotes, facts, statistics Setting/atmosphere: → choice of words: adjectives, adverbs.. → can mirror a character’s state of mind → build up a contrast to highlight his state → outdoors (freedom), indoor (isolation, oppression) → spring/summer (optimism, positive), winter (cold, pessimism)+ weather →interaction of characters+setting content

relationship+character: • analyse what the person says+how→ What does it mean? • underlines words with gestures, similar sentence structure, expressions that underline his attitude…

Phrases: Moreover the speaker intends to…, evoke a feeling of…, which strengthen, outline, emphasize, illustrates , Furthermore/Additionally…, For this reason, he makes use of…, XY is used to stress…

To sum up one can say that XY succeeds well in…

Task 3: Evaluation Comment on: • introduction: introduce to the topic (e.g. describing general situation, famous quote, reference to a statement), directly give your opinion+ don’t copy statement in introduction • main part: reasons/arguments to support your opinion (2-4 paragraphs), don’t use quotation • conclusion Discuss on: • introduction: introduce to the topic, raise a question • main part: structure arguments in favour of the statement, name arguments against the statement, give examples and details • conclusion: state your own opinion

Phrases: According to the author it is…, he argues that…, However XY is still…, This conflict leads to the question weather…, To start with one can say that…, Additionally one must be aware that…, In conclusion I personally believe that…

other possible tasks:

◦ letter to the editor → to the editor, not to the author (Sir/Madam,…) → explain the reasons for writing this letter (by referring to the article you have read) and say who you are → use a formal register, end with your name+place of residence example: Sir, I am writing in response to the article “…” written by John Smith and published in your newspaper on 31st October 2019. In his article Mr. Smith presents his view that… I do not hesitate to

voice my criticism of his attitude towards… I would like to object to what I regard a rather one-sided report on…

◦ letter/email → meistens persönlich, informell → Situation+Adressat berücksichtigen, eigene Rolle evaluieren → Anrede/Begrüßung+Schlussformel

◦ speech script: talk, public/formal speech, debate statement → Thema+Situation berücksichtigen (Sprechanlass? Thematik? eigene Position?) → adressatengerecht formulieren →Begrüßung, Einleitung in Thema, Schluss(Zusammenfassung, Apell, Danksagung)

◦ newspaper/internet article → formeller Sprachgebrauch, passende Überschrift wählen → Interesse des Lesers wecken → Fakten mit Beispielen verknüpfen, Zitate →Schluss: vollständiger Name

◦ (written) interview → Interviewpartner+Situation+Anlass berücksichtigen → treffende Fragen formulieren+ Antworten mit Faktenwissen → passenden Schluss finden

◦ Creative fictional writing: e.g interior monologue, gap filling, diary entry, dialogue, continuation of a text → Rolle+Wissensstand der Figur berücksichtigen →Anknüpfpunkte+Textauszug berücksichtigen → Schreibstil anpassen

◦ Creative dramatic writing: drama scene, film script

Task 4: Mediation • specific style of writing (often easier) • consider the person you are writing to (Where does she live? Anything she can’t know about? What is your relationship?) • giver her an appropriate name • build up connection (Remember how we talked about…, miss you) • avoid she says, use short sentences • mentioning source: simply say “a famous German newspaper”...

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