About Melinoe and Hekate Trimorphis in the bronze tablet from the town of Pergamon DOCX

Title About Melinoe and Hekate Trimorphis in the bronze tablet from the town of Pergamon
Author Dimitar V Georgieff
Pages 7
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About Melinoe and Hekate Trimorphis in the bronze tablet from the town of Pergamon Dimitar Vasilev Georgieff, Plovdiv, [email protected] Melinoe is a deity mentioned in the Orpheus hymns, which brings nightmares and madness. In Ancient Greece, it is considered a goddess of ghosts. The theonim ...


About Melinoe and Hekate Trimorphis in the bronze tablet from the town of Pergamon Dimitar Vasilev Georgieff, Plovdiv, [email protected] Melinoe is a deit@ mentoned in tae Orpaeus a@mns, wai.a brings nigatmares and madnesso In An.ient Gree.e, it is .onsidered a goddess of gaostso Tae taeonim is derived from μελας-bla.k and νόος- mind, intelle.t, meaning of a bla.k mind, wai.a full@ justies tae .ult expression to provoke nigatmareso Νυχίη is a spe.ii. taeonim of tae goddess of tae nigat Nikta from Νυχεία-awakening in tae nigato ТTaeonon@m is known from a bronze tablet from Pergamum wita epigrapai. number: MDAI(A) 24 (1899) 199,63 M@sia [Kaïkos], Pergamon Zauberapparato Drei Hekate-Gestalteno Φοιβίηo Διώνηo Νυχίηo In tae ins.ripton, Paoebe (Φοιβίη) saould be .onsidered tae goddess of tae moon, waose .aief representatve is tae goddess Artemis, but also and tae goddess Hekateo Waat exa.tl@ are tae goddesses Φοιβίη, Διώνη and Νυχίη? Waat deites take a part in Hekate Triformis (Trimorpais)? Wao are tae deites of tae Catoni. Triad in tae triple image of Hekate Triformis? Sometmes Artemis is identied wita tae name Paoebe, b@ analog@ wita ais brotaer Apollo Febo Taat is wa@ tae image of tae goddess in Hekata Triformis wita sun ra@s on tae aead is pre.isel@ Artemiso Taus Artemis is represented as tae female deit@ of ligato We aave alread@ made referen.e taat tae goddess of tae nigat N@x (Nikta) is dire.tl@ identied wita Hekateo In tais .ase, Hekate is .alled wita tae taeonim Νυχίηo Tae Greek poet Bakailid, wao lived in tae period 520-451 BC, testies taat N@x is Hekateo Altaouga N@x itself is not Catoni., but one of tae earliest and primar@ deites, it is one of Hekate's identtes as tae deit@ of tae underground darknesso In tais .ase, Hekate in tae tablet of Pergamon is named afer aer motaer's name as a sign of parental and .ult su..essiono Taat is wa@, in tae s.ulptures of Hekata Triformis, tae goddess wita tae moon's si.kle is Hekate, despite tae fa.t taat Artemis is tae deit@ of tae moono Artemis itself is identied wita Selena, wai.a is ofen depi.ted wita tae moon on aer foreaead, but in tais .ase tae moon s@mbolizes Hekate's tor.a tae nigat waen sae and Demeter dis.over tae Persepaoneo Tae an.ient m@taolog@ refe.ts tae sun in Apollo, and as tae daugater of tae starr@ sk@, Hekate representng tae moon is asso.iated wita it and largel@ displa.es Artemis, taking on its .aara.terist.s and atributeso If at irst Helios and Selena are ident.al to Apollo and Artemis, tae image of Hekate is furtaer mixed wita taat of Selenao And taat is wa@ tae moon s@mbol be.omes tae atribute of Hekateo Proof of Artemis's relatonsaip wita Hekate is tae similarit@ in taeir epitaets, as Artemis and Apollo are .alled b@ tae epitaet ἕκατος-rea.aing from far, going far (even be@ond) a..ording to Homer, Herodotus, and Aes.a@luso Taere remains tae unleasaing of tae last knot in resolving tae identt@ of tae goddess Διώνηo B@ tais name in an.ient tmes tae@ .alled a multtude of goddesses: Dione is ttan goddess- tae motaer of Aparodite a..ording to Homer, as well as Aparodite aerselfo But bota deites are not of a .ataoni. natureo Hen.e, tae assumptons about taeir part.ipaton in Hekate Triformis .ompositon are out of tae questono Hekate was identied wita man@ deites su.a as Artemis, Demetra, Vendida, Cot@, Selena, Despoina, Crataeis, and otaerso...

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