AHA-HPC Module Reviewer PDF

Title AHA-HPC Module Reviewer
Course International Hospitality Management with specialization in:
Institution Lyceum of the Philippines University
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As a supervisor you are required to conduct daily shift meetings. Today, you have to let your team know of some bad comment cards from last night’s dinner crowd. You are pretty upset with the comments and have been in a bad mood all day. It is important that you tell your team what guests are saying...


1. As a supervisor you are required to conduct daily shift meetings. Today, you have to let your team know of some bad comment cards from last night’s dinner crowd. You are pretty upset with the comments and have been in a bad mood all day. It is important that you tell your team what guests are saying but it is even more important to keep their spirits high. What can you say to keep your attitude positive and your team motivated? A. There's always next time. B. You are better than this! C. Tonight, we can and we will demonstrate excellent service! Who's with me? D. Let's do this! Let's show our guests that we care! E. C and D #2 There is ______________ a choice about the way you do your work, even if there is not a choice about the ___________ itself. A. Never, choice B. Always, choice C. Always, work D. Sometimes, work E. Never, work #3 Your attitude determines your: A. Motivation B. Success C. Altitude D. Career E. None of the above

#4 Life is ______ what happens to you and _______ how you react to it. A. 50% and 50% B. 10% and 90% C. 90% and 10% D. 5% and 95% E. 20-50% #5 Based on the Attitude seminar, what separates the best from the rest? A. Hard Work B. Strong Work Ethics C. Positive Attitude D. Honesty E. All of the above #6 Which statement or statements below would be made by a leader with a positive attitude? A. It was my fault we ran out of wine I will drive out to the warehouse to get more immediately. I know you can manage the restaurant without me for a few hours just fine. B. It may sound impossible, but let’s see what we can do. C. I would love to do that. D. We’ve worked hard to try and find another option but have not been successful so far. Let’’s try again in a month’s time, sometimes circumstances change. E. All of the above #7

What is considered a good way to make a commitment to a positive attitude? A. Focus on the past and what is out of your control. B. Be responsible for your own actions and reactions. C. See limitations as stop signs. D. A and B E. None of the above #8 Tell yourself you did great when you did something praiseworthy is a good method to ___________. A. Make fellow employees pay attention to you B. Get a raise C. Improve your attitude D. Receive a tip E. All of the above #9 In the Attitude module, you were asked to think about the following choices that life commonly brings us, such as: What will you do as a career? Whom will you marry? Where will you live? How much education will you get? What do you want to do with today? While these are all important choices, what was the once choice stated in the seminar that is much more important than these: A. Who will you become?

B. When will I be promoted? C. What are my goals? D. A and B E. None of the above #10 In terms of attitude it is important to remember that it is possible to stay _________ when there is a lot of ____________ around you at work. A. Negative, positive B. Professional, negativity C. Positive, negativity D. A and C E. None of the above #11 In the Attitude module, you were presented with a story about three bricklayers. Now knowing the moral of the story, which bricklayer presented the career climbing attitude needed in today�s service industry? A. The first man answered gruffly, �I�m laying bricks.� B. The second man glanced my way and replied, �I�m putting up a wall.� C. The third man, stood, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow, looked me in the eye and said with a warm smile and a sense of pride, �I� �m building the newest hotel in town, it is going to be amazing.� D. B and C E. None of the above #12 A positive attitude can help build a successful culture of unity and teamwork. A. Disagreements

B. Unity C. Complications D. United E. None of the above #13 A Negative Nelly in the workplace says which of the following statements? A. It will never work B. That is not my job C. Let�s Do It! D. I would love to! E. A and B #14 Pick the best answer based on what you learned in the Attitude Module. According to AHA, attitude does make a difference, in fact, attitude is the ______________. A. Maker B. Diversity maker C. Difference maker D. Dependent maker E. None of the above #15 Who wrote the following famous quote on attitude? �Attitude, to me is more important than education, than money, than circumstance, than failures, than success, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, talent or skill. It will make or break a company�..a church�. a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we embrace for that day.

We cannot change our past�.we cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude�. I am convinced that life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 percent how I react to it. And so it is with you�.we are in charge of our attitudes.� A. Charles Swindoll B. Charles Spindle C. Charles Sweet D. Charles Settle E. Charles Stine #16 Which of the following statements is true? A. Character is our personal motivation to what is right on the outside. B. Character is our personal motivation to do what is right on the inside and outside. C. Good character is developed by the opinions we make in both our personal and professional lives. D. All of the above E. B and C Correct answer was: Character is our personal motivation to do what is right on the inside and outside. #17 History is made at night; character is what you are in the _________. A. Workplace B. Dark C. Day D. Morning E. None of the above

#18 Someone who is motivated to learn something new every day is demonstrating which of the following positive character traits? A. Trustworthiness B. Respect C. Initiative D. Skillful E. None of the above #19 Which is not a way to demonstrate responsibility? A. Be aggressive B. Always do your best C. Think before you act D. Not give up E. None of the above #20 What are two ways to build character? A. Have a standard to follow and a will to follow it. B. Have a will and attitude to do what is right. C. Have a mentor and someone to look up to. D. Lead from the inside and not the outside. E. None of the above #21 Trustworthy employees are people who:

A. Tell the truth all the time even if there are some negative consequences to themselves and their coworkers B. Tell the truth most of the time but sometimes omit information or tell a small untruth which they judge to be minor and of no consequence, in order to be loyal to coworkers and protect them from negative consequences. C. Will do everything to protect themselves only. D. Can be counted on to do what they say they will do. E. A and D #22 Responsible people: A. Keep on trying to accomplish goals even if they find them difficult at first. B. Try to do their best at all times. C. Think before they act, taking into account the consequences of what they are about to do. D. Accept the blame for things that go wrong if they caused them or were somehow involved directly or through association. E. All of the above #23 Mahmoud is a Muslim who grew up in India and works in housekeeping at a hotel. He misunderstood his supervisor who told him to take a towel to a female guest in room 24 and instead he took soap. When he returns to housekeeping to get the towel he is upset and his supervisor says something to him. Of the following statements, which would be the most respectful response (or responses) that the supervisor could make to Mahmoud? A. That�s OK Mahmoud, you�ve never been able to understand English very well and probably never will, so these things will happen. Just go and give the guest the towel they need, say you are sorry and forget about it. B. I understand you are upset about your mistake, but this may happen until your English gets better over time, so you just need to go and apologize to the guest, give her the towel, and let�s just make sure we check your understanding in future, OK?

C. I can understand this upsets you, but you need to let that go, go back to the guest, shake her hand and apologize, give her the towel and then in future I�m going to have to keep checking that you understand everything correctly to make sure it doesn�t happen again. D. I understand you are upset about your mistake but it�s OK, you�ve just got to learn to listen better and not think you understand everything like most Indians do just because you grew up speaking English at school. E. You should be upset, that�s a bad mistake to make and now you�ve upset our guest as well. Go back and apologize and then forget about it for the rest of the day. But I suggest you get English lessons in future so this does not happen again. #24 Which of the following are negative character traits that are disruptive to the workplace? A. Not telling the truth B. Being aggressive with others. C. Taking credit for work done by others. D. Not coming to work often or coming in late E. All of the above #25 Lisa has noticed her employee Anna tends to engage her co-workers in non-work related discussions on company time. Lisa needs to discuss which negative character trait with Anna? A. Aggressiveness B. Whining or complaining C. Dishonesty D. Irresponsibility E. None of the above #26 Emerson said, what lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies __________ us.

A. Around B. Among C. Within D. Beside E. None of the above #27 Character is developed in which of the following ways: A. Through our daily experiences and interactions B. When we are born C. Through our failures only D. All of the above E. None of the above #28 The story in the Character Module titled, �Are you a Carrot, Egg or Coffee Bean�, deals with how you deal with: A. How you deal with fortunes B. How you deal with adversity C. How you deal with privileges D. A and B E. None of the above #29 Your coworker seems to be pleasant in front of the guests, but once they are not around guests, they take time to discuss how they feel their schedules are too hard, their uniforms are uncomfortable and their pay is too low. Your coworker�s actions bring you down and show which of the following negative character trait:

A. Dishonesty and lying B. Irresponsibility, goofing off, and attending to personal business on company time. C. Arrogance, ego problems and excessive aggressiveness. D. Absenteeism and lateness E. Whining or complaining about the organization or the job. #30 It is time for you and your teammate to break for lunch. As you go to clock out, you ask your teammate why they are not clocking out. They said, �If we clock out, we won�t get paid for the hour we eat lunch.� You shrug your shoulders and proceed to clock out. What negative character trait is your teammate showing? A. Absenteeism and lateness B. Not following instructions or ignoring company policy C. Whining or complaining about the organization or the job. D. Laziness and lack of motivation and enthusiasm. E. B and C #31 According to many industry experts, what is the secret of being the best? A. Location! Location! Location! B. Service! Service! Service! C. Profit! Profit! Profit! D. Guest! Guest! Guest! E. None of the above #32 Your ________, or ____________, is especially important in the hospitality industry because the guest is paying to have a pleasant experience.

A. Service, opinion B. Position, spirit C. Attitude, spirit D. Degree, education E. None of the above #33 In our industry, the pineapple represents: A. Welcome B. Friendship C. Hospitality D. Work ethics E. A, B and C #34 Understand what guests want and expect before they ______________________. A. Complain to your manager B. Walk away C. Ask or tell you D. B and C E. None of the above

#35 Treat others as you would like to be treated is the: A. Platinum Rule

B. Golden Rule C. Hospitality Rule D. Tourist Rule E. None of the above #36 Treat others as they would like to be treated is the: A. Platinum Rule B. Golden Rule C. Hospitality Rule D. Tourist Rule E. None of the above #37 What are you doing when you are searching for �service excellence clues� with your guest? A. Showing the Spirit B. Reading the Guest C. Paying attention D. A and C E. All of the above #38 To remember the six principles of the Spirit of Hospitality, start by remembering the correct acronym below: A. Seek, Place, Invent, Rally, Invest, Team B. Seek, Place, Ignore, Reach, Invest, Team C. Shout, Pass, Ignore, Rant, Invest, Team

D. Shout, Pass, Ignore, Reach, Invest, Team E. Seek, Pass, Invite, Reach, Invest, Team #39 What is the one word that we use or should use a dozen of times a day or more? A. Please B. Right C. Me D. Thank you E. None of the above #40 Based on the �a ha� Moment in the Attitude module please complete the sentences. 211 degrees water is _______ and at 212 degrees water ________. And, its that one extra degree that makes all the ________________. A. Hot, steams, difference B. Hot, boils, difference C. Steam, boils, difference D. Steaming, boils, difference E. None of the above #41 Exemplary means: A. Guest service plus! B. Going the extra mile C. Setting example, worth of imitation and/or a model of behavior D. Getting ahead

E. None of the above #42 How might a hospitality professional show courtesy to his or her guests? A. Greet guests warmly with a smile. B. Address them by first name only. C. Maintain eye contact when talking with speaking with a guest. D. A and C E. None of the above #43 ________% of travelers will return to a property if the scenario or problem was resolved to their satisfaction. A. 35% B. 45% C. 55% D. 90% E. 95% #44 A guest calls the front desk to ask what sorts of activities are taking place at the property. How can you reach out in response and show service with SPIRIT? A. Let them know where to find the activity schedule. B. Connect them with the activities desk. C. Give them a brief description of the activities for that week or day and send a schedule of events to their room as soon as possible. D. All of the above E. None of the above

#45 Read the following mystery guest scenario and try to find the hidden "service excellence clues" that can help you discover what these guests really want and how you can turn their stay at your property from acceptable to exceptional. Miss Amelia Peabody checked into your host property this morning after 23 hours of transcontinental travel. Her room is in the main hall leading to the pool, and there are some young children running back and forth through the hall creating quite a lot of noise, thus making it impossible for the weary Miss Peabody to fall asleep. When she gives up on sleep and leaves her room to get some ice, she sees you, a guest server, in the hallway, and asks if there are any rules and regulations concerning unaccompanied children playing in and around the pool area. What does Miss Peabody really want? A. She just wants some ice. B. She is interested in learning about the policies and procedures for the pool area. C. She is disturbed by the noise and would like to get some rest. D. She would like report an emergency E. None of the above #46 1. Based on a study conducted, an average hotel in the U.S. has ___ nationalities represented in the workforce. A. 4.2 B. 3.2 C. 5.2 D. 6.2 E. 2.3 #47 Diversity in the workforce refers to which of the following: A. Age

B. Race C. Gender D. Religion E. All of the above #48 Our beliefs, traditions, religion, training and work ethics all relate to our: A. Background B. Education C. Family D. Culture E. None of the above #49 What is the basis for much of our behavior? A. Work experiences B. Education C. Family D. Values E. None of the above #50 When we look at behavior, we determine or interpret what is happening through: A. Our own filter B. Someone else's filter C. My family's background

D. None of the above E. All of the above #51 Two people might view the same situation and interpret it in two completely different ways. This is because they make judgments about that situation based on two totally different sets of : A. Opinions B. Cultural values C. Conditioning D. A and C E. None of the above #52 Based on the iceberg exercise culture can be both: A. Good and Bad B. Biased and Un Biased C. Visible and Invisible D. Habitual and Un-habitual E. None of the above #53 The process of cultural understanding challenges us to __________________jumping to conclusions and learn about cultural differences so that we can _____________________why people behave the way they do. A. Stop, understand B. Stop, accept C. Start, accept D. Stop, appreciate

E. None of the above #54 Once we understand and appreciate differences in others, we can do which of the following? A. Widen the cultural gap B. Work more effectively together C. Bridge the cultural gap D. B and C E. None of the above #55 What gesture is appropriate in almost all cultures? A. Thumbs up B. Shaking of finger C. Smile D. A nod of the head E. All of the above #56 Fill in the blanks: Maya Angelou once said, I note the obvious differences between each sort and type, but we are more __________, my friends, than we are ____________. A. Unalike, alike B. Alike, unalike C. Different, same D. Unique, different E. None of the above

#57 In terms of understanding culture it is ok to believe: A. What is considered right behavior in one culture, might be considered wrong in another culture. B. That your culture is the only right culture. C. Only what your parents taught you. D. A and B E. None of the above #58 In the Understanding Culture module, we showed what happens metaphorically when we begin to actually �see� another culture for what it is. What example was used to show this idea? A. The arrow in the Delta example B. The arrow in the UPS example C. The arrow in the Fed Ex example D. The arrow in the Iceberg example E. None of the above #59 In the Cultural Understanding module, you were presented with the following activity. Which of the following are the main assumptions made by the guest from Korea? Hotel employees use a very informal guest service style. When a guest approaches the front desk, an agent welcome them by a handshake. VIP customers are even hugged and kissed when they return to the hotel. It�s not surprising that many customers feel uncomfortable with this type of service. A. He assumes that Latin America is laid back B. He assumes that Latin American behavior is impolite C. He assumes that Latin American behavior makes people feel uncomfortable

D. A and B E. All of the above #60 Our own culture teaches us how to interpret the world. Which of the following are examples of what our culture teaches us? A. We learn how close to stand to one another B. How to greet friends and strangers C. When to speak and when to be silent D. How to express our feelings E. All of the above #61 First impressions are formed through which of the following: A. Face to face encounter B. Telephone call C. Email D. All of the above E. None of the above #62 How is it that you can wear nice clothes, be cleaned and groomed, and yet still convey a negative first impression to your customers or clients? A. Because your body language conveys as much as or more than your appearance. B. Because your customers aren�t looking at just your appearance but also listening to what you say. C. Because your customers are not looking at your appearance at all. D. A and B

E. None of the above #63 Several years ago, Fortune 500 companies from the hospitality sector spent millions of dollars on a survey asking their customers, �What is the number one item you seek when you come to our business?� What was the result of their survey? A. Great customer service B. Cleanliness C. Great product D. Great price E. None of the above #64 How many seconds does it take for someone to form an impression of you? A. 7 B. 10 C. 15 D. 4 E. 11 #65 What does the French phrase "Mise en place" refer to: A. A miserable place B. Everything in place C. Master of the plate D. Mastery of presentation E. None of the above

#66 The first step to making a good first impression is your: A. Altitude B. Facial expressions C. Appearance D. A and C E. None of the above #67 When you greet a customer, how much of the communication that the...

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