Aiesec Blue Book 2018 - diseño PDF

Title Aiesec Blue Book 2018 - diseño
Author Daniel Valencia
Course Fundamentos de Mercadeo
Institution Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Pages 66
File Size 5.5 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 111
Total Views 160


diseño ...






Content Creation




Content Goals




Content Guidelines
















AIESEC Experience




Global Volunteer


Brand Partnerships


Global Talent


Social Media


Global Entrepreneur


Brand Archuitecture


Legal Notes


Engage With AIESEC


Translating Products


Year of Revision & Creations 65

Great brands are consistent. Everytime. Everywhere. The beauty of being present in more than 120 countries and territories is the challenge of maintaining a single, unique identity, along with being simple enough to be understood by local audiences. That’s why the new Blue Book is here, to guide us in every single aspect of the AIESEC brand and to ensure we all know exactly how to represent ourselves as one unified AIESEC in the world.

Brand Our Why

Peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potential. We strive to build a world where people can work towards their own understanding of ‘peace’ while acknowledging and respecting the views of others. Additionally, we strive for a world where through “fulfillment of humankind’s potential”, people can be the best version of themselves.

AIESEC | Our Why

AIESEC | Our How


Our How

We place our confidence in youth as a key to unlock a better future. We believe that youth are the key to shaping a better future. Through each and every experience we provide, we strive to develop youth leaders with the following four qualities:

Empowering Others

Solution Oriented

Communicates clearly, engages in meaningful conversations, and creates spaces that empower others to take action.

Flexible, ready to take risks, and actively finds solutions to challenges.

World Citizen

Self Aware

Aware of global events and enjoys taking an active role in contributing towards making it a better place for everyone.

Understands personal strengths, lives by his/ her values and constantly explores passions.

AIESEC | Our What

Our What

We develop youth leadership through learning from practical experiences in challenging environments. We ensure that practical experiences in challenging environments are present by facilitating cross-cultural exchange and creating these opportunities in membership roles.

Cross-cultural exchanges

Membership roles

AIESEC provides an opportunity for young people to work or volunteer abroad in non-familiar environments. This allows them to step outside their comfort zone and expand their worldview, while contributing to the community in which they are working.

Our members work in teams to create and manage these crosscultural exchange experiences. This provides an opportunity for our members to live powerful team experiences and develop their own leadership potential.


A I E S E C | O u r Va l u e s


Our Values

We live and act according to the following 6 values:

Activating leadership

Demonstrating integrity

Living diversity

We lead by example and inspire leadership through actions and results. We take responsibility for developing the leadership potential of others.

We are consistent and transparent in our decisions and actions. We fulfil our commitments and conduct ourselves in a way aligned with what we envision.

We actively learn from different ways of life and opinions represented in our multicultural environment. We act inclusively, respecting and actively encouraging the contribution of every individual.

Enjoying participation

Striving for excellence

Acting sustainably

We create a dynamic and welcoming environment through the active and enthusiastic participation of individuals. We enjoy being involved in our organization.

We continuously improve through creativity and innovation. We strive to deliver the highest quality performance in everything we do.

We act in a sustainable way for our organization and society. Our decisions take into account the needs of future generations.

A I E S E C | O u r Ta g l i n e

Our Tagline

Activating youth leadership since 1948

We mobilize youth and like-minded organizations to achieve the SDGs.

We empower youth to become more employable by working with organizations across the world.

We enable young people to live an experience which will help shape a better future for themselves and others.


AIESEC | Our Personality

Our Personality

Inclusive, Energetic, Engaged, Genuine, Simple. We are global, independent, non-political, and not-for-profit. We do not discriminate on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, creed, religion nor on the basis of national, ethnic or social origin. Overall, we are a youthful source of energy, always there to spark new solutions and ideas and prepared to support youth, no matter what background they have. We stay away from religious and political topics; however, we want to engage in dialog on issues in our world, and bring together various perspectives. We always focus on a positive contribution, ensure diversity and reject discrimination. In our engagements with the topics we care about, no matter whether it is message or design, we strive to be simple and genuine.

A I E S E C | O u r B r a n d To n e


Our Brand Tone



Our tone of voice is conversational and friendly.

We are a network of people from different countries, cultures and backgrounds and believe in respecting everyone’s opinion and treating it as important. Therefore we are independent and non-discriminating on any basis.

We express ourselves in a friendly, lively and approachable manner, rather than being unnecessarily formal. We seek out conversations on the issues we care about.

The attributes by which we define ourselves are the following:



In order to deliver on our promises, we learn by doing and by taking action on necessary risks and challenges.

We are engaged with topics that are currently influencing the world around us, and as a youth-run organization, adapt to the effect these topics have on us as youth.



We express our energy and passion as young individuals who are not afraid to dream big and do big.

We represent diversity and do not discriminate on any basis. Therefore we represent a global youth voice that any young person in the world can relate to.

Our tone of voice is conversational and friendly.

AIESEC | Our Audience

Our Audience Being a youth-run organization that focuses on youth leadership development, we primarily engage youth and organizations as our audiences. For us, youth is defined as anyone between the ages of 18-30. Any young person can participate in one of our products, regardless of educational status. Hence, we refer to “youth” or “young people” as our customers. Next to youth as our focus, we also communicate towards organizations that are like-minded and can support us in making cross-cultural exchanges happen.

Don’t Refer to companies as our only external partners; we partner with diverse like-minded organizations. Refer to students as AIESEC’s only customers, we focus on all youth.

AIESEC | Our Behavior

Our Behavior

As we strive to be simple, clear and relatable, language is an important part of our behavior, so we need to ensure external alignment. This means that we separate internal language and abbreviations from external messages. Besides the words that we use, the topics we talk about are important as well. We like to converse in topics that are about youth leadership, aligned with sustainable development and with our vision and values. Enjoying participation is important for us, though we strive to be known for the core of our organization, and not for the parties we might host in accordance to it.


Talk in internal common abbreviations (GV, GT, GE, OP, EP, OPS, IPS, EXPA, ICB, ECB) to externals.

Promote parties by AIESEC, nor events that are in no way related to any of our mission, core activities or products.

Carol S.

Victor Caraveo

Published todayv

Have fun and contribute to a good cause! #AIESEC

Hi Carol! I see that you are interested in oGT! How exactly can we support you? Have you registered in EXPA yet?


L o go | E l e m e n t s & Ve r s i o n s

Elements & Versions

Our logo represents how AIESEC enables young people to discover and develop their potential and head towards their future with a clearer and stronger vision for themselves. It can be used only in horizontal position with any of its four color variants, depending on what looks more clear on your background or design. It should not be modified in any way and should always be used according to the guidelines in this section.


Logo | Size & Space

Size & Space

Do’s & Don’ts

We like our brand to be easily recognized; this is why we have these very simple rules for our logo:

Don’t change the font. Don’t change the official colors. Don’t squish or skew our logo. Don’t rotate the logo in any way. Don’t place our logo on a cluttered background. Don’t add any element into the logo space. Don’t change the opacity of the logo. And please... don’t use old logos.

Keep the size legible and always give it breathing room. How much space does the logo need, exactly? The height of the blue bar on every side.

Space before the A missing

Logo | The AIESEC Human

The AIESEC Human

Since 1948 we have developed over 1,000,000 people through our programs and membership experiences. For us, the AIESEC Human is a reminder of our purpose: looking into the future and moving foward. It allows us to simplify our brand and be more responsive in the digital world and to what’s happening around us. That’s why the background can change to represent specific dates or events that are aligned to our purpose. We only use the AIESEC Human in white or blue, maintaining a flat colored background. The AIESEC Human has a breathing room of 1/4 of its height on every side, so don’t put any elements in it.


Logo | Watermark

AIESEC Watermark Our watermark allows us to be easily recognized while mantaining a clean and simple design. It follows similar rules as the AIESEC Human: a breathing room of 1/4 of its height on the bottom, left and right and half the height on the top.


Change the color. Put any element whithin the watermark breathing space. Use the watermark and the logo in the same publication.


Colors | Our Colors

Our Colors

HEX F85A40

RGB 248, 90, 64

CMYK 0, 63.71, 74.19, 2.75


RGB 10, 142, 160

CMYK 93.75, 11.25, 0, 32.25


RGB 255, 200, 69

CMYK 0, 21.57, 72.94, 0

HEX 30C39E

RGB 48, 195, 158

CMYK 75.38, 0, 18.97, 23.53

HEX F48924

RGB 244, 137, 36

CMYK 0, 43.85, 85.25, 4.31

HEX 52565E

RGB 82, 86, 94

CMYK 12.77, 8.51, 0, 63.14


RGB 202, 2014, 209

CMYK 3.35, 2.39, 0, 18.04


RGB 243, 244, 247

CMYK 1.62, 1.21, 0, 3.14

This is our color palette. Our favorite color is AIESEC Blue. It’s bright and energetic, representing our youthful nature. Besides that, we use eight other colors to complement our AIESEC Blue, both digitally and in print. If you don’t know what color to use, please use AIESEC Blue.


#037Ef3 3/126/243 98.8, 48.1, 0, 4.71

Colors | New Gradients

New Gradients In order to keep our brand updated to trends we selected a set of four gradients based mostly on our own color palette. They are only for digital use. These are linear gradients and should be applied in a 45º angle. HEX #037Ef3 HEX #30C39E

HEX #FFC845 HEX #EF4573

HEX #FFC845 HEX #30C39E

HEX #EF4573 HEX #BE3591


Font | Secondary Font


Our Favorite Font

Secondary Fonts

Our brand font is Lato.

Extra fonts can be added secondarily to emphasize words, but the main one should remain Lato. Use the font that works best with your design, and always be consistent throughout whatever you’re working on.

We use it in print and on the web. Feel free to use it in any of its styles and weights.

Lato Hairline Lato Hairline Italic Lato Light Lato Light Italic Lato Regular Lato Italic Lato Bold Lato Bold Italic Lato Heavy Lato Heavy Italic Lato Black Lato Black Italic



Use an easily legible font. Use a font that contrasts with Lato. Use a font that adds to the tone of your design.

Use complex fonts. Use more than two fonts in one design. Use similar fonts.

Every action matters

Every ACTION matters

Every A C T I O N matters

Every action matters


action matters

Every action matters


The AIESEC Experience is the way in which AIESEC develops leadership in young people. This experience is divided into three separate phases, each with its own products.

Experiential Leadership Development Global Volunteer Global Talent Global Entrepreneur

Engagement with AIESEC YouthSpeak Forum Local Volunteer Global Host

Life-Long Connection This Blue Book provides the official value propositions for each of the ELD products. These are not optional - using

anything other than these global value propositions is misrepresenting the brand. For more information on the other products of the EwA and LLC phase, consult the AIESEC Experience booklet.

G l o b a l Vo l u n t e e r | Lo g o

Global Volunteer Logo

The concept behind the logo aims to represent the progam in a clear way: Global represents the cross-cultural aspect. Volunteer represents the differentiator between exchange brands. The balloon represents the buying persona’s characteristics: flexibility, curiosity, adaptability, diversity, movement Keep the size legible and always give it breathing room. How much space does the logo need, exactly? The height of the G bar on every side.

Please don’t modify the logo in any way. This includes adding or changing text, color and shapes.


G l o b a l Vo l u n t e e r | Lo g o

Versions Different versions are available for you to use depending on what fits your design better. Feel free to use the full logo or the Global Volunteer watermark, but don’t use them together in the same publication. Don’t forget to use Powered by AIESEC where appropriate. Not sure where that is? Read more in the Powered by AIESEC section of the Blue Book.

Colors The Global Volunteer official color is AIESEC Red, but it can also be used in 100% White or 100% Black, depending on your design.

HEX F85A40

RGB 248, 90, 64

CMYK 0, 63.71, 74.19, 2.75


G l o b a l Vo l u n t e e r | Va l u e P r o p o s i t i o n

Our Value Proposition & Benefits

Global Volunteer for Youth

Develop Yourself and the World

A cross-cultural volunteer experience for young people who seek to develop themselves and the world.

Cross-Cultural Environment

Develop Yourself

Be a local in an unknown environment and experience new cultures by working in a diverse and cross-cultural team.

Grow and develop by going through practical experiences and learningby-doing. An intense cross-cultural environment allows you to increase your self-awareness and solution orientation, improve communication skills and develop a global mindset. Become the best version of yourself!

Volunteer Experience Volunteer abroad in NGOs or on projects that contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals. Tackle pressing global issues to create positive impact in local societies. Don’t just travel. Develop the world.

Discover the art of experiential wanderlust by working with NGOs or on projects directly contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals. Open your eyes towards the possibility to build, create, teach, and travel. Grab your backpack, it’s time to go!

G l o b a l Vo l u n t e e r | Va l u e P r o p o s i t i o n

Our Value Proposition & Benefits

Global Volunteer for Organizations

Make Local Impact with Global Volunteers

A cross-cultural volunteer experience which allows organizations to bring young people from all over the world to their social impact projects.

Global Perspective

Source with Ease

Add multi-cultural flavor to your team by bringing in our volunteers who care about world issues and bring innovative solutions to work locally.

Reduce your overhead and administration time as we help source great volunteers from our global network for you. Our local AIESEC members assist in culturally inducting the volunteers,d as well as facilitating an enjoyable experience for them in the host city.

Positive Impact Enable eager and passionate volunteers to participate in your project to create positive societal impact. Build crosscultural understanding by facilitating the interaction of volunteers with local communities.


Working with the SDGs

Since all of our Global Volunteer projects are fully SDG-aligned, we often use the Goals as part of our promotion strategy. By describing our opportunities alongside the SDG they target, we are showing our brand is impactful, relevant and credible. But the SDGs are actually an own brand, managed by the UN, whose brand guidelines we need to respect. Make sure you follow these whenever you use the SDGs. If you use the SDG logo, use the one without the UN emblem, as that one is reserved for UN agencies.

Always use the SDG icons or logo with the AIESEC logo in the same publication.

Make sure you keep a breathing room of 0.35 inches around the logo. There are official versions of the Global Volunteer logo with an added SDG-support line. Check them out and use them as appropriate.

The SDG icons should not be manipulated, recolored, o...

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