Analysis of Hamlet\'s Character Relationship PDF

Title Analysis of Hamlet\'s Character Relationship
Course Freshman Composition II
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Hamlet's character relationship...


Thinh Le Andrew Smith ENC 1102 13 February, 2020 Analysis of Hamlet’s characters And Relationship Together 


Hamlet: He is the main character of the play, the protagonist, the prince of Denmark. At the beginning of the play, he is about thirty years old, the son of Queen Gertrude and the late King Hamlet Sr, and also the nephew of the current king, Claudius. Hamlet is melancholy, cynical, and also bitter. He is angry about his uncle’s intrigue and disinclination of his mother’s sexuality. Although he is a thoughtful, he is often indecisive, impulsive and hesitant. Claudius: He is the King of Denmark, Hamlet’s uncle, and his role in the play is antagonist. Claudius is a calculating, ambitious politician, and he also lusts for power. Sometime, he shows that he feels guilty, and he has a sincere love for Gertrude. Gertrude: She is the Queen of Denmark, Hamlet’s mother, after the death of Hamlet’s father, she remarried Claudius who is currently the King of Denmark. As every normal mother, she loves Hamlet deeply, but she is an ambitious woman who always wants to achieve high social status. Polonius: He is the father of Laertes and Ophelia, also the Lord Chamberlain of Claudius’s court. Horatio: He is Hamlet’s best friend, classmate with Hamlet in the time of studying in the University. Horatio is totally loyal and helpful to Hamlet, after the death of Hamlet, he remains alive to tell his best friend’s story. Ophelia: Polonius’s daughter, a beautiful young woman whom Hamlet is deeply in love. However, she is a woman who lives depend on man, and always obey her father and brother’s

order, she can do what ever they want include spying on Hamlet. At the end, the young innocent girl chooses to die by drowning in the river with the flower garlands that she gathered. 

Characters’ relationship:

Claudius and Gertrude: When Gertrude’s son, Hamlet kills Polonius, she confides to Claudius. On the other hand, Claudius prevents Gertrude from drinking the poisoned wine that was poisoned by Hamlet, Gertrude always defends for Claudius unconditionally, for instance; when her son behaved impolitely to Claudius, she promised her loved one to put an end to her son’s behavior. Because of that, there are so obvious to see that Gertrude is completely trusting, protecting Claudius, vice versa; Claudius loves Gertrude deeply. Claudius and Hamlet: The relationship between two characters are really bad, the play presents so many points about Claudius and Hamlet relationship. First, Hamlet despises Claudius, because Claudius killed the last King Hamlet and took last King’s wife to be his current wife, and she is also Hamlet’s mother. Second, Hamlet is Claudius’s biggest fear in the play, the only reason is about Hamlet knows Claudius’s crime and Claudius also knows that Hamlet will be able to defend his father anyway. Hamlet’s father died and Hamlet couldn’t see him last time because he was in university at that time, because of that; Hamlet is always depressed and disappointed of himself about that, and Claudius thinks that Hamlet’s reaction is kind of feminine. The last point is that Hamlet and Claudius strive for getting attention and love from Gertrude, for instance; before Hamlet killed Polonius, he exculpate Gertrude to stay away from Claudius. Beside that, Claudius suggests Gertrude about Hamlet should see him as a father, thus; he wants to show off that he has Gertrude’s love.

Hamlet and Laertes: Laertes is the son of the Lord Chamberlain, and also the brother of Ophelia who is the love of Hamlet’s life. The relationship of Hamlet and Laertes is kind of tense, during the play; so many points of this relationship are pointed about. First, Laertes doesn’t respect Hamlet, and he always find a way to against the love relationship between Hamlet and his sister, for example; Laertes tells his sister that Hamlet is not a trustworthy guy and Hamlet’s love for her is fake, and convinces Ophelia to stay away from Hamlet. Moreover, they always treat each other as a competitive in a competition, Laertes always tells Ophelia about not seeing Hamlet anymore, and Hamlet really wants to compete with Laertes when he finds out about Laertes’s swords skill. Furthermore, Hamlet thinks that he is better than Laertes about loving Ophelia and being a swordsman. Polonius and Laertes: This relationship in the play is the most normal one, it is just the relationship between father and son. The problems around this relationship is only about father and son’s common problem. Polonius sends his man Reynaldo to France to keep eyes on his son, he acts like he doesn’t trust Laertes but he actually worries about his son. Beside that, Polonius cares for Laertes such as giving him so many advices to succeed in France, vice versa; Laertes loves his father as well as Polonius does, after the death of Polonius, he wants to take revenge for his father, and make a proper and honorable funeral. Hamlet and the Ghost: This relationship is the special one in the play, the Ghost always follows, helps and has confidential conversation with Hamlet. For example, when Hamlet verbally harasses and abuses Gertrude, the Ghost is around him and telling him to be calm down, don’t be distracted, and focus on his purpose. Sometime, Hamlet is still incredulous about the Ghost’s intentions. For instance, Hamlet tries to check that the Ghost was telling him the truth or not by

making the play. Furthermore, the Ghost also affects to Hamlet incredibly by telling Hamlet about the Ghost’s story, and Hamlet plans to take revenge for the Ghost. Gertrude and Hamlet: This is the relationship between mother and son, somehow this relationship is not as good as normal mother-son’s relationship. First, of course Gertrude as a mother is really loyal to her son. The evidence is that when Gertrude finds out the wine is poisoned, as a mother’s instinct, she immediately tells Hamlet not to drink the wine. Moreover, Gertrude is really scared of Hamlet, Hamlet is really angry about his mother when she remarried his uncle, Claudius right after King Hamlet’s death. Anyway, Hamlet still loves Gertrude as a son should love his mother, somehow Gertrude’s action makes Hamlet anger and also confuses him, that’s the reason why Gertrude is scared of being killed by her son. Hamlet and Ophelia: Hamlet and Ophelia is in a love relationship, however; Ophelia’s father and brother strive to against this love and tell Ophelia to stay away from Hamlet, and Laertes and Polonius also take advantage on Ophelia for using her as a spied around Hamlet, and surprisingly she agrees to be a spied on Hamlet for her brother and father. Beside that, Hamlet is kind of emotional abusive to his loved one by sending to Ophelia multiple mixed sexual messages. When Ophelia’s father tells her that Hamlet doesn’t love her, she doesn’t believe him at all, and it shows that Ophelia is deeply in love with Hamlet. Rozencrantz and Guildenstern and Claudius: Rozencrantz and Guildenstern are totally loyal to their King Claudius, they obey all the King’s orders without questioning or concerning. Hamlet and Horatio: Horatio is Hamlet’s only best friend, they used to study together in University. Their relationship presents the most perfect friendship which has many good qualities such as loyalty, supportive and trusting. In the play, Hamlet doesn’t tell anyone about his plan of

coming back except his best friend Horatio. Beside that, Horatio helps Hamlet by giving Claudius the letter that he was instructed. Moreover, when he is ready to die with his friend Hamlet although Hamlet told him that he doesn’t need to that and he should remain alive. Hamlet and Rozencrantz and Guildenstern: Hamlet suspects that Rozencrantz and Guildenstern of having conspiracy with the King and Queen. Rozencrantz and Guildenstern means that they came to England to help Hamlet, but the ulterior motive is to spy on him, try to know what his next step of plan is. Polonius and Ophelia: The Father and Daughter relationship, and the father overuses his power on the daughter Ophelia, the way he acts and treats his daughter makes he looks like the submissive, controlling and over-caring father. Ophelia is deeply in love with Hamlet, but she is also submissive daughter, when her father Polonius tells her not to see and love Hamlet anymore, she starts ignoring Hamlet. Beside that, Polonius doesn’t care about his daughter as same as he does to his son Laertes, he uses Ophelia to lust for his secret agenda. Laertes and Ophelia: Loving, respect and protective, these are what Laertes is treating his sister Ophelia. Laertes is different from his father Polonius about loving Ophelia. Laertes always protects Ophelia unconditionally and he watches over her and loves her in a parental way. Beside that, Ophelia plays as submissive role, thus; she always idolizes her brother, listen and would do what he tell her....

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