Anatomy 3 outline PDF

Title Anatomy 3 outline
Course Human Anatomy 2
Institution University of Technology Sydney
Pages 14
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SUBJECT OUTLINE 91813 Human Anatomy 3 Course area

UTS: Science


Autumn 2021; City

Credit points 6cp Requisite(s)

91400 Human Anatomy and Physiology AND 91812 Human Anatomy 2 These requisites may not apply to students in certain courses. There are also course requisites for this subject. See access conditions.

Result type

Grade and marks

Attendance: Forms of attendance in this subject have changed to enable social distancing and reduce the risks of spreading COVID-19 in our community. There may also have been changes to the assessment requirements. Consequently, the Subject Outline information for this subject has changed. Details of the changes may be published in an Addendum to the Subject Outline which is available through your LMS (Blackboard or Canvas).

Subject coordinator Name: A/Prof. Alessandro Castorina Room: CB04.06.546 Email: [email protected]

Teaching staff Name: A/Prof. Alessandro Castorina Email: [email protected] Position: Subject Coordinator, Associate Professor Name: Dr Preethi Ramya Thiagarajan Email: [email protected] Position: Lecturer Name: Dr Victoria Choi Email: [email protected] Position: Lecturer/Fellow Name: Mr Jordan Piper Email: [email protected] Position: Tutor/PhD candidate

Subject description Understanding the complexity of the structure and the relationships among organs within the human body has always been considered a fascinating topic. This is even truer when the ambition is to pursue a career in health science, irrespective of the chosen scientific profession. This subject offers the unique opportunity for students to receive the necessary knowledge and understanding that enables them to critically analyse the correlations between the structures and the functions of the human body. This subject aims to provide an understanding of the anatomy of the thorax, abdomen and pelvis. The subject covers topics like the lungs, mediastinum, heart, and the abdominal viscera, the digestive organs and the genitourinary

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system. The structure of anterior thoracic and abdominal walls and pelvis along with blood and nerve supply to the viscera and relevant endocrine structures (i.e. adrenal glands, pancreas) are also covered. Emphasis is placed on the relationship of structure to function especially with respect to the important functions of breathing, digestion, excretion and reproduction. Students are encouraged to relate their understanding of these structures to current research in anatomy and histology and in related fields such as physiology. The subject also aims to provide both theoretical and practical skills which can offer the basis for further postgraduate studies in medicine or dentistry or in areas of research requiring knowledge of anatomy.

Subject learning objectives (SLOs) Upon successful completion of this subject students should be able to: 1. Develop adequate respect for human dignity and worth and understand the professional and ethical use of human remains 2. Relate the location and function of thoracic structures and recognise their role in cardiopulmonary functions 3. Categorise different components of the gastrointestinal system, and relate their specific structural attributes to their role in achieving their function 4. Compare the structural differences between the male and female genitourinary systems 5. Apply core anatomical knowledge and correlate structures to functions of bodily organs 6. Work collaboratively in a team and reflect on their individual contributions to deliver a group project 7. Clearly communicate the relationship between anatomical structure and function in different scenarios in a concise written format

Course intended learning outcomes (CILOs) This subject also contributes specifically to the development of following course intended learning outcomes: Apply: Demonstrate time management, personal organization, and teamwork skills autonomously, collaboratively, and across a range of disciplinary and professional areas that affect medical practice. (.1) Apply: Identify the fundamental principles of anatomy and physiology. (.1) Analyse: Develop critical thinking skills, including interpreting and critically evaluating scientific evidence and medical research. (.2) Analyse: Evaluate current and evolving concepts in medical research and seek alternative sources of knowledge to creatively enhance the application of scientific practice in a professional context. (.2) Analyse: Evaluated and use appropriate communication tools and approaches for a variety of expert and non-expert audiences. (.2)

Contribution to the development of graduate attributes Human Anatomy 3 is a fifth stage subject in the Bachelor of Advanced Science (Pre-Medicine) program where you will deepen your understanding of human anatomy. This subject contributes to the following Faculty of Science graduate attributes. 1 - Disciplinary knowledge Through the lectures, practicals and workshops, you will learn the anatomy of the thorax, abdomen and the pelvis, in the context of human function. This knowledge will serve as a foundation for your future post-graduate studies in the health profession. This will be assessed in the quizzes and the formal exam. Upon completion of the course, you will be able to apply the acquired knowledge to identify anatomical structures within the thorax, abdomen and pelvis and understand their function. 2 - Research, Inquiry and Critical Thinking During the lectures, you will have the opportunity to apply and analyse the knowledge that you will acquire through learning activities and scenarios and worked examples. A major assessment in this subject is the Poster & Video Presentation where you will research the existing literature on a given topic on human anatomy and then work in small groups to prepare a poster (digital format), 12/02/2021 (Autumn 2021)

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followed by the video recording of a short presentation of 3 minutes (individual activity) that is suitable for a scientific audience. This task gives you the opportunity to further your understanding of human anatomy beyond the lecture and practical material, and to investigate in-depth a particular aspect of the relationship between human body structure and function whilst improving your communication skills. 3 - Professional, Ethical and Social Responsibility In the practical sessions you will be working with human cadavers and gain an authentic experience of human splanchnology. You will learn how to handle human specimens in a safe and respectful manner. In the workshops and practical sessions, you will develop teamwork and collaborative skills. Furthermore, the group project will help you develop verbal communication, teamwork, and collaborative skills. In doing so, this subject contributes to your preparedness for subsequent post-graduate training. These skills will be assessed in the final practical exam and the group project. Throughout the course, you will develop the professional working ethics to handle human remains and adhere to the work health and safety policies in the surgical and anatomical facilities. 4 - Reflection, Innovation and Creativity You will be given the opportunity to work with medically oriented scenarios that will be presented to you in the lectures, workshops, and group project. This approach is meant to boost your self-motivation towards the understanding of Human Anatomy 3 for your personal and future professional development. 5 - Communication Amidst the weekly lectures and workshops, you will partake in small group discussions which will help you to develop your communication skills between peers and the ability to present your findings in professional and technical manner using the appropriate terminology. A major assessment in this subject is the Poster & Video Presentationwhere you will conduct research of the existing literature on a given human anatomy topic to prepare (in small groups) a poster (digital format) and video record (individually) an oral presentation of 3 minutes suitable for a scientific audience. This task will help you develop your written and oral communication skills, including being able to synthesise the literature to present a cohesive and concisely written document.

Teaching and learning strategies In Human Anatomy 3, you will participate in the following activities: lectures (online) providing an introduction to key concepts; workshops ( online) and practical sessions (1.5 hpw) to extend the theory, to give you the opportunity to apply your knowledge to scenarios, and to get hands-on experience viewing and handling prosected cadavers in the Surgical and Anatomical Sciences Facility. Online lectures will incorporate a range of teaching and learning strategies including but not limited to interactive lectures. These lectures will provide you with an introductory level of knowledge upon which you will scaffold your deep understanding of the contents that are discussed during the in-class collaborative activities. Prior to the lectures, you are encouraged to read the specified chapters from the recommended textbook and the online lecture notes corresponding to the learning outcomes for that week as outlined in CANVAS. These learning resources will provide you with the foundation needed to confidently and actively participate in the discussions and to be able to identify learning gaps that can benefit from guidance from your lecturers or peers. Workshop sessions will run online and will be run once a week. Through these workshops you will develop your research, written and oral reporting skills as well as the ability to utilise eResources found in CANVAS. During these workshops, you will work collaboratively to discuss and analyse the assigned tasks and have the opportunity to receive immediate feedback (via our Discussion forum on CANVAS). In addition to the workshop tasks, there will be weekly short progression assessments. These short formative assessments will comprise 3-5 questions that will test your understanding and provide immediate feedback on your performance. Every week, there will be wet-lab practical sessions where you will identify anatomical structures through viewing and handling prosected cadavers. This hands-on experience will help you to consolidate the theoretical knowledge from the lectures and the workshops.

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You will be encouraged to complete additional activities that will assist you to connect your knowledge to practical and professional aspects of your field, to prepare you for subsequent post-graduate training and research. Throughout the duration of the subject, you are encouraged to research the subject matter and prepare discussion points to bring to class to discuss with your peers and lecturer. You are encouraged to communicate with your peers; this networking will be a great skill to foster during the preparations and the design for the group project component. An aim of this subject is to help you develop academic and professional language and communication skills to succeed at university and in the workplace. During the course of this subject, you will complete a milestone assessment task that will, in addition to assessing your subject-specific learning objectives, assess your English language proficiency.

Content (topics) Student will learn about the axial regions of the human body mainly related to the viscera that are occupying the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities. All the regions that are covered by this subject will follow the same structure. First we will be discussing the musculoskeletal structures that host the organs, then we will discuss the viscera from their functional systems connections and then explore the neurovascular supply to these organs. The topics will be distributed in the following fashion: The Thorax – Musculoskeletal structures, Respiratory system, Cardiac Anatomy and associated structures. The Abdomen - Musculoskeletal structures of the abdominal wall, the Gastrointestinal System and the related organs, the Renal System and retroperitoneal organs. The Pelvis - Musculoskeletal structures of the inner pelvis, both male and female reproductive systems.

Program Week/Session


Pre-week (week 0)

Week 22 - 28 February

Description Please access the O-week module on the subject page on CANVAS, where you will find a Welcome video. Access the Pre-week module, watch the Donated to Science video and participate to the Discussion on Ethics & Respect of Human Remains. Carefully read the Subject Outline on CANVAS and orient yourself with the subject topics and assessment tasks.


Week 01 - 07 March

Thorax I – Musculoskeletal Anatomy of the Thorax. Lecture (online recordings): Thorax – Thoracic cage and associated musculoskeletal structures Workshop (online activities): Complete all the activities as indicated on CANVAS in the corresponding weekly module. Practical (face-to-face activity in the SASF, Bld. 04, Level 04): Orientation and Induction Thorax - Thoracic cage and associated musculoskeletal structures

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Notes: Read the eResources and online activities available on CANVAS Assessment task 02 (Poster & Video Presentation) will be made available and working groups will be assigned on CANVAS.


Week 08 - 14 March

Thorax II – Anatomy of the Respiratory System. Lecture (online recordings): Thorax – Anatomy of the Respiratory System Workshop (online activities): Thorax – Anatomy of the Respiratory System Complete all the activities as indicated on CANVAS in the corresponding weekly module, including the Formative Workshop Assessment Task 01. Practical (face-to-face activity in the SASF, Bld. 04, Level 04): Thorax – Anatomy of the Respiratory System Notes: Read the eResources and online activities available on CANVAS


Week 15 - 21 March

Thorax III – Anatomy of the Mediastinum. Lecture (online recordings): Thorax – Anatomy of the Mediastinum Workshop (online activities): Thorax – Anatomy of the Mediastinum Complete all the activities as indicated on CANVAS in the corresponding weekly module, including the Formative Workshop Assessment Task 02. Practical (face-to-face activity in the SASF, Bld. 04, Level 04): Thorax – Anatomy of the Mediastinum Notes: Read the eResources and online activities available on CANVAS

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Week 22 - 28 March

Thorax IV – Anatomy of the Heart. Lecture (online recordings): Thorax – Anatomy of the Heart Workshop (online activities): Thorax – Anatomy of the Heart Complete all the activities as indicated on CANVAS in the corresponding weekly module, including the Formative Workshop Assessment Task 03. Practical (face-to-face activity in the SASF, Bld. 04, Level 04): Thorax – Anatomy of the Heart Notes: Read the eResources and online activities available on CANVAS


Week 29 March - 4 April

Abdomen I – Musculoskeletal Anatomy of the Abdomen. Lecture (online recordings): Abdomen: Abdominal Wall, cavities and associated structures Workshop (online activities): Abdomen: Abdominal Wall, cavities and associated structures In addition to the weekly workshop tasks, you will be asked to complete your first online summative assessment task: Quiz 01 - Topics covered up to and including Thorax IV Practical (face-to-face activity in the SASF, Bld. 04, Level 04): Abdomen: Abdominal Wall, cavities and associated structures Notes: Read the eResources and online activities available on CANVAS Quiz 01 - Topics covered up to and including Thorax IV


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Week 5 - 11 April

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Week 12 - 18 April

Abdomen II – Anatomy of the Digestive System 1. Lecture (online recordings): Abdomen: Anatomy of the Digestive System 1 Workshop (online activities): Abdomen: Anatomy of the Digestive System 1 Complete all the activities as indicated on CANVAS in the corresponding weekly module, including the Formative Workshop Assessment Task 04. Practical (face-to-face activity in the SASF, Bld. 04, Level 04): Abdomen: Anatomy of the Digestive System 1 Notes: Read the eResources and online activities available on CANVAS DUE DATE for the submission of the Assessment task 02 is on the 12 April 2021 at 23.55.


Week 19 - 25 April

Abdomen III – Anatomy of the Digestive System 2. Lecture (online recordings): Abdomen: Anatomy of the Digestive System 2 Workshop (online activities): Abdomen: Anatomy of the Digestive System 2 Complete all the activities as indicated on CANVAS in the corresponding weekly module, including the Formative Workshop Assessment Task 05. Practical (face-to-face activity in the SASF, Bld. 04, Level 04): Abdomen: Anatomy of the Digestive System 2 Notes: Read the eResources and online activities available on CANVAS


Week 26 April - 2 May

Abdomen IV – Anatomy of the Retroperitoneal Viscera. Lecture (online recordings): Abdomen: Anatomy of the Retroperitoneal Viscera

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Workshop (online activities): Abdomen: Anatomy of the Retroperitoneal Viscera Complete all the activities as indicated on CANVAS in the corresponding weekly module, including the Formative Workshop Assessment Task 06. Practical (face-to-face activity in the SASF, Bld. 04, Level 04): Abdomen: Anatomy of the Retroperitoneal Viscera Notes: Read the eResources and online activities available on CANVAS


Week 3 - 9 May

Pelvis I – Musculoskeletal Anatomy of the Pelvis. Lecture (online recordings): Pelvis: Musculoskeletal Anatomy of the Pelvis. Workshop (online activities): Pelvis: Musculoskeletal Anatomy of the Pelvis. In addition to the weekly workshop tasks, you will be asked to complete the following online summative assessment task: Quiz 02 - Topics covered up to and including Abdomine IV Practical (face-to-face activity in the SASF, Bld. 04, Level 04): Pelvis: Musculoskeletal Anatomy of the Pelvis. Notes: Read the eResources and online activities available on CANVAS Quiz 02 - Topics covered up to and including Abdomine IV


Week 10 - 16 May

Pelvis II – Genitourinary System Anatomy – Male Lecture (online recordings): Pelvis: Genitourinary System organs of the Male Workshop (online activities): Pelvis: Genitourinary System organs of the Male Complete all the activities as indicated on CANVAS in the corresponding weekly module, including the Formative Workshop Assessment Task 07.

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Practical (face-to-face activity in the SASF, Bld. 04, Level 04): Pelvis: Genitourinary System organs of the Male Notes: Read the eResources and online activities available on CANVAS


Week 17 - 23 May

Pelvis III – Genitourinary System Anatomy – Female Lecture (online recordings): Pelvis: Genitourinary System organs of the Female Workshop (online activities): Pelvis: Genitourinary System organs of the female In addition to the weekly workshop tasks, you will be asked to complete the following online summative assessment task: Quiz 03 - Topics covered up to and including Pelvis II Practical (face-to-face activity in the SASF, Bld. 04, Level 04): Pelvis: Genit...

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