ANAT&PHYS S1 M3 L3.05 Assignment PDF

Title ANAT&PHYS S1 M3 L3.05 Assignment
Author Marli Clarke
Course Anatomy phisology
Institution Florida College
Pages 5
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03.05 Nerve Conduction (30 Points) Directions: Fill in the table for the neuromuscular (myoneural) junction. Then, read the case study below and answer the questions. Each question should be answered with FIVE or more sentences. Neuromuscular (Myoneural) Junction (6 Points)

1.Synaptic Vesicles 2.Synapse 3.Motor End Plate 4.Calcium Channel 5.Neurotransmitter 6.Axon !

Case Study Dehydration of Student Athlete The players of a high school football team were traveling home from their football game in Fernandina Beach, Florida. It had been a tough night. It was August and still hot. The game had lasted three hours, and the players had to play offense, defense, and special teams because there were not enough players to field all positions. During the bus trip home, several of the athletes consumed multiple energy drinks in an attempt to regain their strength for a celebration party they planned to attend later that evening. Despite the odds, they had won their game. About half an hour into the trip home, a player named Joseph, a junior running back, began screaming from the back of the bus. When the coaches and athletic trainer reached Joseph's seat, they found him lying in the middle of the aisle, clenching his hamstrings and calf muscles in pain. He was yelling and wailing about his muscles cramping. When the athletic trainer examined Joseph, he discovered that the calves, hamstrings, and quadriceps of Joseph’s legs were in a tight and unyielding contraction. The athletic trainer immediately surmised that the athlete was cramping due to severe dehydration. To treat his symptoms, the athletic trainer coaxed the student to drink Gatorade, water, and juice. He also stretched and massaged all the muscle groups in an attempt to get the muscles to release their contraction. Ice packs were applied between stretches to help reduce the pain. After an hour, the muscle contractions in Joseph’s legs finally stopped.

1. With good detail, describe the signal transmission across a neuromuscular (myoneural) junction that allows the nervous system

to move the muscles of a football player. This one will be detailed with about 5-7 sentences. (5 Points) (Hint: See the videos on lesson pages 3-4.) A nerve impulse is a wave of chemical and electrical charges that travel along a neuron. A neuron has a negative charge to begin with, and just outside the neuron, there is a positive charge. When a nerve impulse occurs, it is when the electrical charge across the neuron cell membrane reverses. When the electrical charge reverses, the negative charge switches with a positive charge. Once the nerve impulse reaches your muscle, your muscle does the action that was sent out. These can happen at speeds up to at least 100 meters in less than a second. 2. What environmental and behavioral factors led to Joseph's dehydration? (4 Points) Joseph was dehydrated as a result of the ridiculously tiring football game. Instead of drinking water, or Gatorade, he drank energy drinks that included caffeine. Caffeine makes your muscles unable to work properly. His decision to consume those energy drinks affected his muscles and gave him the cramps. 3. Now that you know how a nerve impulse transmits through a neuron and into muscle tissue, explain why dehydration caused Joseph's muscle cramping? (5 Points) (Hint: During dehydration, a large amount of sodium is lost.) When the acetylcholine tries to bond with the receptor protein on the motor endplate, sodium and potassium gates are opened creating “end plate potential.” If the body is severely lacking sodium, the sodium gate would not work correctly. If the muscle does not get the correct signal properly, it can cause severe defects and unauthorized actions.

4. How did caffeine contribute to Joseph's muscle cramping? (5 Points) (Hint: See the video on lesson pages 3.)

Caffeine, along with other substances, can increase synaptic transmission. This can result in nervousness, sleepiness, and inhibition of synapses function. When Joseph drank those energy drinks, he consumed a very large amount of caffeine. This had caused his muscles to start to not cooperate properly. 5. Sports drink companies, such as Gatorade or Powerade, add sodium and potassium to their sports drinks. They refer to these minerals as “ electrolytes. ” Why do you think they assign these minerals that name? Why do they put sodium and potassium in the drinks? (5 Points) (Hint: See lesson page 4.) Sport drink companies call sodium and potassium electrolytes. This is because, without the necessary sodium and potassium, your body cannot undergo proper nerve impulses. Nerve impulses happen when an electrical charge across the neuron cell membrane reverses. There would be no electric charge without the “electrolytes.” They put them in the drink so that you can replenish your body’s need for those substances if you put them in a drink or food....

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