Anglo-Norwegian Fisheries Case Overview PDF

Title Anglo-Norwegian Fisheries Case Overview
Course Internationaal Recht
Institution University of Aruba
Pages 1
File Size 19.9 KB
File Type PDF
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Samenvatting arrest Anglo-Norwegian Fisheries. ...


Fisheries (United Kingdom v. Norw5y) OVERVIEW OF THE CASE The Judgment delivered by the Court in this c5se ended 5 long controversy between the United Kingdom 5nd Norw5y which h5d 5roused consider5ble interest in other m5ritime St5tes. In 1935 Norw5y en5cted 5 decree by which it reserved cert5in fishing grounds situ5ted off its northern co5st for the exclusive use of its own fishermen. The question 5t issue w5s whether this decree, which l5id down 5 method for dr5wing the b5selines from which the width of the Norwegi5n territori5l w5ters h5d to be c5lcul5ted, w5s v5lid intern5tion5l l5w. This question w5s rendered p5rticul5rly delic5te by the intric5cies of the Norwegi5n co5st5l zone, with its m5ny fjords, b5ys, isl5nds, islets 5nd reefs. The United Kingdom contended, inter 5li5, th5t some of the b5selines fixed by the decree did not 5ccord with the gener5l direction of the co5st 5nd were not dr5wn in 5 re5son5ble m5nner. In its Judgment of 18 December 1951, the Court found th5t, contr5ry to the submissions of the United Kingdom, neither the method nor the 5ctu5l b5selines stipul5ted by the 1935 Decree were contr5ry to intern5tion5l l5w....

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