Angular 2 Best Practices PDF

Title Angular 2 Best Practices
Author Jay L
Course Marketing Management
Institution Osmania University
Pages 7
File Size 159.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 80
Total Views 160


important assignment...


Additional Reference for A2 & A2+

1 Prefer Redux for state management  

Use the actual Redux library and/or framework-specific wrappers like ng2-redux. Allows for predictable state management.

2 Naming conventions 2.1 Use a consistent and predictable style for filenames  

Use the feature name in the filename or the folder name when leveraging index.ts files. (optional) Consider adding the feature type as a suffix to the feature name.

 

Use dashes to separate words. Use a dot-separated test suffix to indicate test files.

// avoid


// avoid /src/components/navigator/navigation-bar-test.ts

// good /src/components/modal/index.ts

// implement model component here

// good /src/components/modal/index.ts // export `modal.ts` here /src/components/modal/modal.ts

// good /src/components/modal/modal.component.ts

2.2 Use upper CamelCase for classes (i.e. components, services and pipes definitions) // avoid class button {}

// good class Button {}

2.3 Use lower camelCase for variables, function names, class instances, directive selectors, property bindings, event bindings, template variables and template element attributes // avoid const UserList = [ ... ] function CalculateTax(...) {}

// good const userList = [ ... ]; function calculateTax(...) {}

2.4 Use lower kebab-case for Angular 2 component selectors 

Allows browsers to interpret them as custom elements

// avoid @Component({ selector: 'mdButton', }) class MdButton { }

// good @Component({ selector: 'md-button', }) class MdButton { }

3 Directory structure As far as folder structures go, this one has a healthy suspicion of deep and nested hierarchies. Things are grouped according to their functions in the architecture rather than their functions in the application. This may all sound controversial but it's effective. As application functionality changes and evolves, code is adapted along the architecture's communication boundaries. We make change in the context of how small parts fit into the whole and this directory structure is meant to reflect that fact. It is an adaptive pattern that make complex changes more tractable and prevents unnecessary coupling (usually brought upon by proximity and convenience). src ├── │ │ │ │ │ ├── │ │ │── │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├── │ │ │ │ │ │ ├── │ │ │ │ │ │

actions ├── cart-actions.ts ├── order-history-actions.ts ├── profile-actions.ts ├── store-front-actions.ts └── ... assets ├── brand-logo.svg └── ... components ├── search-bar │ ├── search-bar.css │ ├── search-bar.html │ ├── search-bar.test.ts │ └── index.ts ├── product-card │ ├── product-card.css │ ├── product-card.html │ ├── product-card.test.ts │ └── index.ts └── button ├── button.css ├── button.html ├── button.test.ts └─ index.ts constants ├── cart-constants.ts ├── order-history-constants.ts ├── profile-constants.ts ├── store-front-constants.ts ├── ... └── index.ts containers ├── app.ts ├── cart.ts ├── order-history.ts ├── profile.ts ├── store-front.ts └── ...

├── │ │ │ │ │ │ ├── │ │ │ ├── │ │ │ │ ├── │ │ └──

reducers ├── cart-reducer.ts ├── order-history-reducer.ts ├── profile-reducer.ts ├── store-front-reducer.ts ├── ... └── index.ts store ├── configure-store.ts ├── ... └── index.ts services ├── api-service.ts ├── models-service.ts ├── order-management-service.ts └── ... pipes ├── currency-pipe.ts └── ... utils ├── api-client.ts ├── api-client.test.ts ├── models.ts ├── models.test.ts ├── currency.ts ├── currency.test.ts ├── order-management.ts ├── order-management.test.ts └── ...

utils: contains the majority of business logic, implemented as plain JavaScript libraries, and is the initial source of application functionality (see Packaging for advice on managing growth and changes in this folder).

actions: contains Redux action helpers that heavily utilize /utils libraries in order to dispatch actions.

assets: contains non-code assets to be bundled with the application.

components: contains state-less view components that take data "from above" and present a UI.

containers: contains stateful, and often routable, components that pass down data and behaviour-encapsulating callbacks to presentational components (and sometimes other containers).

constants: contains Redux constants which are typically action types.

reducers: contains Redux reducers that respond to dispatched actions and leverage models and data manipulation functions from /utils to execute application state transitions.

store: contains helpers that build a Redux store.

services: contains /utils libraries wrapped in Angular 2 services to take advantage of dependency injection, where appropriate. pipes: contains /utils libraries wrapped in Angular 2 pipes to be executed directly on templates, where appropriate.

4. Modules

4.1 Use ES6 modules  

Use a transpiler for larger browser support. Consider exporting only one thing per file using the default keyword and exposing them as a library using an index file.

 

Prefer grouping all dependency imports together at the top of the file. Prefer grouping all exports at the bottom of the file.

5. Components 5.1 Prefer stateless components   

Keeps state management in Redux (and out of Angular) as much as possible. Pass properties and event handlers down. Prefer adding an on prefix to event handlers.

5.2 Use a prefix for component selectors 

Prevents name collisions in the templates.

// avoid @Component({ selector: 'button', ... }) class Button {}

// good @Component({ selector: 'rio-button', ... }) class Button {}

5.3 Consider external template files  

Use templateUrl when depending on external template files. Eases management of template when using markup over strings.

5.4 Prefer @Input and @Output decorators over their @Component properties. When declaring component inputs and outputs, prefer the decorator version. // Avoid @Component({ // ... inputs: [ foo, bar ], outputs: [ quux] }) class MyComponent { foo: number; bar: string;

quux: EventEmitter; } // Prefer: @Component({ // ... }) class MyComponent { @Input() foo: number; @Input() bar: string; @Output() quux: EventEmitter; }

 

It's DRY-er: you no longer have to declare the 'input-ness' and the member variable in two different places. It associates the type with the input in one easily-readable location (preferably at the top of your component class).

6. Templates 6.1 Use one-way data binding 

Keeps data changes predictable and in-sync

6.2 Avoid referencing local template variables 6.3 Avoid side-effects in template expressions 6.4 Use the NgClass directive for managing multiple class names at the same time 6.5 Use the NgStyle directive when setting several inline styles at the same time 6.6 Use property binding with ngSwitch 6.7 Use an asterisk (*) in front of ngSwitchWhen and ngSwitchDefault

7. Services 7.1 Avoid depending on services in stateless view components

8. Directives 8.1 Use attribute selectors

9. Dependency Injection (DI) 9.1 Use


on all service definitions

Maintains consistency.

Prevents subtle bugs when a dependency is added later.

10. Routing 10.1 Use containers as component routers

11. Testing 

All code, with the exception of /components and /containers, can be tested using frameworkagnostic testing tools.

12. Packaging 

As libraries in the /utils folder mature, it is recommended that you bundle and version them as external npm packages. In the ideal case, your business logic is brought into your application as a collection of independent npm packages and your application only uses Angular and Redux to render it's UI....

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