Anth101 6 - Lecture notes 6 PDF

Title Anth101 6 - Lecture notes 6
Author julia kogut
Course Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology
Institution University of Delaware
Pages 4
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lecture notes 6...


situational negotiation of identity - Professional golfer Tiger Woods has parents from two different ethnic groups - African American and Asian American. He has been criticized in the past for identifying with both of these groups at different times. Anthropologically, we see this behavior not as reason for critique, but rather as an example of which of the following terms "Because ethnicity is not biologically fixed, self-identification with a particular ethnic group can change according to one's social location" genocide - The slaughter of as many as one million Tutsis in Rwanda during the 1990s is an example of which of the following? "Ethnic cleansing" groupism - the temptation to divide human populations into distinct groups despite rather fuzzy boundaries england - Which of the following is referred to in the chapter as a "ninety-minute nation" ethnicity - Which of the following terms is defined as "a sense of historical, cultural, and sometimes ancestral connection to a group of people who are imagined to be distinct from those outside the group?" assimilation - melting pot adopt the patterns and norms of the dominant culture and eventually cease to exist as separate groups diaspora - a group of people living outside their ancestral homeland yet maintaining emotional and material ties to home." marketing ethnicity - disney allows visitors to experience another culture, to maintain and enforce segregation between Hutus and Tutsis - Why did the Belgian colonial government in Rwanda establish a national identity card that included the category "ethnicity"? gender studies - "Research into masculinity and femininity as flexible, complex, and historically and culturally constructed categories" (page 272) is known as which of the following? has become a significant area of study in anthropology since the pioneering work of Margaret Mead and others. gender stratification - Among the Etoro of Papua New Guinea, males have almost exclusive access to power, wealth, and resources over females. This is an example of which of the following terms? an unequal distribution of power in which gender shapes who has access to a group's resources, opportunities, rights, and privileges" 1.7 percent - Approximately what percentage of humans are born with biological traits associated with neither exactly male nor female? love - Barbara Ehrenreich has suggested that the primary resource extracted from the world's poorer nations today is which of the following? Ehrenreich's assertion is based on the increasing number of women from impoverished

nations who travel to more wealthy areas in search of work as caregivers for children and households. structural gender violence - Young women age fifteen to twenty-five are being infected with HIV/AIDS three times faster than men in the same age group. gender violence - a man striking a woman in an argument (or vice-versa) gender stereotypes - Henry believes that women are poorly suited to athletic activities and should do all of the cooking and cleaning around the home. Aside from being seen as particularly boorish by contemporary American cultural standards, Henry's beliefs are an example of which of the following? are widely held and powerful, preconceived notions about the attributes of, differences between, and proper roles for women and men in a culture" assigning a gender, often with surgery or hormone treatment - How have most Western societies responded to the small minority of individuals who are intersex (born with a combination of male and female genitalia, gonads, and/or chromosomes)? sexual dimorphism - Human males are, on average, stronger than human females. Human females, on average, live longer than human males. These are all examples of what? phenotypic differences between males and females of the same species. It occurs in many animal species, including humans. cultural construction of gender - In Mexican society, males are often associated with the term "machismo," which indicates toughness and self-centeredness. This is an example of what concept? how culture shapes gender roles - In many Western countries, both men and women cook, but women tend to cook the family dinner and restaurant chefs are more likely to be men than women. What is this an example of? co-madres - This group participated in movements for greater democratization in El Salvador, particularly demanding the inclusion of women at all levels of El Salvador's political decision-making bodies. They were known as the two-spirits - Transgender individuals are common in many Native American groups. Which of the following terms is most appropriately used today to describe such individuals "berdache 60 percent - What percentage of the world's poorest people are women and girls? increase the ratio of female to male births - Which of the following is NOT included in the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations? sex - biological differences between males and females. the haji in india - example of gender diversity in a culture Culturally they are viewed as neither man nor woman, although they tend to adopt many characteristics of the woman's role. gender ideology - set of cultural ideas about men's and women's essential character, capabilities, and value that consciously or unconsciously promote and justify gender

stratification" descriptions of the roles of egg and sperm in biology textbooks fag - Which of the following is used by students in U.S. high schools to establish and guard constructions of masculinity, according to C. J. Pascoe? bio power - "the disciplining of the body through control of biological sex characteristics to meet cultural needs for clear distinctions between the sexes" medical procedures on intersex individuals 40 percent - According to your chapter, what percentage of college students in a 2006 college survey would define oral sex as "having sex" with someone? Humans exist on a continuum between homosexual and heterosexual behavior. - Alfred Kinsey posited which of the following about human sexual behavior? father giving away bride - Chrys Ingraham believes that the notion of "white weddings" influences American society in which of the following ways? dopamine - Helen Fisher suggests that "through evolution humans have developed a set of neurochemicals that drive an 'evolutionary trajectory of loving'" (page 316). Which of the following is a neurochemical that she sees as important in human sexuality? Fisher suggests that humans have evolutionarily developed hormones that allow us to progress through stages of a sexual relationship, beginning with attraction and lust (testosterone, in both men and women), moving into feelings of romance (dopamine, a stimulant), followed by feelings of security associated with long-term partnership (ocytocin). The evolutionary benefit of these stages is a relationship that lasts long enough to raise a child, thus increasing the child's chances of survival and reproduction. Carry that Weight movement - In October 2014 Columbia University students carried twenty-eight mattresses onto campus to protest what? alleged improper handling of sexual assault cases constructionist - Ivonne believes that people, events, and the cultural environment around us shape our sexual desires and behaviors. This is the __________ theoretical approach to human sexuality. focuses on how culture shapes what individuals see as normal and abnormal. asexual - a lack of erotic attraction to others bisexual - attraction to and sexual relations between members of both sexes heterosexual - attraction to and sexual relations between individuals of the opposite sex homosexual - attraction to and sexual relations between individuals of the same sex mati - Surinamese "women who form intimate spiritual, emotional, and sexual relationships with other women" are known as what? ethnocartography - The combined vast array of cross-cultural research about human sexuality is referred to in your chapter as the __________ of human sexuality. reflects both cultural and geographic differences in human sexuality. sexology - The scientific study of sexuality that began to emerge in the United States in the late 1800s and continues today is known as which of the following? scientific study of sexuality.

japan - White-collar male workers in which of the following nations are likely to visit highly sexualized "hostess bars" with colleagues after work? orientation, procreation - Choose the response that fills in the blanks with the appropriate terms, in the appropriate order. The family you are born into is known as the family of __________. The family people construct when they reach adulthood and acquire a mate is the family of __________. dowry - In India, the compulsory practice of a bride's family providing gifts to the groom's family upon marriage was outlawed in 1961, as it led to multiple cases of domestic violence. This practice was best known as which of the following terms? polyandry - In certain remote parts of Tibet, one woman will become married to all the brothers in a particular family. Which term best describes this practice the marriage of a woman to more than one man. kindred exogamy - In the United States, law and custom forbid marriage to certain family members. These laws and customs perpetuate marriage outside of one's own group. patrilineal - descent group constructed through father's side of family ambilineal - kinship traced through both mother's and father's sides of family matrilineal - descent group constructed through mother's side of family unilinear - descent measured through only one side of family (either mother's or father's) lineage - Members of the Nuer tribe trace genealogical connections over time via relatedness to a founding ancestor. When these relationships are documented, which of the following terms best represents this concept a type of descent group that traces genealogical connection through generations by linking persons to a founding ancestor clan - Members of the Nuer tribe trace genealogical connections over time via relatedness to a founding ancestor. When these relationships cannot be documented, which of the following terms best represents this concept? a type of descent group based on a claim to a founding ancestor but lacking genealogical documentation" descent group - Membership in a group of family members in a society is determined based on relatedness "by blood." Which of the following terms is MOST appropriate to describe the group A kinship group in which primary relationships are traced through certain consanguineous ('blood') relatives" affinal relationship - Stan and Sue get married. Their respective families now have occasion to get to know one another. Which of the following terms best describes their new interaction? a kinship relationship established through marriage and/or alliance, not through biology or common descent"...

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