Assignment 6 - Lecture notes 6 PDF

Title Assignment 6 - Lecture notes 6
Course Medical Terminology
Institution Daytona State College
Pages 5
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Answers to Assignment 6- building and defining words pertaining to the stomach...


Use esophag/o (esophagus) to build words that mean 1. pain in the esophagus 2. spasm of the esophagus 3. stricture or narrowing of the esophagus

esophagodynia or esophagalgia esophagospasm esophagostenosis

Use gastr/o (stomach) to build words that mean 4. inflammation of the stomach 5. pain in the stomach 6. disease of the stomach 6. disease of the stomach

gastritis gastrodynia or gastralgia gastropathy

Use duoden/o (duodenum), jejun/o (jejunum), or ile/o (ileum) to build words that mean 7. excision of all or part of the jejunum jejunectomy 8. relating to the duodenum duodenal 9. inflammation of the ileum ileitis 10. pertaining to the jejunum and ileum jejunoileal Use enter/o (usually small intestine) to build words that mean 11. inflammation of the small intestine enteritis 12. disease of the small intestine enteropathy 13. inflammation of the small intestine and colon entercolitis Use col/o (colon) to build words that mean 14. inflammation of the colon 15. pertaining to the colon and rectum 16. prolapse or downward displacement of the colon 17. disease of the colon

colitis colorectal coloptosis colopathy

Use proct/o (anus, rectum) or rect/o (rectum) to build words that mean 18. narrowing or constriction of the rectum proctosenosis or rectostenosis 19. herniation of the rectum rectocele or proctocele 20. paralysis of the anus (anal muscles) proctoplegia or proctoparalysis Use chol/e (bile, gall) to build words that mean 21. inflammation of the gallbladder 22. abnormal condition of a gallstone

cholecystitis cholelithiasis

Use hepat/o (liver) or pancreat/o (pancreas) to build words that mean 23. tumor of the liver hepatoma 24. enlargement of the liver hepatomegaly 25. inflammation of the pancreas pancreatitis

Build a surgical word that means 1. excision of gums (tissue): 2. partial or complete excision of the tongue: 3. repair of the esophagus: 4. removal of part or all of the stomach: 5. forming an opening between the stomach and jejunum: 6. excision of (part of) the esophagus: 7. forming an opening between the stomach, small intestine, and colon: 8. surgical repair of the small intestine: 9. fixation of the small intestine (to the abdominal wall): 10. suture of the bile duct: 11. forming an opening into the colon: 12. fixation of a movable liver (to the abdominal wall): 13. surgical repair of the anus or rectum: 14. removal of the gallbladder: 15. surgical repair of a bile duct:

Match the terms with the definitions in the numbered list. Anorexia ascites borborygmus cachexia dysphagia flatus halitosis hematemesis leukoplakia melena obstipation steatorrhea 1. vomiting blood: 2. difficulty swallowing or inability to swallow: 3. varicose veins in the rectal area: 4. foul-smelling breath: 5. loss of appetite: 6. dark, tarry stools caused by presence of blood in the GI tract: 7. yellowing of the skin caused by liver disease: 8. state of ill health, malnutrition, and wasting: 9. intractable constipation: 10. gurgling audible noises caused by pass of gas through the liquid contents of the stomach: 11. abnormal accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity: 12. form of inflammatory bowel disease, usually of the ileum: 13. passage of fat in large amounts in the feces: 14. formation of white patches on the mucous membrane of the cheek: 15. gas in the gastrointestinal tract:

gingivitis glossectomy esophagoplasty gastrectomy gastrojejunostomy esophagectomy gastroenterocolostmy enteroplasty enteropexy choledochorrhaphy colostomy hepatopexy proctoplasty or rectoplasty cholectystectomy choledochoplasty

cirrhosis Crohn disease hemorrhoids

hematemesis dysphagia hemorrhoids halitosis anorexia melena cirrhosis cachexia obstipation borborygmus ascites Crohn disease steatorrhea leukoplakia flatus

Match the terms with the definitions in the numbered list. Anastomosis antacids antiemetics antispasmodics endoscopy ESWL gastroscopy IBS intubation tests lower GI series MRCP proctosigmoidoscopy stool guaiac upper GI series

bariatric choledochoplasty laxatives liver function stat stool culture

1. procedure to visualize biliary and pancreatic ducts by using magnetic resonance imaging MRCP 2. procedure in which shock waves break up calculi in the biliary ducts ESWL 3. disorder that affects the colon and causes constipation and diarrhea; also called spastic colon IBS 4. agents that alleviate muscle spasms antispasmodics 5. surgical reconstruction of a bile duct choledochoplasty 6. administration of a barium enema while a series of radiographs is taken of the colon lower GI series 7. visual examination of the stomach gastroscopy 8. agents that control nausea and vomiting antiemetics 9. insertion of a tube into any hollow organ intubation 10. surgical formation of a passage or opening between two hollow viscera or vessels anastomosis 11. detects presence of blood in the feces; also called Hemoccult stool guaiac 12. visual examination of a cavity or canal using a specialized lighted instrument endoscopy

13. used to treat constipation laxatives 14. neutralize excess acid in the stomach and help to relieve gastritis and ulcer pain antacids 15. test to identify microorganisms present in feces stool culture 16. measures the levels of certain enzymes, bilirubin, and various proteins liver function tests 17. surgery that treats morbid obesity bariatric 18. immediately stat 19. endoscopic procedure for visualization of the rectosigmoid colon proctosigmoidoscopy 20. radiographic imaging of the esophagus, duodenum, and stomach after ingestion of barium upper GI series Terminology The terms listed in the table that follows are taken from Chart Note: GI Evaluation. Use a medical dic- tionary such as Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, the appendices of this book, or other resources to define each term. Then review the pronunciation for each term and practice by reading the medical record aloud. appendectomy* (ap-e n-DE  K-to-me): The surgical removal or the appendix; performed to treat appendicitis cholecystectomy (ko-le-s  ıs-TE  K- to-me): A surgical procedure to remove the gallbladder cholecystitis (ko-le-s ıs-TI-t ıs): Inflammation of the gallbladder cholelithiasis* (ko-le-l ı-THI-a-s ıs): A hardened deposit within the fluid of the gallbladder (gallstones) crescendo (kre -SHE  N-do): A murmur that increases in intensity and suddenly ceases decrescendo (da-kre -SHE  N-do): A murmur gradually becoming softer or quieter defecate (DE F-e  -kat): discharge feces from the body

flatus (FLA-tu s): gas in or from the stomach or intestines, produced by swallowing air or by bacterial fermentation heme-negative stool (hem-NE G-a-t ıv): Referring to stool that does not appear to contain the heme commonly associated with colorectal CA hepatomegaly (he  p-a-to-ME  G-a-le): Abnormal enlargement of the liver intermittent (  ı n-t e  r-MI  T- e  nt): Occurring at irregular intervals, not continuous or steady nausea (NAW-se-a): A feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit PE: Physical Examination; Pulmonary Embolism; Pressure-Equalizing (tube) PMH: Past Medical History Postoperative (post-O  P-e  r-a-t ıv): During, relating to, or denoting the period following a surgical operation R/O: Rule Out Splenomegaly (sple-no-ME G-a-le): Abnormal enlargement of the spleen Tonsillectomy (ton-s  ıl-E  K-to-me): A surgical operation to remove the tonsils Critical Thinking Review Chart Note: GI Evaluation to answer the questions. 1. Referring to Figure 6-3, describe the location of the gallbladder in relation to the liver. The gallbladder is posterior and inferior to the right lobe of the liver 2. Why did the patient undergo the cholecystectomy? The patient underwent the cholecystectomy to treat cholecystitis and cholelithiasis 3. What were the patient’s prior surgeries? The patient’s prior surgeries were a tonsillectomy, an appendectomy, and a cholecystectomy 4. How does the patient’s most recent postoperative episode of discomfort (pain) differ from the initial pain she described? The patients’ most recent postoperative episodes of pain differ from the initial pain she described because initially it was intermittent/sharp epigastric pain but after the operation the patient had deep, continuous right-sided pain which took on a crescendo pattern and after that a decrescendo pattern....

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