AP 5069 L01 Intro Sci-1 A&P1 Spring 2020 LAB 1 PDF

Title AP 5069 L01 Intro Sci-1 A&P1 Spring 2020 LAB 1
Author Ashley Schirmer
Course Clinical Nutrition
Institution University of South Carolina
Pages 17
File Size 690.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Lab 1...


Introduction to Science EXERCISE 1: DATA INTERPRETATION Dissolved oxygen is oxygen that is trapped in a fluid. Because many living organisms require oxygen to survive, it is a necessary component of water systems (streams, lakes, rivers, etc.) to support aquatic life. Dissolved oxygen is measured in units of ppm (parts per million). Examine the data in Table 4, which shows the amount of dissolved oxygen present and the number of fish observed in the body of water from which the sample was taken. Then, answer the questions below. Table 4: Water Quality Versus Fish Population Dissolved Oxygen (ppm)




Number of Fish Observed







12 14 16 18

10 12 13

15 10 12 13

1. What patterns do you observe based on the information in Table 4?

In observing Table 4 I can see several patterns. What first stands out to me is the 0 Dissolved Oxygen (ppm) in the water comparing with the fish population that was also 0. This is because the (ppm) a life requirement for fish. As the level of (ppm) in the water increases, the fish population observed also increases. From my understanding, the higher the oxygen levels/available in the water the more fish population the water is able to sustain. Currently the (ppm) is increasing by a rate of 2. There was a sudden decrease by 5 in the population with a (ppm) of 14 then began to rise again. Its possible other variables caused the sudden decrease more information and further study would be required.

2. Develop a hypothesis relating to the amount of dissolved oxygen measured in the water sample and the number of fish observed in the body of water.

With 0 Dissolved Oxygen (ppm) the water quality for the fish population is not sustainable, as the (ppm) increases the fish population will continue to increase as well. How much (ppm) would be required to double the population? If the (ppm) was increased at double its current rate, then the fish population would also increase at double its current rate.

3. What would your experimental approach be to test this hypothesis? ©eScience Labs, 2016

Introduction to Science Design a controlled system to allow 2 studies simultaneously. The first controlled system would continue gradually increasing the dissolved oxygen (ppm) to the water with the original increase rate of +2 following the pattern from above. For the second controlled system I would do the same as the first the ONLY difference would be gradually increasing the dissolved oxygen (ppm) at a rate of +4 rather than the original rate of +2. I would record my data and analyze my results to see if doubling the amount of dissolved oxygen (ppm) available in the water would double the population of fish. For example, control system 1- (ppm) @ +2 rate 0,2,4,6,8,10,12… and control system 2- (ppm) @ +4 rate 0,4,8,12,16,20,24…!

4. What would be the independent and dependent variables?

The (ppm) gradual increase rate in the different water control systems would be the IV and the fish population is the DV.

5. What would be your control?

The control for this experiment would be the environment/amount of available space for fish population. The amount of Dissolved Oxygen (ppm), tank water temperature, room temperature, food, lighting, and pH balance for each tank and fish population would be the negative controls in which I do not expect a change to occur. While the fish population would be the positive control because I do expect to see a change occur.

6. What type of graph would be appropriate for this data set? Why?

A line graph because it would show the relationship between the IV and DV.

7. Graph the data from Table 4.

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Introduction to Science Water Quality VS Fish Population 20 18


16 14 12

15 12

10 8 6 4 2 00 1






16 12



8 6 2 1 2

4 3




Dissolved Oxygen (ppm)






Number of Fish Observed

8. Interpret the data from the graph you made in Question 7.

Fish rely on dissolved oxygen in the water to survive. With more oxygen (ppm) available in the water the higher the water quality thus allowing the water to sustain a larger fish population.

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Introduction to Science EXERCISE 2: TESTABLE OBSERVATIONS Determine which of the observations below are testable. For those that are testable:        

Determine if the observation is qualitative or quantitative. Write a hypothesis and a null hypothesis. What is your experimental approach? What are the dependent and independent variables? What are your controls, both positive and negative? How will you collect your data? How will you present your data (e.g., chart, graph, type)? How will you analyze your data?

Observations 1. A plant grows three inches faster per day when placed on a window sill than it does when placed on a coffee table in the middle of the living room.

Yes, this is a testable hypothesis and the observation would be quantitative. Hypothesis- The plant growing in the windowsill that is exposed to natural sunlight will grow faster than the plant growing on the coffee table that is away from natural sunlight. Null hypothesis- Sunlight does not increase the growth rate of plants. Experimental approach- Allow one plant to go in windowsill the other on the coffee table. Water plants every other day and measure both plants growth every 3 days keeping record for a total of 2 weeks. IV- Plant exposure to natural sunlight & DV- Height of plant growth measured in inches. Positive control (expect a change)- The growth of the plant that is placed on the windowsill. Negative control (do not expect a change)- The growth of the plant placed on the coffee table. Data collected- Measuring height of plants daily and recording the growth of both plants for one week. Compare the difference between each plant’s total growth after 2 weeks. Data presentation- Use a line graph to represent each of the plants’ growth rate after 2 week. ©eScience Labs, 2016

Introduction to Science Analyzing data- If the plant grown on the windowsill is taller than the plant grown on the coffee table, the null hypothesis may be rejected and the hypothesis that sunlight provides more plant growth may be accepted.

9. The bank teller with brown hair and brown eyes is taller than the other tellers.

Not a testable observation.

10. When Sally eats healthy foods and exercises regularly, her blood pressure is 10 points lower than when she eats fatty foods and does not exercise.

Yes, this is a testable observation it would be quantitative. Hypothesis- If Sally maintains a healthy diet and exercises regularly, she will maintain normal blood pressure levels. Null Hypothesis- Diet and exercise have no effect on maintaining blood pressure levels. Experimental approach- Define Sally’s normal blood pressure. Provide a healthy diet and regularly exercise for 3 weeks while recording blood pressure daily. Then follow with three weeks of increase fatty foods and decreased exercise in Sally’s diet and record blood pressure daily. Compare blood pressure results. IV- Healthy foods and exercise or Fatty foods and decreased exercise & DV- Sally’s blood pressure readings. Positive control- Healthy diet and regular exercise & Negative control- Fatty foods in diet and no regular exercise routine. Data collected- Recording Sally’s blood pressure daily while she eats a healthy diet and exercises regularly for 3 weeks. Following data collected would be recording Sally’s blood pressure daily while she eats fatty foods and does not exercise. Date presentation- Results for each 3 weeks period could be plotted separately on a line graph for comparison. Analyzing data- Upon review of data you would find that the hypothesis is supported, and the null hypothesis can be rejected. ©eScience Labs, 2016

Introduction to Science

11. The Italian restaurant across the street closes at 9 pm, but the one two blocks away closes at 10 pm.

Not a testable observation.

12. For the past two days, the clouds have come out at 3 pm, and it has started raining at 3:15 pm.

Not a testable observation.

13. George did not sleep at all the night following the start of Daylight Savings Time.

Yes, this is a testable observation and would be quantitative. Hypothesis- DST(Daylight Savings Time) affects George’s normal sleeping patterns. Null hypothesis- DST had no effects on George’s normal sleeping patterns. Experimental approach- Record the average number of hours George typically sleeps for several weeks before, during, and after daylight savings time. Dependent variable- The number of hours George sleeps during daylight savings time. Independent variable- The day and time. Control- The environmental conditions, temperature, and the bed he sleeps in. Data collection- Record George’s sleeping patterns for several weeks before, during, and after daylight savings time. Record the time he goes to bed and how many hours he sleeps for each night. Presentation- Use a line graph to plot the day/time on the x-axis and George’s hours of sleep on the y-axis to see if there are any correlating results. Analysis- Data would be used to show whether daylight savings time affected George’s sleep.

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Introduction to Science Exercise 3: Conversion Use Figure 9 to convert each value into the designated units. Submit this exercise to your professor when completed.

Figure 9: Conversions for temperature, time, mass, and length.

1. 46,756,790 mg = 46.75679 kg ©eScience Labs, 2016

Introduction to Science 14. 5.6 hours = 20,160 seconds

15. 13.5 cm = 5.31 inches

16. 47 °F = 8.33 °C

17. 0.45 miles = 720 meters

18. 9.3 pounds = 4218.41 grams

19. 3.5 days = 302,400 seconds

20. 22 C = 71.6 F

EXERCISE 4: ACCURACY AND PRECISION Determine whether the following statements are accurate, precise, both, or neither. Circle your answer. **Personal note**Remember accuracy refers to the closeness of a measured value to the standard value & precision refers to the closeness of two or more measurements to each other.** 1. During gym class, four students decided to see if they could beat the norm of 45 sit-ups in one minute. The first student did 64 sit-ups, the second did 69, the third did 65, and the fourth did 67.

Accurate PreciseNeither


21. The average score for the 5th-grade math test is 89.5. The top 5th graders took the test and scored 89, 93, 91, and 87.

Accurate PreciseNeither


22. Yesterday the temperature was 89 °F, tomorrow it’s supposed to be 88 °F, and the next day it’s supposed to be 90 °F, even though the average temperature for September is 75 °F.

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Introduction to Science Accurate PreciseNeither


23. Four friends decided to play horseshoes. They took a picture of their results.

Horseshoes thrown at a stake. Accurate PreciseNeither Both 24. A local grocery store held a contest to see who could most closely guess the number of pennies inside a large jar. The first six people guessed the numbers 735, 209, 390, 300, 1005, and 689. The grocery clerk said the jar actually contains 568 pennies.

Accurate PreciseNeither


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Introduction to Science EXERCISE 5: SIGNIFICANT DIGITS AND SCIENTIFIC NOTATION Part 1 Determine the number of significant digits in each number and write the specific significant digits. 1. 405000 has 3 significant digits- 4,0,5

25. 0.0098 has 2 significant digits- 9,8

26. 39.999999 has 8 significant digits- 3,9,9,9,9,9,9,9

27. 13.00 has 4 significant numbers- 1,3,0,0

28. 80,000,089 has 8 significant digits- 8,0,0,0,0,0,8,9

29. 55,430.00 has 7 significant digits- 5,5,4,3,0,0,0

30. 0.000033 has 2 significant digits- 3,3

31. 620.03080 has 8 significant digits- 6,2,0,0,3,0,8,0

Part 2 Convert each regular number into scientific notation. 1. 70,000,000,000 = 7×1010

32. 0.000000048 = 4.8×10-8

33. 67,890,000 = 6.789×107

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Introduction to Science 34. 70,500 = 7.05×104

35. 450,900,800 = 4.509008×108

36. 0.009045 = 9.045×10-3

37. 0.023 = 2.3×10-2

EXERCISE 6: PERCENTAGE ERROR Determine the percentage error in each scenario. Show your work on all problems. 1. A dad holds five coins in his hand. He tells his son that if he can guess the amount of money, he is holding within 5% error, he can have the money. The son guesses that dad is holding 81 cents. The dad opens his hand and displays 90 cents. Did the son guess close enough to get the money?

No, because |81− 90|÷|90|×100=10 % error which is greater than a 5% error.

38. A science teacher tells her class that the final project requires students to measure a specific variable and determine the velocity of a car with no more than 2.5% error. Jennifer and Johnny work hard and decide the velocity of the car is 34.87 m/s. The teacher informs them that the actual velocity is 34.15 m/s. Will Jennifer and Johnny get a passing grade on their final project.

Yes, because |34.87 −34.15|÷|34.15|× 100=2.10 % error which is less than a 2.5% error.

39. A train is on its way from Chicago, IL to Madison, WI. The trip is said to last 3.15 hours. When the train arrives in Madison, the conductor notices the trip took 3.26 hours. The train company prides itself on always having its trains arrive within a 3% error of the expected time. Will the train company live up to its reputation on this trip?

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Introduction to Science No, because

|3.15− 3.26|÷|3.26|×100=3.37 % error which is more than the 3% error.

40. A coach tells his Little League players that hitting a 0.275 batting average, within 7% error, means that they had a really great season. Seven-year-old Tommy ended the season with a 0.258 batting average. According to his coach, did Tommy have a great season?

Yes, because

|0.258 −0.275|÷|0.275|×100 =6.18 which is less than the 7% error.

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Introduction to Science EXERCISE 1: DESIGN AN EXPERIMENT Table 5: Experiment Variables Variables

1. Soaked in bottled water over night 2. Location- kitchen window, room window, or no window 3. Oxygen- bag opened vs bag sealed 4. Lighting- sunlight vs artificial light 5. Water- kitchen water vs bottled water 6. Humidity levels-keeping paper towel damp 7. Temperature- outside temperature and inside 8. Crowded vs Spaced out 9. Bean health- no damage beans are whole and not split in half 10. Germination time- time it took to notice first signs of a sprout 11. Fertilization- types of fertilizer used

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Introduction to Science Begin your lab report here: Title- Design Your

Own Pinto Bean Germination Experiment

Intro- This experiment is being conducted to determine various ways in which the pinto bean germination process is affected by different variables. We know that pinto beans can be germinated just like any other healthy bean or seed the unsolved question is what we can do to make the environment appropriate to produce the fastest germination growth rate. The purpose of this experiment is to determine what environment produces the fastest rate of pinto bean germination. My hypothesis is that the pinto beans which are placed into bags away from windows (cold outside) that remain opened allowing fresh oxygen to reach the beans will grow at a faster rate than the pinto beans which are placed into sealed bags on the cold windows. Materials & Methods- 90 Pinto beans, 9 5×8in. bags, 1 permanent marker, masking tape, paper towels, tap water, & 1 bottled water are the materials I used. My methods for determining variables, which may affect the pinto bean germination; Exposure to sunlight or artificial light, Exposure to oxygen, and Exposure to temperature. My methods step by step: 1- soak pinto beans in bowl of bottled water overnight 2- prepare and label 3 sets of bags for each condition (positive control, negative control, variable) Positive control- (Set1) This set placed in direct sunlight. The seeds will get the necessary warmth for germination and so germination will be speeded. Negative control- (Set2) This set not in direct sunlight. The seeds get less warmth, hence likely to germinate at a slower rate. Variable- (Set3) Bag open for oxygen exposure. 3- wet 9 paper towels until damp not soaked 4- place 10 beans in a row on 1 paper towel and fold over beans (repeat for all 9 paper towels) 5- place the folded paper towels containing beans into a 5×8in bag (repeat for all 9 paper towels) 6- use masking tape to place 3 bags sealed on window with direct sunlight, 3 bags sealed in a location with no direct sunlight and 3 bags unsealed near sunlight but not on window 7- make and record observations in pinto bean growth and temperatures daily for 7 days

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Introduction to Science Results- Temperature chart and one photo of each of the 3 sets beans after 7 days!

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Introduction to Science

Discussion- I began my experiment 1/18/20 by soaking the beans over-night to speed up the germination process. The beans were bagged on 1/19/20 and began monitoring daily for any changes in growth by visual observation. The following night on 1/20/20 only one single bean located in artificial light, in an unsealed bag, away from the window had any signs of germination. It is important to note the recorded hi/lo temperatures above as I believe this is a outside factor that played a role in the decreased germination rate of these beans. On 1/21/20 there no changes observed. Again on 1/22/20 very minimal changes observed if any maybe a slight change in color. On 1/23/20 I added more water again with minimal changes suspect temperature is playing a role here. On both 1/24/20 and 1/25/20 there was an obvious increase in ©eScience Labs, 2016

Introduction to Science germination in each of the 3 sets of beans. I believe this is due to multiple variables including the increased temperature and water that was added on 1/23/20. Conclusion- In conclusion, the pinto beans in Set 2 sealed and away from window in artificial light had the best growth after 7 days. The beans in Set 1 sealed and in the window had the least amount of growth after 7 days. While the pinto beans in Set 3 opened to allow fresh oxygen in and placed away from window in artificial light had more growth than the beans in Set 1 (sealed in window) it had less growth than the beans in Set 2 (sealed away from window). Abstract- To determine the different ways in which pinto beans are affected by different variables during the germination phase of their growth I place 9 plastic bags in different environments with 10 beans each, enclosed with a damp paper towel. I recorded this process for one week.

References- eScience

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