A&P II Study Guide - Respiratory & Digestive Systems PDF

Title A&P II Study Guide - Respiratory & Digestive Systems
Course Anatomy & Physiology II
Institution Rowan College of South Jersey
Pages 22
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21: The Respiratory System
22: The Digestive System

study guide containing questions, answers, & diagrams

Dr. Clark...


Rowan College SOUTH JERSEY Gloucester Campus Division of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) Summer Semester II June - July 2020 SEMESTER/YEAR

Human Anatomy & Physiology II

Dr. Lemuel B. Clark



___________________________________________ Date

MONDAY/THURSDAY (Optional Live Online) 10:00am & 12noon

Models, Charts and Illustrations of

The Respiratory and Digestive Systems








The Human Respiratory System. The illustration on the preceding page is entitled The Human Respiratory System (Upper & Lower Respiratory Tract). Identify the labeled structures and place the letter on the line that corresponds with the correct answer. Your answer must be PRINTED legibly and unambiguously.

________ 01 Nasal Cavity (filters, warms, and moistens inhaled air) ________ 02 Nose (passageway for air) ________ 03 Mouth (passageway for food and air) ________ 04 Pharynx/Throat (common passageway for air, food and liquids) ________ 05 Epiglottis (covers larynx during swallowing) ________ 06 Larynx/Voice Box (production of sound) ________ 07 Trachea/Windpipe (main airway) ________ 08 Bronchi (branching airways) ________ 09 Alveoli (air sacs for gas exchange) ________ 10 Diaphragm (skeletal muscle of respiration) ________ 11 Intercostal Muscle (moves ribs during respiration) ________ 12 Rib ________ 13 Lung (organ of gas exchange) ________ 14 Plural Membrane (covers the lungs and lines the chest cavity)


The Human Respiratory System. Match the components of The Human Respiratory System with their corresponding primary function. Print the letter on the line. Your answer must be legible and unambiguous.

_________ 15 Airway where sound is produced; closed off while swallowing

A Nasal Cavity B Oral Cavity (mouth)

_________ 16 Muscle sheet between chest cavity and abdominal cavity with role in breathing

C Pharynx (throat) D Epiglottis

_________ 17 Increasingly branched (small) airways between the two bronchi and the alveoli _________ 18 Closes off the larynx during swallowing

E Larynx (voice box) F Trachea (windpipe)

G _________ 19 Chamber (cavity) in which air is warmed, moistened, and filtered, and in H which sound resonates J _________ 20 Ribcage muscles with role in breathing K _________ 21 Airway that connect larynx with the two bronchi

Lungs Bronchioles Alveoli Plural Membranes

L Intercostal Muscles M Diaphragm

_________ 22 Supplemental (alternate) airway when breathing is labored _________ 23 Thin walled air sacs where gases are exchanged between lungs and the pulmonary capillaries _________ 24 Membranes that separates lungs from other organs; fluid filled cavity between has role in breathing _________ 25 Airway that connect nasal cavity and mouth with larynx; enhances sound; also connects with esophagus _________ 26 Lobed elastic organ of breathing that enhances gas exchange between the internal environment and the outside air


Inspiration and Expiration. To better understand the mechanism on ventilation, study the arrows and corresponding structures in the following illustration. Then answer the questions below. It aids understanding if you focus on the same part of your own anatomy presently undergoing the ventilation cycle.

________________ 27 Which diagram, TOP or BOTTOM, shows inspiration? ________________ 28 Which diagram, TOP or BOTTOM, shows expiration? ________________ 29 The small arrows on each diagram shows the contraction and relaxation of which muscle. ________________ 30 Which muscles contract and relax to cause the rib cage movement indicated by the three larger arrows on each diagram? ________________ 31 In the TOP diagram, in which direction does the diaphragm move? ________________ 32 In the TOP diagram, in which direction does the rib cage move? ________________ 33 What affect do the movements in the TOP diagram have on lung volume? ________________ 34 In the BOTTOM diagram, in which direction does the diaphragm move? ________________ 35 In the BOTTOM diagram, in which direction does the rib cage move? ________________ 36 What affect do the movements in the BOTTOM diagram have on lung volume?




37 ____________ illustrates the position of the vocal cords during quiet breathing 38 ____________ illustrates the position of the vocal cords during normal sound production 39 ____________ reveals the inner lining of the trachea 40 ____________ illustrates a closed glottis, and shows the position of the vocal folds and vestibular folds 41 ____________ illustrates the state of the glottis throughout a yawn (very deep inspiration, taken with jaws wide open). 42 ____________ illustrates the state of the glottis just prior to a cough (a sudden blast of air forced upward against a closed glottis).

That was just the warm warm--up! Are you ready for the good stuff stuff?? Just m maintain aintain your rhythm and keep plugging away away.. You’ll do very well. 6

MATCH the words or phrases below with the corresponding anatomical reference or homeostatic imbalance. PRINT the WORD or PHRASE on the line that corresponds with the correct answer. Your answers must be PRINTED legibly and unambiguously.

Respiration Respiratory System 43 The major function of the _____________________________ is to supply the Fill in the blank.

body with oxygen and dispose of carbon dioxide. 44 To accomplish this function, at least four processes, collectively called ________________________________, must happen. Fill in the blank.

Epiglottis Thyrohyoid Membrane Laryngeal Prominence Cricothyroid Ligament Cricotracheal Ligament __________________________________ 45 Obvious externally as the Adam’s Apple; marks the fusion of the shield-shaped Thyroid Cartilage. __________________________________ 46 Connects the Thyroid Cartilage inferiorly with the Cricoid Cartilage. __________________________________ 47 Membrane connecting the Body of Hyoid Bone and the Thyroid Cartilage __________________________________ 48 Which structure seals the larynx when we swallow? __________________________________ 49 Connects the Tracheal Cartilage superiorly with the Cricoid Cartilage.

Pha yngeal Tonsils Larynx 50 The ________________________________ is an intricate arrangement of nine cartilages connected by membranes and ligaments. 51 The ________________________________ are also called the Adenoids. Fill in the blanks.

52 The ________________________________ is also called The Voice Box..


The illustration below is entitled The Larynx. Identify the labeled structures and place the letter on the line that corresponds with the correct answer. Your answer must be PRINTED legibly and unambiguously.

________ 53 Body of Hyoid Bone ________ 54 Epiglottis ________ 55 Thyroid Cartilage ________ 56 Cricoid Cartilage ________ 57 Tracheal Cartilages ________ 58 Laryngeal Prominence (Adam’s Apple) ________ 59 Fatty Pad ________ 60 Vestibular Fold (False Vocal Cords) ________ 61 Vocal Folds (True Vocal Cords) ________ 62 Arytenoid Cartilage ________ 63 Corniculate Cartilage ________ 64 Cuneiform Cartilage ________ 65 Arytenoid Muscles ________ 66 Thyrohyoid Membrane ________ 67 Cricothyroid Ligaments ________ 68

Cricotracheal Ligaments


True False 69 ____________ The illustration above shows a cross-sectional view of the Abdominal Aorta, illustrating its relationship to the Inferior Venae Cava. 70 ____________ The illustration above shows a cross-sectional view of the Ureters, illustrating their relationship to the Urethra. 71 ____________ The illustration above shows a cross-sectional view of the Rectum, illustrating its relationship to the Vagina. 72 ____________ The illustration above shows a cross-sectional view of the Trachea, illustrating its relationship to the Esophagus. 73 ____________ The illustration above shows contiguous structures of the same system. (i.e., side-by-side; touching) 74 ____________ The illustration above shows contiguous structures from different systems. (i.e., side-by-side; touching)


The illustration below is entitled Conduction Zone Passages. Identify the labeled structures and place the letter on the line that corresponds with the correct answer. Your answer must be PRINTED legibly and unambiguously.

________ 75 Superior Lobe of Left Lung ________ 76 Inferior Lobe of Left Lung ________ 77 Superior Lobe of Right Lung ________ 78 Middle Lobe of Right Lung ________ 79 Inferior Lobe of Right Lung ________ 80 Left Main (Primary) Bronchus ________ 81 Lobar (Secondary) Bronchus ________ 82 Segmental (Tertiary) Bronchus ________ 83 Trachea


The illustration below is entitled Respiratory Zone Structures. Identify the labeled structures and place the letter on the line that corresponds with the correct answer. Your answer must be PRINTED legibly and unambiguously.

________ 84 Alveoli ________ 85 Alveolar Sac ________ 86 Alveolar Pores ________ 87 Alveolar Duct ________ 88 Respiratory Bronchioles ________ 89 Terminal Bronchioles


The Digestive System. The Digestive System take in food, breaks it down into nutrient molecules, absorbs these molecules into the bloodstream, and then rids the body of indigestible remains. This section of the exam is designed to assess your understanding of the structures and functions of The Digestive System.


Alimentary Canal and Related Digestive Organs. Identify the labeled structures on the preceding page and place the letter on the line that corresponds with the correct answer. Your answers must be PRINTED legibly and unambiguously. _______ 90 Anal Canal _______ 91 Anus _______ 92 Tongue _______ 93 Rectum _______ 94 Pharynx _______ 95 Mouth (Oral Cavity) _______ 96 Esophagus _______ 97 Sigmoid Colon _______ 98 Stomach _______ 99 Liver ______ 100 Small Intestine ______ 101 Gallbladder ______ 102 Duodenum ______ 103 Pancreas ______ 104 Jejunum ______ 105 Spleen ______ 106 Ileum ______ 107 Salivary Glands ______ 108 Descending Colon ______ 109 Parotid Gland ______ 110 Vermiform Appendix ______ 111 Sublingual Gland ______ 112 Cecum ______ 113 Submandibular Gland ______ 114 Ascending Colon ______ 115 Transverse Colon



The Digestive System. The Illustration on the preceding page is entitled Gastrointestinal Tract Activities. Identify the labeled structures and place the letter on the line that corresponds with the correct answer. Your answers must be PRINTED legibly and unambiguously. _______ 116 Anus _______ 117 Feces _______ 118 Large Intestine _______ 119 Small Intestine _______ 120 Stomach _______ 121 Esophagus _______ 122 Pharynx _______ 123 Segmentation (Small Intestines)

_______ 124 Churning (Stomach)

_______ 125 Chewing (Mouth)

_______ 126 Lymph Vessel _______ 127 Blood Vessel _______ 128 Mainly H2O

(A) Mechanical Digestion (B) Propulsion __________ 129 Chewing (Mouth)

__________ 130 Swallowing (Oropharynx)

__________ 131 Churning (Stomach)

__________ 132 Peristalsis (Esophagus)

__________ 133 Segmentation (Small Intestine)

Ingestion Defecation ______________________ 134 . . . eliminates indigestible substances from the body (via the anus in the form of feces).

______________________ 135 . . . is simply taking food into the digestive tract (usually via the mouth).


(A) (B)

Blood Vessels Lymph Vessels

___________ 136 Primary route of absorption for Carbohydrates (sugars) ___________ 137 Primary route of absorption for Lipids (fats) ___________ 138 Primary route of absorption for Protein (amino acids/peptides) ___________ 139 Primary route of absorption for Nucleic Acids (nucleotides)



___________ 140 Illustrates Peristalsis (Esophagus)

___________ 141 Illustrates Segmentation (Small Intestine)

___________ 142 Illustrates Mechanical Digestion ___________ 143 Illustrates Propulsion


The illustration above is entitled Basic Structure of the Alimentary Canal. Identify the labeled structures and place the letter on the line that corresponds with the correct answer. Your answer must be PRINTED legibly and unambiguously. _______ 144 Mesentery

_______ 156 Epithelium (Serosa)

_______ 145 Nerve

_______ 157 Connective Tissue (Serosa)

_______ 146 Artery

_______ 158 Epithelium (Mucosa)

_______ 147 Vein

_______ 159 Muscularis Mucosae (Mucosa)

_______ 148 Gland in Mucosa

_______ 160 Lamina Propria (Mucosa)

_______ 149 Gland in Submucosa

_______ 161 Circular Muscle

_______ 150 Submucosa

_______ 162 Longitudinal Muscle

(Muscularis Externa) (Muscularis Externa)

_______ 151 Submucosal Nerve Plexus _______ 152 Myenteric Nerve Plexus _______ 153 Lumen _______ 154 Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue (MALT) _______ 155 Duct of Gland Outside Alimentary Canal


The illustration below is entitled Anatomy of the Oral Cavity (Mouth), Anterior View. Identify the labeled structures and place the letter on the line that corresponds with the correct answer. Your answer must be PRINTED legibly and unambiguously.

_______ 163 Inferior Lip

_______ 175 Tongue

_______ 164 Superior Lip

_______ 176 Uvula

_______ 165 Inferior Labial Frenulum

_______ 177 Soft Palate

_______ 166 Superior Labial Frenulum

_______ 178 Hard Palate

_______ 167 Gingivae (Gums) Inferior

_______ 179 Posterior Wall of Oropharynx

_______ 168 Gingivae (Gums) Superior

_______ 180 Vestibule

_______ 169 Lingual Frenulum _______ 170 Palatine Raphe _______ 171 Duct of Submandibular Gland _______ 172 Palatoglossal Arch _______ 173 Palatine Tonsil _______ 174 Palapharyngeal Arch


The illustration below is entitled The Salivary Glands. Identify the labeled structures and place the letter on the line that corresponds with the correct answer. Your answer must be PRINTED legibly and unambiguously.

_______ 181 Submandibular Gland _______ 182 Submandibular Duct _______ 183 Sublingual Gland _______ 184 Ducts of Sublingual Gland _______ 185 Parotid Gland _______ 186 Parotid Duct _______ 187Teeth _______ 188 Tongue _______ 189 Body of Mandible (Cut) _______ 190 Mylohyoid Muscle (Cut) _______ 191 Anterior Belly of Digastric Muscle _______ 192 Posterior Belly of Digastric Muscle _______ 193 Masseter Muscle _______ 194 Frenulum of Tongue


The illustration below is entitled Longitudinal Section of the Canine Tooth in the Bony Alveolus. Identify the labeled structures and place the letter on the line that corresponds with the correct answer. Your answer must be PRINTED legibly and unambiguously.

_______ 195 Crown _______ 196 Neck _______ 197 Root _______ 198 Bone _______ 199 Apical Foramen _______ 200 Periodontal Ligament _______ 201 Cementum _______ 202 Gingivae (Gum) _______ 203 Root Canal _______ 204 Pulp Cavity (Contains Blood Vessels and Nerves) _______ 205 Dentinal Tubule _______ 206 Dentin _______ 207 Enamel


The illustration below is entitled The Duodenum of the Small Intestine, and Related Organs. Identify the labeled structures and place the letter on the line that corresponds with the correct answer. Your answer must be PRINTED legibly and unambiguously.

_______ 208 Duodenum _______ 209 Pancreas _______ 210 Gallbladder _______ 211 Mucosal Folds (Gallbladder) _______ 212 Cystic Duct _______ 213 Bile Duct and Sphincter _______ 214 Right & Left Hepatic Ducts of Liver _______ 215 Common Hepatic Ducts _______ 216 Main Pancreatic Duct and Sphincter _______ 217 Accessory Duct of Pancreas _______ 218 Hepatopancreatic Ampulla and Sphincter _______ 219 Major Duodenal Papilla _______ 220 Jejunum


Required self self--evaluation Did you feel prepared for the exam? What could you have done differently to feel better prepare? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

If there is anything that I can do to help you along the way, let me know.

Dr. Clark


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