A&P Review 4 - Notes for you that I took during the lecture. Thank you and enjoy! Let me know PDF

Title A&P Review 4 - Notes for you that I took during the lecture. Thank you and enjoy! Let me know
Course Human Anatomy: Structure and Function
Institution University of Michigan
Pages 5
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Notes for you that I took during the lecture. Thank you and enjoy! Let me know what you think....


Study Guide for Unit 4: Renal, Gastrointestinal, and Endocrine Disorders The course videos and the textbook will offer everything needed to answer the study guide questions. The videos will cover a great deal of the course material, but whatever is not covered in the videos, you will easily find in the textbook. Use this study guide to prepare for exam 4.

Module 17: Renal Disease and Disorders of the Urinary Tract 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.

How is renal function assessed? How is renal disease classified? Define: nephrosclerosis, proteinuria, azotemia. In general, how do glomerular disorders manifest in terms of lesion appearance? What are two examples of renal vascular disorders? Differentiate between different types of glomerular disorders. Explain the pathophysiology of nephrotic and nephritic syndrome. Define: tubulointerstitial disorder, uremia, hydronephrosis, lithotripsy, hematuria, nephrolithiasis Describe and differentiate cystitis, pyelonephritis, glomerular nephritis, nephrosclerosis, renal tubular acidosis, and renal artery stenosis. Identify causes and pathogenesis. What are the risk factors for the development of kidney stones? Describe the different types of kidney stones. Describe the manifestations associated with kidney stones. What are complications associated with kidney stones? How are kidney stones treated and prevented in the future? What is polycystic kidney disease? Differentiate between the autosomal recessive and autosomal dominant version of this disease. What are the manifestations of polycystic kidney disease? How is polycystic kidney disease diagnosed and treated? What is renal carcinoma? What is Wilm’s tumor or nephroblastoma? What is acute renal injury? Name 3 etiologies for acute renal injury. Describe what happens in acute kidney injury during phases 1-3. Also, discuss treatment at each stage. What is chronic kidney disease? Name 3 etiologies for chronic kidney disease. Describe what happens in phase 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in chronic kidney disease. Include manifestations & treatments according to each phase. Differentiate between hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. How is bladder function tested? Describe the pathophysiology of a lower urinary tract obstruction. What is a neurogenic bladder disorder? Define: vesicoureteral reflux What are general manifestations associated with neurogenic bladder disorders

33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.

Differentiate between spastic and flaccid bladder. Describe the types of urinary incontinence. Describe bladder cancer. List several systemic diseases that have important secondary effects on the kidneys. Discuss uremic syndrome. Describe the potential complications of renal transplantation.

Module 18 : Gastrointestinal Disorders 1. How are GI tract disorders diagnosed? 2. What is achalasia? 3. What are the primary etiologies for achalsia? 4. Name 2 manifestations associated with achalsia? 5. How is alchalsia treated? 6. How is alchalsia prevented? 7. What is esophagitis? 8. Name 2 etiologies for esophagitis. 9. Name 2 manifestations for esophagitis. 10. How is esophagitis diagnosed and treated? 11. What is a hiatal hernia? 12. Differentiate between a sliding and rolling hiatal hernia. 13. Name 2 etiologies for hiatal hernia. 14. Name 2 manifestations for hiatal hernia. 15. How is a hiatal hernia treated? 16. What are complications associated with hiatal hernia? 17. How are hiatal hernias treated? 18. What is gastric dumping syndrome? 19. Name an etiology for gastric dumping syndrome. 20. Name manifestations (and why they happen) of gastric dumping syndrome. 21. How is gastric dumping syndrome treated? 22. What is gastritis? 23. Differentiate between acute and chronic gastritis. 24. What are treatments for gastritis? (and rationale for those treatments) 25. Differentiate between gastric and duodenal peptic ulcers. 26. Name the manifestations associated with peptic ulcers. 27. What is a stress ulcer? 28. What causes stress ulcers? 29. How are peptic ulcers and stress ulcers treated? 30. What are risk factors for stomach cancer? 31. What are typical manifestations associated with stomach cancer? 32. What is a malabsorption syndrome? 33. Name the classes of etiology for malabsorption? 34. What is celiac disease? 35. What do the lesions associated with celiac disease look like? 36. Name 3 manifestations associated with celiac disease. 37. How is celiac disease diagnosed and treated?

38. How is celiac disease (nontropical sprue) different than tropical sprue? 39. Define: Lactose

deficiency (intolerance) 40. What is Crohn’s disease? 41. Describe the manifestations of Crohn’s disease. 42. Describe the complications associated with Crohn’s disease. 43. Differentiate between ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. 44. How is Crohn’s disease treated? 45. Differentiate between mechanical and non-mechanical etiologies of obstruction. 46. What are primary manifestations of obstruction? 47. Describe the pathogenesis of obstruction 48. How are obstructions treated? 49. What is diverticulosis? 50. What is diverticulitis? 51. What are the etiologies for diverticulosis? 52. What are the manifestations of diverticulosis? 53. Differentiate between acute and chronic diverticulitis. 54. What complications are associated with diverticulosis and diverticulitis? 55. How is diverticulosis and diverticulitis treated? 56. What is ulcerative colitis? 57. Name 2 manifestations associated with ulcerative colitis? 58. What complications are associated with ulcerative colitis? 59. How is ulcerative colitis typically treated? 60. Differentiate between the different types of colon polyps. 61. Name 2 risk factors for colon cancer. 62. Name 2 manifestations of colon cancer. 63. How is colon cancer screened, diagnosed and treated? 64. What is acute appendicitis? 65. Define: fecalith 66. Describe the pathogenesis, manifestations and complications of appendicitis. 67. How is appendicitis treated?

Module 19: Disorders of the Liver, Gallbladder and Pancreas 1. Define: jaundice, hyperbilirubinemia, pre-hepatic jaundice, hepatic jaundice, post-hepatic

jaundice 2. What is acute viral hepatitis? 3. Describe the pathogenesis, manifestations and complications of hepatitis. 4. Differentiate between Hep A, B, C, D, E. 5. Define: Drug, toxin, alcohol-induced liver diseases 6. What is cirrhosis? 7. What is portal hypertension and what problems does it lead to? 8. What is liver failure? 9. Describe the manifestations, pathogenesis and treatment for liver failure. 10. What are the major risk factors for liver cancer? 11. Name the manifestations associated with liver carcinoma. 12. What is cholangiocarcinoma? 13. Define: cholelithiasis, cholangitis

14. Briefly differentiate the different types of gallstones. 15. Differentiate between acute and chronic pancreatitis. 16. Describe the manifestations, pathogenesis and complications of acute and chronic

pancreatitis. 17. What are the known risk factors for pancreatic cancer? 18. What are the manifestations associated with pancreatic cancer? 19. Where does cancer usually begin in the pancreas?

Module 20: Endocrine Disorders What is thyroxine (T4) and triidothyrinine (T3) and what do they do? What is hypothyroidism? Name 2 etiologies for hypothyroidism. Name 2 manifestations of hypothyroidism. Define: myxedema, congenital hypothyroidism, endemic goiter 6. How is hypothyroidism treated? 7. What is a way to tell if the hypothyroidism is a problem with the hypothalamus, anterior pituitary or thyroid gland 8. What is hyperthyroidism? 9. What is Grave’s disease? 10. What is the difference between endemic and toxic goiter? 11. Name 2 manifestations associated with hyperthyroidism. 12. What happens during a thyroid storm. 13. How is hyperthyroidism treated? 14. What is a way to tell if there is a problem with the hypothalamus, anterior pituitary or thyroid gland? 15. What is type 1 diabetes mellitus? 16. What primary etiologies are associated with type 1 diabetes? 17. Describe the pathogenesis of type I diabetes. 18. Define: Somogyi effect, Dawn phenomenon 19. What is type II diabetes mellitis? 20. Define: Metabolic Syndrome 21. Describe the pathogenesis of diabetes type II 22. Describe the chronic manifestations associated with diabetes. 23. How is diabetes in general diagnosed and treated? 24. What is Cushing Syndrome? 25. Name 2 manifestations associated with Cushing Syndrome. 26. What is hyperaldosteronism? 27. What are 2 etiologies for hyperaldosteronism? 28. What are 3 manifestations associated with hyperaldosteronism and why do they occur? 29. Define: adrenal virilism, precocious puberty 30. What is hypoadrenalism? 31. What is Addison’s disease? 32. Name 1 etiology associated with Addison’s disease. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

33. Describe the pathogenesis and complications of Addison’s Disease. 34. What is hypopituitarism? 35. Define: panhypopituitarism 36. What is the specific treatment protocol for panhypopituitarism? 37. What is hyperpituitarism? 38. Describe manifestations associated with hyperpituitarism. 39. How is hyperpituitarism treated?

Essays for Exam 4: 1. Refer to the following in regards to chronic kidney disease (CKD). Be as detailed as possible. •

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Specifically, describe the pathophysiology that occurs with CKD throughout stages 3-5 (be sure to include a discussion on water imbalances, electrolytes (sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, calcium, phosphate), nitrogen compounds and Vitamin D. • Describe potential manifestations that occur from stages 3-5. How is CKD managed clinically during stages 3-5? Define hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.

2. Compare and contrast diabetes type I and type II. Be sure to include pathophysiology, etiology, manifestations, and treatment. Be specific. • •

Describe in detail ketoacidosis. Describe in detail insulin resistance....

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