Architectural History Notes for Exam 1 PDF

Title Architectural History Notes for Exam 1
Author Rob Williams
Course (ARCH 1301) Survey of World Architecture History I
Institution Texas A&M University
Pages 16
File Size 1017.4 KB
File Type PDF
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Professor Glowacki ...


Prehistoric Architecture Paleolithic and Mesolithic Periods (Old and Middle Stone Age) - Ca. +100,000- 9,000/ 8,000 BCE - These people were hunters and gatherers - Small family groups and clans - Seasonal habitation and caves Mezhirich, Ukraine - People built huts out of mammoth bones (16,000- 10,000 BCE) - The settlements consisted of up to 10 huts - Built out of bones, pine poles, animal hides, heaths, and red floors because of fires

Lascaux cave (Dordogne, France) (15,000 BCE) - Southern France - Called the “Hall of the Bulls” - Painting in the cave are considered aesthetic intent

Neolithic Period (New Stone Age) - Ca. 9,000/ 8,000- 3,000 BCE - Agriculture and Farming starts to develop - Settled village life Jericho (8,000 BCE) - Jericho, Israel - Settlement was enclosed by walls - Made of stone (5-27 feet thick and 13 feet tall) - There was also a tower (28 feet in diameter and 26 feet tall) - Ca. 6-10 acres - Population ca. 2000+ - Houses were first built as circular then evolved to rectangular - The houses were made of sun dried mud brick, lime or plaster walls, and


Catal Huyuk (6,500, 5,700 BCE) - Catal Huyuk, Turkey - They used sun dried mud brick - Single story houses with two rooms - No doorways, the entrances were through the roof - Walls are painted - One painting depicts an erupting volcano

Fertile Crescent- Neolithic period begins here because of the vegetation Gobekli Tepe (9,100- 7,300 BCE) - Southeast Turkey - Layer III (9,000- 8,100 BCE) - Circular Rubble Enclosure - T-shaped limestone pillars - Carved art - Carved in relief - Ceremonial Enclosures found here - Could be the world's first temples - No evidence of Agriculture here

End of last Ice Age (9600 BCE) - Warmer temperatures - More abundant vegetation starts to appear


People start domesticating animals Formalized ceremonies start to become a regular thing

Newgrange (3,100 BCE) - Newgrange, Ireland - Megalithic Architecture- Constructed with huge stones - Mega: Big, Lithic: Stone - Post and Lintel Arch- Weight is distributed on two post


Corbeling- An overlapping of bricks that extend out further as you go up


Transom- Opening above doorway


Winter solstice- The sun aligns with the hall and allows light inside

Stonehenge, England (3,000/ 2,900- 1,500/ 1,400 BCE) 1. Circular mound with, 56 aubrey holes, cremation burials 2. Timber posts 3. Blue stone and heel stones added 4. Sarsen stones added - Trilithons- Two vertical stones supporting a horizontal stone - Mortise and Tenon- Lego Bronze Age and Sumerian Period Sumer (3,500- 2,340 BCE)


Middle East World's first great urban community Technology and craft is more advanced More monumental arches Examples of cities- Uruk or modern Waka - At the center of this city there is a temple - Has walls around the city

Uruk, “White Temple” (3,500- 3,000 BCE) (Sumerian Period) - A temple dedicated to the god Anu (Mesopotamian god of the sky) - 40 foot tall platform which will eventually evolve into a ziggurat - Axis mundi- Bond between heaven and earth - That is why the ziggurats are built so high - Materials used to build this- Wood, Sun dried mud brick, Covered in white gypsum plaster - Walls lean in and may be buttrested for structure and aesthetic



Society begins to be structured - Restricted access to temple - Structure in the management of the building Rectangular temple - Cella- Central hall Orientation- Corners of the building point North, East, South, West - This is popular in sumerian architecture

City of Ur (2,100 BCE) (Neo-Sumerian Period) - Walled city - Sacred Precincts - Residential area

Ziggurat of Ur (2,100 BCE) - Built by the King Ur- Nammu - Was dedicated to the moon god Nanna - Eventually restored by King Nabonidus - Constructed with- Mud brick


Form -

Reinforced with woven reeds Outer layer built with baked brick Bitumen- Natural asphalt (waterproofing) Rectangular plan Stepped elevation Symmetrical Central Staircase Reflection on the main axis

Assyrian Empire (1000-612 BCE) - They expand and even eventually controlled the egyptians Citadel of Sargon II at Khorsabad (720 BCE) - Walled city - Building arranged around central courts - Palace, throne room, public hall, private quarter - The planning of the city gets taller toward the center to represent social hierarchy - There is only one entrance to the city - Towers are important to this society - They are guarded by creatures carved into the walls - Lamassu and Shedu is what they are called - Made up of a bull, wings of a bird, and the face of a human - Composite creature


They use arches

Neo-Babylonian Period (612-539 BCE) Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar II (605-562 BCE) - Built on both sides of the nile river - They created canals - Ziggurat (Tower of babel) - He created a rooftop garden for his wife


They used glazed bricks which is why they survived for so long - Bitumen - Multi Colored bricks used

Persian (518-460 BCE) - Destroyed in 330 BCE - Capital cities- Susa and Persepolis Persepolis (518-460 BCE) - Persians conquered Babylon - Darius I began construction which was continued by Xerxes and Artaxerxes - Terrace - 1,500 x 900 feet, 40 feet high, originally made of mud brick - Walls 45-60 feet tall - Hypostyle Hall- A hall whose ceiling is supported by columns - Square halls - Orthogonal layout - There are gates made out of stone with lamassu figures - Lamassu are incorporated because they consider themselves to be open to all cultures - Gateway of all nations - Apadana- Audience hall of darius



Hall of 100 columns- Throne room/ audience hall of xerxes - Made out of stone

Early Dynastic Period and Old Kingdom (ca. 2,920-2,134 BCE) Middle Kingdom (ca. 2,040-1,640 BCE) New Kingdom (ca. 1,550-1,070 BCE) Pyramids Djoser (2,630-2,611 BCE) - Pyramid created from multiple mastabas stacked on top of eachother - There was an enclosure wall around the pyramid - Only only entrance portico - Mortuary/Funerary Temple - Courtyard with funerary chapel that has a statue of djoser - Columns used and made to look like bundles of reeds - Mimetic architecture - Ashlar masonry- Stacked stone - Architect was Imhotep Giza (Dynasty IV ca. 2,550-2,460 BCE) - 1st Pyramid - Built by Khufu - 146.6 meters - Each side forms a perfect triangle and point toward NSEW - Made using ashlar stone masonry - Outer surface made from limestone - Over 2 million blocks were used - Average weight ber block (2.5 tons) with the heaviest block weighing 15 tons - One hall uses a corbeled arch design - 2nd Pyramid - Built by Khafre - 143.5 meters - Valley Temple- Use of this is debated - The great sphinx - Composite Creature - First thing to be restored historically - 3rd Pyramid - Built by Menkaure - 65.5 meters New Kingdom (1,550-1,070 BCE) - Ancient Thebes: Capital of New Kingdom - Valley of the Kings is for tombs - Deir el-Bahri is for funerary temples

Tomb of King Tutankhamun (1332-1323 BCE) - Tomb with lots of stuff - Stuff he will need in the after life - A lot of paintings were found in his tomb - His tomb isn’t famous because King tut was so important but because it was so well preserved and hadn't been completely robbed of its riches

Hatshepsut (1,437-1,458 BCE) - Mortuary complex - She was a woman but ruled as a king - She was originally named regent because the previous king’s son was too young - She said fuck it and named herself king - The architect was Senenmut - There was originally a mortuary complex on the site and senenmut added on to it - There is clear axial symmetry and progressive movement - After Hatshepsut dies, the king orders for her statues to be defaced (Iconoclasm)

Precinct of Amun, Karnak (15th-13th centuries BCE) - Pylons- Entrances that represent mountains (mimetic architecture)


Hypostyle Hall - 338 feet wide by 170 feet deep with 134 columns that look like flowers - It was special because it had a ceiling - Illuminated by clerestory which is like a window

Temple of Ramses II at Abu Simbel (1279-1213) - Atlantid- Sculpture of a man who supports a structure - Solar alignment- February 22- King's Birthday - October 22- Anniversary of king’s coronation - In the 1960, Egypt wants to build a damn on the nile river that would submerge this monument which would disintegrate the shit of that monument. And who the hell is going to dive down to see that - Called the Aswan Dam - To solve this issue they cut out the monument from the mountain and moved it up

Architecture of the Prehistoric Aegean Minoan Civilization (1,900-1,375 BCE) Knossos, Palace of Minos - Old palace period (1,900-1,700 BCE). A natural disaster comes and fucks shit up. Someone rebuilt it. New palace period (1,700-1,450/1,375). - There was a central court (87 x 174 feet) - There are areas for administration - Religious Areas are located in the western side of the court - The is storage for agricultural produce - There are artist workshops - Areas for public assembly - Half timbering- Used as a shock absorber in case of another natural disaster


The plan is asymmetrical There are no fortification walls Light well- a shaft that lets in light Fresco- Painting with fresh lime paste The Population of Knossos was 14,000-18,000 people

Mycenaean Civilization - Lion gate (1,300-1,250 BCE) - Architecture is both functional and stylistic


Ashlar Masonry Mysenian and Knossos share architectural ideas because they both use composite creatures Megaron- Great hall in ancient greek architecture

Mycenaean palaces-Palace of Nestor, Pylos Greece -Palace of Tiryns, Greece (1,300 BCE) - Megalithic cyclopean architecture - Defensive citadel - Megaron at center of complex - Corbeled Entrances and galleries - Cyclopean Masonry- unworked stone

Treasury of Atreus (1,300-1,200 BCE) - Tholos Tomb- Round Building - Uses ashlar masonry and corbeling - Dromos- Pathway, Stomion- Mouth, Tholos- Round Room


Includes a transom This was the largest domed structure before Rome

Collapse of Minoan and Mycenaean society (1,200-1,100 BCE) Archaic Period (700-480 BCE) Classical Period (479-323 BCE) Hellenistic Period (321-31 BCE) Parthenon (447-432 BCE) - Built for Athena - Acropolis of Athens, Greece - Architects- Iktinos and Kallikrates - Master Sculptor- Phidias - 4 rooms (Pranos, Cella Opisthodomos, Western Chamber) - There are doric and ionic friezes present


Basic Anatomy of Greek Temples - Peripteral Temple- Columns Surrounding - Entrances face east

Doric Order- Style that developed in ancient Greece - Temple of Hera at Olympia (600-590 BCE) - Archaic Period - Columns - Terracotta disk (Emblem on rood)

Temple of Hera at Paestum (Poseidonia), Italy (550 BCE) - Archaic Period - Doric - 9x18 Columns - Three room interior (Pranos, Cella, Adyton) - Adyton is a back room instead of porch


Column- Grooves (Flute), Sharp edges (Arris), Swelling (Entasis)

Classical Period Temple of Zeus at Olympia (472-457 BCE) - Architect- Libon of Ellis - Doric Peripteral- Surrounded by a single row of columns - 6x13 periods

Parthenon (447-432 BCE) - Athens - Sponsor- Perikles - Architect- Iktonos Acro + polis= High + city Acropolis of Athens - Bronze Age (3,000-1,100 BCE) - Early Settlement - Mycenaean citadel & palace - Geometric period (800-700 BCE) - Becomes state sanctuary - Archaic Period (600-480 BCE) - Classical Period (479-400 BCE) - Periclean building program - Parthenon (447-432) - Propylaia (438-432) - Architect: Mnesikles - Doric Exterior - Ionic Interior - It is asymmetrical because they had to shorten one of the rooms because they preserved a mycenaean wall as a sign of respect


Erechtheion (421-406) - A shrine for erechtheus (ancient king of athens) - Ionic - Frieze of dark gray marble - West side contains a sacred olive tree - South porch or the “Porch of the Maidens” - Caryatids- Pillars designed to be sculpted women to hold up

ceiling. Similar to atlantids


Temple of Athena Nike (420) - Architect: Kallikrates - 4 ionic columns on east and 4 on west but not on the sides - Amphiprostyle

Late Classical Greek Temple Architecture Temple of Apollo at Bassae (420-400 BCE) - Architect- Iktinos - Orientation is north to south - 4 rooms (pronaos, cella, adyton, and opisthodomos) - 6 x 15 column - Interior Ionic - Ionic Frieze with sculpture of greek mythology + 1 corinthian column (stood at the back of cella)

Lysicrates Monument (335/334 BCE) - Athens

Theater of Dionysus (350- 100 BCE) - Athens - Theatron (Seating), Orchestra (Stage), Skene (Backstage) - Built by the city and wealthy people donate money

Royal Stoa (500 BCE) - Rectangular Building - Colonnade- row of columns supporting a roof - Uses Greek “orders” Hellenistic Period Stoa of Attalos II (King of Pergamum) - 2nd century BCE - Hellenistic Period - 2 stories - Long Colonnade - Used as a market...

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