History 101 notes for test 1 PDF

Title History 101 notes for test 1
Course Western Civilization To 1500 For Honor Students
Institution Southeastern Louisiana University
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History 101- Unit 1 

Lecture 1: The Paleolithic era – 600,000 – 10,000 BCE  Means “old stone age”   

“What exactly is western civilization?” Making of tools define this age – how did these people live and survive – how does this period develops civilization. Textbook definition of civilization: agriculture, herding of animals, cities, specialized labor, writing, trade and cultural interaction,

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exchanging cultural ideas Women’s role – treated as inferiors? Contributed to art – cave art

Lions and Tigers and Bears – Oh My!  What is the West?  We emerged from Africa – moved west – occupied Europe then     

cross Atlantic ocean to North America. We are focused on western Europe and Western civilization Civilization – Latin word city and polite behavior Western civ. Began in middle east Got cities, herding, agriculture, trades, cultural interaction What is western civilization? o History is a matter of perspective o No written records of pre-historic – anthropology o Pre-historic uncivilized poor, nasty (Hobbs wrote) o Monkey man, ape-like men, stupid people o BCE  before current era

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Evolution prepossess diversity in species Man descends from monkey 5-7 million years ago

o Genus – biological clarification o Homo – gender neutral o Man came with the making of tools o Homo erectus o Humans appeared in Africa 400,000 – 200,000 years ago o Designed and thrived through a good food-supply, reasons and intuition, endurance o Homo sapiens exterminated Neanderthals Or they have been 

submerged Technology began (tool making)

Attaching tools together, bones, sticks, rocks, flint – weapons,

tools, cooking Stone Age – 20-30 people in a group o Paleolithic hunter must be robust and fit o Cooperation, collaboration o Brings out elite hunters o Sick, slow, elderly, young animals were targets for humans OR pick through remains o Gathering by the woman was the essential to feed families when red meat wasn’t available o Men would follow mammals were they travelled so they could hunt them o Nomadic society (to roam)

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Art o Cave wall drawings o Caves were much more accessible than they are now o Southwestern France – animals o Mammoth – mobility, luck, effort, delicacy, spiritual

o Man wasn’t the top of the food chain o Man was often hunted o Gods, animals, King, emperor were art Lecture 2: Neolithic era – New Stone Age – 10,000 – 3,000 BCE  Civilization: Shopping list  Charles Darwin or Creationism  Mind, eye, hand = improved tools and weapons  Ruthlessness to use weapons and tools  

Art: pictogram  universal code? Prehistoric writing? Bison, cattle, etc. all while confronting top of the food chain

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carnivores Neanderthals occupied river valley in Germany Appeared to be in colder climates of Asia, etc.

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Disappeared, known as cavemen Looked similar to Alley Hoop - cartoon

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Climate change eradicated them? Planning an organization, division of labor, confidence in individuals,

geography and climate change As weather would change, lions and tigers decreased because

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northern west Europe is too cold for them Humans killed off bears and wolves New grass/plants emerged which provided food for humans and

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other animals Gathering increased Paleolithic hunters wanted new device: the axe

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Danish axe change in environment Neolithic revolution- middle east 10,00 BCE harvesting grain

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Travelled to Europe Distinctive menu – wheat not meat Hobby farming and gathering – observing seasonally available

harvested grains and wheat and vegetables = agriculture Domestic animals like wheat and harvesting

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Humans learned to cook – bread and would harvest in large scale Preservation the surface All this meant civilization = win win win win situation?

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Some say this was a huge mistake Man is worse off because of this era because of this diet

We shrunk…does size matter? Tooth decay, life expectancy lowered, diets were less diverse, complicated settlements, and spread

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disease Direction and order took a big role in civilization Rise of elites, authority

Neolithic revolution meant farming meant civilization meant

unhealthy, meant authority Why? Circumstance, climate change, population increase, food supply increase, evolved into farming, equals more and better food.

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Lecture 3: Sumer and Akkad  Mesopotamia- birthplace of civilization (now in Iraq)  Attributes of Civilization- better agriculture, near water, irrigation, centralize states with boundaries and governments, theocracies (dominated by relationship with god), taxes and labor, distinct social class, various technological advances, trade, invention of writing! And architecture o A ruler would be a leader that is a god or a priests 

Tigris and Euphrates- rivers that border Mesopotamia that run into Persian Gulf o Unpredictable weather (drought, flood) o Winters are very cold, summers are very hot o Dry mud flats, swamps, unpleasant insects o Why live there? Fertile soil  must irrigate

Sumer- region in Mesopotamia

Ubaid Period- 5500-4000 BCE o o migrated in and settled o Priests controlled everything o Temples where priests lived where places of government, storage for grain, etc. o Temples were made of brick o Terracotta – clay formed weapons

Uruk Period – 4000- 2900 BCE o First cities supported by extensive agriculture o More elaborate temples (priests are still powerful) o Sumerians develop writing (pictograms - pictures & ideograms - ideas, phonograms – letters that represent a sound, determinatives – letters explaining how other letters sounded) o Wrote on clay, still have them today

Cuneiform – classical form of writing o Letters became more abstract

Sumerians – spoke a language mysterious language o Monosyllabic

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Semitic – like Arabs today SemiticEarly Dynastic Period - 2900 – 2350 BCE o Independent city states o Each have their own god/ goddess o Married o Competition for land between states o Warfare – war leaders – kings

o Development of heredity royalty o En, Ensi, Lugal – names of kings with lots of powers o Troops were made of shields and swords and chariots 

Kish – 2700 BCE o King Enmebaragesi (King in Kish) o Defeated east troops called Elamites o Built a city of Nippur (holiest city) (God: Enlil)

Uruk- rival of Kish o Gilgamesh defeated Agga of Kish o Epic of Gilgamesh – literature  Hero

Ur – rival of Kish o King Mesannepadda

Lagash – dominate city later on o King Eannatum

Umma o King Lugalzagesidominated Lagash o Man in charge when …

Sargon of Akkadoverthrew Umma

Mesopotamian religion and culture o Cosmology- system of thought that examines the universe  Believed in a flat earth floating on a sea  

Sky was heaven Earth was in a bubble

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Underneath – land of no return – death Everything has a spirit Gods are human- like but immortal o An or Anu- god of the sky  Father of all other gods 

Remained in heavens - remote

o Enlil  God of the wind and agriculture  Interested in other gendered  Raped a grain goddess named Ninlil who gave birth to 

Nanna god of the moon Enlil was banished for rape – Ninlil went with him to the under world

o Enki  God of waters and wisdom  Source of invention and irrigation  Brought civilization to mankind o Ninhursag  Mother earth goddess  Mother of all life o Inanna  Goddess of fertility  Love, sex, storms, and war  Similar to…  


Ishtar (Akkad), Aphrodite (Greece), Venus (Rome)

Ziggurats – center of cities, temples with long stairways because gods were in the sky (getting closer) o Naked in church o Prophets who predicted future, musicians, singers, slaves o Cultic statues of the gods and cultic writes o Priests made sacrifices (animals or food)  Bargaining with the gods (you scratch their back and

you HOPE they scratch yours Creation story o Created man out of clay and blood of dragons (dragons is chaos) o Fall of man  Involves a garden, tree of knowledge, man trying to

learn more than he should o Flood story  The gods warns individual (Ziusudra’s ark) Epic of Gilgamesh o King Gilgamesh becomes associated with Enkidu o Gilgamesh rejects goddess of love Inanna o Gilgamesh goes on a quest for immortality o Utnapishtam o Gilgamesh finds a pond with a tree at the bottom to be immortal o Gilgamesh doesn’t get anything o Sums up pessimistic attitude

NO AFTERLIFE o Haunting o Land of no return – but can return as vampire, ghost, etc.

No real evidence of human sacrifice, but a few were killed to be buried with king and queens

Sumerian architecture o Ziggurats built out of clay brick

Lecture 4: The Babylonian Empire  Sumerian Art o Large eyes, religious figures, animals, cylinder seals (to seal important documents) o Music with harps and lyres 

Sumerian Education, Edubba o Edubba (House of the Tablet) o Scribes and later others o Reading, writing, math, literature, biology and drawing

Sumerian Science o Metallurgy o Bronze implements, weapons o Gold, silver, lead – all imported o Sexagesimal mathematics – based on the number 6 (multiples of 6 – 60 seconds in a min., 60 seconds in an hour, etc.) o Lunar calendar  Flawed and based on nature

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Based on phases of the moon Month and moon come from the same root (28 day

phase of moons, 12-13 months in a year) First calendar – recognition to divide time and keep

track of it Sumerian Technology o Water clock, sailboat, bronze-bladed plow, dome & iron, paints, dyes, cosmetics, perfumes, medicine, wheeled vehicles Sumerian Social Classes

o King  nobles  commoners (majority) (farmers, merchants, etc.)  Slaves (not too many, temporary, and very well

educated with lots of responsibility) Sumerian Housing o Made of clay brick, rectangular, central court with a flat roof

Sumerian Families, Patriarchal o Arranged marriages, male inheritance

Sumerian Life o Men had long beards and long hair (only priests were shaved) o Men wore kilts like garment and women wore gowns

2400 BCE o Sumer was conquered by Akkad

Akkadian Empire, Sargon the Great o Semitic people o Migrated form the north and the west and possibly the east o Sumers were vulnerable because of small city wars and Akkad became the first Empire in world history o Sargon the Great was the first ruler of this Empire  Abounded by his mother in a basket 

Used to be a humble cup bearer in the city of Kish

Lugalzegesi o Sargon the Great defeated Lugalzegesi

Elam, Assyria, and Syria o Carried campaigns against these regions

Akkad o New capital city and was center of international trade


o Sargon’s grandson was known as a god (the God of Akkad) o Had people worship him and was both king and priest o After his death Akkad fell apart 

Ebla o Naram-Sin conquered this area

Gutians o Overthrew Akkad o Dominate for 40-50 years o After many city states arose

Gudea of Lagash o King wise ruler

King Utu-hegal of Uruk o 2110 drove out Dutians and was then overthrown by…

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Ur-Nammu of Ur 3rd Dynasty of Ur o Last of Sumerians dynasty o Ur-Nammu law code  First law code in civilizations  Humane set of punishments (fines, etc.) o Ur faced decline in 2000 BCE

Amorites o Semitic tribe that overthrew areas around Ur o From Syria in West and establish new dynasty named Babylon


o Overthrew Ur o Elamites rules the South in a city called Larsa  

Amorites o Rules everything else but Ur in a region called Babylon Old Babylonian Empire  Hammurabi o Ruled Babylon o Conquer Ur and therefore was ruler of all of Mesopotamia o Never quite as big as Sargon o Conquered Mari  major city of trade o Great military leader and diplomat o Pit his rivals against each other o Sumerian language began to decline o 1750 BCE he died and Babylon went into decline

Hammurabi’s code o Code of law, cultural phenomena o Not a true law code just a collection of royal decisions o Devine sanction (when Hammurabi made a decision, he was being guided by the sun god Shamash/ Utu)  Follow the law = blessings 

Break the law = cursed o Harsher than previous law code, mutilation and death for many crimes (drowned, burned alive, impaled by stakes, hung, etc.) o Oaths – accused of a crime, take an oath to be proved innocent  Trial by ordeal: ordeal by water  Hand and foot that was considered holy tied guilt party. If you floated you were innocent, if you did not you were guilty. o Any law code is better than none

o It was unequal  How it saw the victim and how is say the perpetrator  A nobleman killed another nobleman was not as

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serious as a nobleman killing a commoner or slave, etc. The higher your rank, the worse your penalty

Lex talionis o If you deliberately took someone eye out, the penalty is getting your own eye taken out o Highly patriarchal o Arranged marriages and controlled by men

Religion o Pessimistic system with the same god

Marduk o Chief god among Babylonians and took place of Enlil o Still around and known as…  Lord, Bel, or Baal

Tiamat o Dragon of chaos o Marduk defeats Marduk and creates humans out of dragon

blood and clay Temple prostitution was routine in Babylon

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Enuma Elish Fall of the Empire

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Sealanders Kassites o Controlled North o Were in the right place at the right time…invaded Babylon and made an Empire of their own that lasted form 1595 to 1160 BCE

o Dark age 

Hittites, Anatolia o 1595 BCE left Babylonians in collapse and took money, etc. back to Anatolia leaving Babylon vulnerable Elamites o Invaded and defeated Kassites o Unable to maintain control and withdrew o Returned to local city states with local dynasties o Kassites gradually withdrew back to Zargos Mountains o Alexander the Great conquered Kassites in 1000 BCE

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Lecture 5: Egypt 

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Mummies o Preserve dad bodies buried in sand, stuffed, makeup, hidden in pyramids and sought out to be robbed Pyramids Pharaohs o King Tut o Famous because his body was still in tact

Aron – One God

Ramseys o Had many kids (100 sons and 50 daughters, numerous wives) o Lived until 90 years of age, we know this because we have his body o Very tall (unusual) (average 5’0)

o Was Pharaoh for 60 years 

Hachepset Woman Pharaoh Took role from relative Compared to Cleopatra, Katherine the Great, Elizabeth the First

Nile o Where land meet Mediterranean o Life line of its region o Floods in August and leaves rich soil just in time for farming season o 5000 BCE domesticated goats and sheep o Village cities o Nile was “highway 1”

Upper and Lower Egypt o 3300 BCE o 3310 BCE they united

Narmer o First ruler of Upper and Lower

Hieroglyphics o First writings of Ancient Egypt o Written in Narmer’s palace

Narmer Palette o

Pharaoh o Enormous power and prestige

o Mortal o Do everything – watch trade, oversee everything! o Military, building projects o Limit: theoretical, rule justly and to preserve the balance of the land 

Horus o Sun god – Pharaoh are sun gods

Ra o Another Sun god

Ma’at o Means justice o Balance between man and nature, human and divine, order and chaos o No codes of law just the will of the pharaohs

Old Kingdom o 2700-2200 BCE o Era of the pyramids – tombs for rulers o Evidence that the tombs were not built by slaves but by free Egyptian labor o 138 Pyramids that have been discovered as of 2008

Saqqara o Pyramids are found here  Near Memphis

Pyramid of Djoser o 2630 BE

Imhotep o World’s oldest monumental structure

Great Pyramid of Giza o Khufu, Cheops o Largest of pyramids o 2.3 million limestone block weighing o 2 and half football field o 5 feet higher than Louisiana state capital building in BR o 6 million tons o Took 20 years to build

No cities, just small farming villages along the Nile

Nomes, nomarch o Egypt had Provinces o 21 provinces ruled by a nomarch o To pay nomarch Pharaohs gave them land o Nomarch began using profits of their land to create armies

First Intermediate Period o 2200-2100 BCE o Brought down centralized government because of armies

Middle Kingdom o 2100-1700 BCE o One family of nomarchs beat out everyone else and became new pharaohs o Good generals and military o Kept their nomarchs in line o Build elaborate tombs for themselves o They thought every man could be immortal if you lived a just life

o Just life? Certain rules to live by: Don’t actually live just life, but soul has to convince divine that they did. o 4 centuries of peace and prosperity o Was brought down by an outside attack in 1630 BCE by 

Hyksos Second Intermediate Period o 1640-1570 BCE o Dominated by Hyksos(had new technology: chariots) o Occupied Lower Egypt (border Mediterranean) o Horses were used to full effect and they used new weapons with powerful bows o Egypt learned new technology in their military  Built chariots to overthrow Hyksos with new pharaohs New Kingdom o 1570-1070 BCE o Isolation was no longer a luxury Thutmose o 3rd ruler of the 18th dynasty and lead troops east and south to Sudan o Expanded empire beyond their river valley o Syria Palestine, into near east, into Nubia and to Libya o Wealth flooded into Egypt o Nubia had a vast quantity of gold and Egypt got rich from making Nubia pay to the pharaohs o Pharaohs would buy new temples, commanders, and armies

Amun-Ra o Priests began threatening the pharaohs because they were gaining so much power Amenhotep IV o Ruled 1352-1338

o He announced that Egypt would only worship 1 god  Aten  personification of the disk of the sun

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He changed his name to Akhenaten Moved the capital city to the middle of the dessert to

Akhetaten now known as Tell el Amarna New religion did not need a priest, the pharao...

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