Architectural Licensure examination Reviewer (HOA & TOA) PDF

Title Architectural Licensure examination Reviewer (HOA & TOA)
Course Architectural Reviewers
Institution Technological Institute of the Philippines
Pages 27
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HISTORY / THEORY OF ARCHITECTURE The Architect of the Quiapo Church before its restoration a. Juan Nakpil b. Tomas Mapua c. Jose Herrera d. Cesar Concio A type of Roman Wall facing which is made of small stone laid in a loose pattern roughly resembling polygonal work a. Opus Mixtum b. Opus Incertum ...


HISTORY / THEORY OF ARCHITECTURE 1. The Architect of the Quiapo Church before its restoration a. Juan Nakpil b. Tomas Mapua c. Jose Herrera d. Cesar Concio 2. A type of Roman Wall facing which is made of small stone laid in a loose pattern roughly resembling polygonal work a. Opus Mixtum b. Opus Incertum c. Opus Tesselatum d. Opus Reticulatum 3. What type of architectural character is derived through the use of the building? a. Materials b. Personality c. Function d. Association 4. In the middle kingdom, ion Egyptian architecture, who consolidated the administrative system, made a survey of the country, set boundaries to the provinces, and other helpful works a. Zoser b. Imhotep c. Senusret I d. Amenemhat I 5. The private house of the Romans a. Domus b. Thalamus c. Villa d. Atrium House 6. Which of the following is true about Egyptian pyramids and Babylonian ziggurats? a. Pyramids are sun-dried brick faced with kiln-burnt bricks, while ziggurats use masonry, huge blocks of stone b. Pyramids are used as temple observatories, while ziggurats are royal tombs c. Pyramids have square plans, while plans of ziggurats are rectangular d. Association 7. Triangular piece of wall above the entablature a. Pendentive b. Frieze c. Pediment d. Architrave


8. Brahman architecture as shown is square plan with spire-shaped roof on “sikhara”, repetitious “sikharis” and thousand figures on the temple is a characteristic feature of what style of architecture? a. Indian b. Chinese c. Japanese d. Filipino 9. Who began the building of the Great Hypostyle Hall at Karnak? a. Senusret I b. Thothmes I c. Amenemhat I d. Ptolemy III 10. Buddhist architecture shown in rock-cut temples with lavishly carved interiors is a characteristic feature of what style of architecture? a. Indian b. Japanese c. Chinese d. Filipino 11. The senate house of the Greeks. a. Insulae b. Domus c. Alberto Da Vinci d. Prytaneion 12. The dry or swerating rom in the Thermae a. Calidarium b. Sudatorium c. Unctuaria d. Tepidarium 13. The mineral of greatest importance to Greek architecture of which Greece and her domains had ample supply of was. a. Cement b. Silica c. Lime d. Marble 14. In the given figure, identify the frieze a. No. 4 b. No. 1 c. No. 2 d. No. 3


15. Architect of the Temple of Zeus, Agrigentum a. Mnesicles b. Libon c. Theron d. Cossutius 16. Architect of Central Bank of the Philippines, Manila a. George Ramos b. Leandro Locsin c. Gabriel Formoso d. Froilan Hong 17. The memorial column built in the form of tall Doric order and made entirely of marble is; a. Trajan’s Column b. Column of Antoninus Pius c. Column of Dioelectian d. Column of Marcus Aurelius 18. “A House is a House” a. Louis Kahn b. Ludwig Mies Van de Rohe c. Robert Maillart d. Le Corbusier 19. The first of all iron church in Asia a. San Sebastian Church b. Betis Church c. Taal Church d. San Agustin Church 20. Built the Taj Mahal a. Shah Reza b. Shah Jalan c. Shah Naser d. Shah Jahan 21. Invented reinforced concrete in France a. Le Corbusier b. Mies Van De Rohe c. Hennevique d. Erich Mendelson 22. Built by the Franciscan priest Fr.Blas dela Madre, this church in Rizal whose design depicts the heavy influence of Spanish baroque, was declared a national treasure a. Morong Church b. Jala-Jala Cathedral c. Antipolo Church d. Angono Church


23. What is the difference between Chinese and Japanese pagodas? a. Japanese pagodas plan are polygonal; Chinese are square b. Chinese pagodas plans are mostly five-storeyed; Japanese are three to fifteen c. Japanese pagodas are mostly four-storeyed; Chinese are three to seven d. Chinese pagodas are polygonal; Japanese are square in plan 24. A type of Roman wall facing with alternating courses of brickworks a. Opus Mixtum b. Opus Reticulatum c. Opus Incertum d. Opus Quadratum 25. A special feature of Japanese houses, used to display a flower arrangement or art a. Masu-gumi b. Torei c. Tokonama d. Cha-sit-su 26. The first all-iron church in Asia is a. San Agustin Church b. San Sebastian Church c. Taal Church d. Betis Church 27. Architect SM Megamall a. Antonio Sin Diong b. Gilbert Yu c. Jonathan Gan d. Jose Siao Ling 28. Who erected the earliest known obelisk at Heliopolis. a. Amenemhat I b. Zoser c. Imhotep d. Senusret I 29. The dry or sweating room in the Thermae. a. Calidarium b. Sudatorium c. Unctuaria d. Tepidarium 30. On either side of the choir, pulpits for the reading of the epistle and the gospel are called a. Cella b. Cancelli c. Ambo d. Bema 31. Stupa or temples cut in rock information is a contribution of what style of architecture? a. Stupa









b. Filipino c. Chinese d. Indian Which construction system permit great spans of infinite variety of shapes of concrete, or steel combined with glass or plastic? a. Thin shell construction b. Frame construction c. Suspension system d. Space frame “The man of learning……. can fearlessly look down upon the troublesome accidents of fortune. But he who thinks himself entrenched in defense not of learning but of luck, moves one slippery path, struggling though life unsteadily and insecurely.” a. The Poetry of Architecture by John Ruskin b. Space, Time and Architecture by Sigfried Gideon c. Ten books of Architecture by Marcus Vitruvius d. A New Architecture by Frank Lloyd Wright Who is the Architect of Robinson’s Galleria building? a. Manual Go b. Ruperto Gaite c. Philip Recto d. William Coscolluela Architect of G.S.I.S. building, Roxas Boulevard a. Felipe Palafox b. Gabriel Formose c. George Ramos d. Froilan Hong How many stained glass are there in the Chartres Cathedral? a. 167 b. 168 c. 186 d. 176 The space between the colonnade and the naos wall in Greek temple. a. Anthemion b. Antefix c. Pteroma d. Stoa With the use of concrete made possible by pozzolan, a native natural cement, the Romans achieved huge interior with the….. a. Columnar trabeated b. Helm Roof c. Arch and Vault d. Domical Roof Construction


39. The most beautiful and best preserved of the Greek theaters a. Pinacotheca b. Podium c. Epidauros d. Odeoin 40. In Greek temples, the equivalent of the crypt is the _______ a. Narthex b. Nave c. Naos d. Apse 41. Which of the following indicates trabeated style? a. Mortar Joints b. Pointed Arch c. Post and Lintel d. Bended Joints 42. Which of the order was added by the Romans to the orders used by the Greeks a. Composite b. Doric c. Ionic d. Corinthian 43. The open court in an Italian palazzo a. Cortel b. Tumuli c. Dipteral d. Prytaneion 44. The oldest circus in Rome a. Circus of Maxentius b. Circus Maximus c. Circus Varianus d. Circus Flaminius 45. What is the purpose of the disks found on the tree trunks where the Ifugao house stands? a. Structural Purpose b. Protection against rats c. Weeding-out evil spirits d. Decoration/Ornamentation 46. Each new situation requires a new architecture. a. Jean Nouvel b. Oscar Niemeyer c. Michael Graves d. John Ruskin


47. The beginner of the Great Hypostyle Hall at Karnak and the founder of the 19th dynasty a. Rameses III b. Rameses IV c. Rameses I d. Rameses II 48. What do you call the enclosed space at the top of a ziggurat in Mesopotamia? a. Observatory b. God’s house c. Priest House d. Altar 49. Architect of the Temples of Zeus, Olympia a. Mnesicles b. Libon c. Theron d. Cossutius 50. Plan shape of a Chinese Pagoda a. Rectangular b. Square c. Octagonal d. Hexagonal 51. Which of the following indicates the name of a color? a. Value b. Chroma c. Intensity d. Hue 52. Tomb of Atreus, a noted example of the tholos type of tomb is also known as: a. Tomb of Clytemnestra b. Tomb of Agamemnon c. Thersilion, Megapolis d. Mausoleum, Helicarnassos 53. What type of architectural character is derived through the use of the building? a. All listed items b. Place for social/political decisions by elders c. Sleeping quarters for young bachelors d. Place for religious ceremonies 54. St.Peter’s Basilica original plan in the form of a Greek across was designed by a. Bernini b. Michaelozo c. Michaelangelo d. Bramante


55. The world’s first large-scale monument in stone. a. Pyramid of Khufu b. Pyramid of Chefren c. Pyramid of Cholula d. Pyramid of Zoser 56. The ornamental pattern work in stone, filling the upper part of a Gothic window a. Tracery b. Cavetto c. Embrasures d. Crenel 57. To create architecture is to put in order. Put what in order? Function and objects. a. Le Corbusier b. Tadao Ando c. Frank Gehry d. Oscar Niemeyer 58. What do you call the long colonnaded building used around public places and as shelters at religious shrines in Greek architecture? a. Peristyle b. Agora c. Stoa d. Propylae 59. A term given to the mixture of Christian, Spanish, and Muslim 12th-16th century architecture a. Byzantine b. Saracenic c. Romanesque d. Mudejar 60. Architect of the Bi-Nuclear House, the H-Plan a. Buckminster Fuller b. Marcel Lajos Breuer c. Louis Sullivan d. Le Corbusier 61. The best example of a Germn Romanesque church with apses at both east and west a. Worms Cathedral b. Tournai Cathedral c. Bamberg Catherdral d. Trier Cathedral 62. Expressionist Architect a. Erich Mendelson b. Eero Saarinen c. Alvar Aalto d. Hennevique


63. “Form follows function-that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union” a. Walter Gropius b. Antonio Gaudi c. Louis Kahn d. Frank Lloyd Wright 64. Art Noveau is known as the international style, in Germany it is known as _________ a. Eero Saarinen b. Richard Josef Neutra c. Jugendstijl d. Alvar Aalto 65. The room for oils and unguents in the thermae a. Calidarium b. Apodyteria c. Unctuaria d. Sudatorium 66. A Gothic Cathedral designed by Master Gerhard who, though no doubt German, was thoroughly conversant with contemporary French Gothic. The cathedral was consecrated in 1322, by which time designs for the west front had already been prepared. a. Laon Cathedral b. Cologne Cathedral c. Minden Cathedral d. Ulm Cathedral 67. The highest sloped pyramid in Gizeh a. Pyramid of Zoser b. Pyramid of Khufu c. Pyramid of Chefren d. Pyramid pf Cholula 68. In Ancient Greece and Rome, a storeroom of any kind, but especially for storing wine a. Apotheca b. Antefix c. Acroterion d. Anthemion 69. In ancient Greece and Rome, storeroom of any kind, but especially for storing wine a. Anthemion b. Acroterion c. Apotheca d. Antefix 70. The Greek council house which is covered meeting place for the democratically-elected council is called: a. Bouleuterion b. Thersihon








c. Prytaneion d. Diathyros The Grandest Temple of all Egyptioan temples, it was not built by upon one complete plan but owes its size, disposition and magnificence to the work of many Kings. Built from the 12th Dynasty to the Ptolemaic, period a. Great Temple of Ammon, Karnak b. The Great temple of Abu-Simbel c. Temple of Queen HATSHEPSUT d. Temple of Ramsesseum, Thebes A ______________ is a ___________________ which extends vertically from lowest portion of the wall which adjoins two living units up to a minimum height of 0.30 meters above the highest portion of the roof and extends horizontally 0.30 meters beyond the outermost edge of the abutting living units? a. Partywall; block b. Firewall; lotline wall c. Firewall; fireblock d. Blotline wall; block The Father of modern picture books of Architecture a. Andrea Palladio b. Leon Battista Alberti c. Philibert De L’orme d. Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola The memorial column built in the form of tall Doric order and made entirely of marble is a. Column of Antoninus Pius b. Trajan’s Column c. Column of Marcus Aurelius d. Column of Diolectian It is the eclectic style of domestic architecture of the 1870’s and the 1880’s in England and the USA and actually based on country house and cottage Elizabeth architecture which was characterized by a blending of Tudor Gothic, English Renaissance and colonial elements in the USA: a. Mannerist Phase b. Queen Anne Style c. Jacobean Architecture d. Stuart Architecture It is the first Development Garden City where it is a combination of landscaping, informal street layouts, and main axis focusing on town center? a. Savannah b. Welwyn c. Letchworth d. Hampstead Garden Suburbs e.


77. A British pioneered in regional Planning for the Doncaster area (1920-1922) and East Kent; Involved in greater London Plan; Use of open space as structuring element. a. Clarence Perry b. Leslie Patrick Abercrombie c. Henry Wright d. Andres Duany 78. He is remembered for his “Ideal Cities” – star shaped plans with street radiating from central point, usually proposed for a church, palace or castle. a. Leonardo Da Vinci b. Leon Battista Alberti c. Pierre Charles L’Enfant d. Sir Christopher Wren 79. Whose theory is the explanation of residential land uses in terms of wedge-shaped sectors radial to the city center along established lines of transportation a. Homer Hoyt b. Kevin Lynch c. Ernest Burgess d. None of these 80. Published the book called “Fields, Factories and Workshops; or Industry Combined with Agriculture with manual work”. a. Antonio Sant’elia b. Don Soria y Mata c. Eugene Henard d. Peter Kropotkin 81. An English Architect who prepared plan for London i.e., St. Peter’s and St.Paul Cathedral; Proposed a Network of Avenues connecting the main features of London. a. Leonardo Da Vinci b. Leon Battista Alberti c. Pierre Charles L’Enfant d. Sir Christopher Wren 82. The sacred enclosure fond in the highest part of a Greek city is called: a. Peribolas b. Pteroma c. Temenos d. Corps de Logis 83. The architect who claimed that: “The ultimate goal of the new architecture was the composite but inseparable work o an art, in which the old diving line between monumental and decorative elements will have disappeared forever.” use of the building? a. Frank Lloyd Wright b. Le Corbusier c. Walter Gropius d. Mies Van De Rohe


84. It is a traditional house that was called binangiyan. It was a single room dwelling elevated at 1.50 meters from the ground; the floor were made of hard wood like narra which rested on 3 floor which in turn were supported by transverse girders a. Kankanay b. Badjao c. Bontoc d. Kalinga 85. Often enclosed and secluded the street, whose high density and variety of planning conveys a garden image. It sometimes includes flower planters and a water feature and usually supplies a variety of seating possibilities. a. City Plaza b. Garden Oasis c. City Square d. Street Plaza 86. _________ on natural rocks in a Greek theatre is called: a. Cavaea b. Exedrae c. Logeion d. Skene 87. Enclosure fromed by huge stones planted on the ground in circular form a. Menhir b. Cromlech c. Dolmen d. Tumulus 88. A revival style based on the buildings and publications of the 6th century architect marked by ancient Roman Architectural forms? a. National Romanticism b. Mannerism c. Palladianism d. Purism 89. “A house is like a flower pot” a. Richard Josef Neutra b. Jugendstijl c. Alvar Aalto d. Eeero Saarinen 90. A French term for pillars or stilts that carry a building, thereby raising it to first floor level and leaving the ground floor open a. Pilotis b. Atrium c. Colonnaded d. Balcony 91. Which of the following represent the primary colors?










a. Red, Yellow, Green b. Green, Orange, Violet c. Blue, Yellow, Violet d. Red, Yellow, Blue Which of the following represent the secondary colors? a. Green, Yellow, Violet b. Green, Orange, Violet c. Red, Yellow, Blue d. Yellow, Green, Blue In perception of space, which of the following describes visual sense? a. Affects room size/ceiling heights to avoid discomfort b. Identifies materials limiting unpleasant odors c. Identifies materials at a distance d. Affects materials to regulate transfer of sound Architect of the Chicago Tribune Tower? a. Mies Van de Rohe b. Frank Lloyd Wright c. John Howell and Raymond Hood d. Eliel Saarinen Plan shape of a Japanese Pagoda? a. Triangular b. Square c. Rectangle d. Round Parts of an entablature, in order of top to bottom i. Cornice ii. Frieze iii.Architrave b. Iii, i, ii c. Ii, i, iii d. I, ii, iii e. I, iii, ii What is referred to as written record of man’s effort to build beautifully? a. Style of architecture b. Pre-historic architecture c. History of architecture d. Elements of architecture Architect of the famous Propylaea, Acropolis? a. Anthemius b. Mnesicles c. Cossutius d. Isidorus The Hot room of the Thermae? a. Sudatorium


b. Unctuaria c. Tepidarium d. Calidarium 100. “Architecture is the reaching out for the truth” a. Antonio Gaudi b. Louis Kahn c. Le Corbusier d. Walter Gropius 101. Orientation of the Etruscan temple towards the ________? a. West b. North c. East d. South 102. A term given to the mixture of Christian, Spanish, and Muslim 12th-16th century architecture? a. Romanesque b. Byzantine c. Mudejar d. Saracenic 103. What art principle shows the relationships between the various parts of an objects/structure/groups of objects and structures? a. Size b. Scale c. Volume d. Proportion 104. “God is in the details” a. Adolf Loos b. Robert Venturi c. Mies Van der Rohe d. Antonio Gaudi 105. With regards to relationship of structure to architecture, which of the following describes formal or sculptured structure? a. Materials used below maximum load-bearing capacity b. Use least amount of material c. Exaggerated elements d. Focuses on novelty of form 106. A small private bath found in Roman houses or palaces? a. Thalamus b. Domus c. Balneum d. Insulae



The oldest circus in Rome? Circus of Maxentius Circus Maximus Circus Flaminius The oldest circus in Rome 108. A kindred type to the theater a. Epidauros b. Odeion c. Pinacotheca d. Podium 109. The final plan shape of the St.Peter’s Basilica by Carlo Maderna a. French Cross b. Greek Cross c. Latin Cross d. English Cross 110. “Architecture is the will of an epoch translated into space” a. Robert Venturi b. Daniel Burnham c. Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe d. Robert Maillart 111. What invention brought about modern high-rise building? a. Elevator b. Curtain Wall System c. Steel Beam d. Thin Shell Construction 112. Architect of the Temple of Zeus, Agrigentum? a. Theron b. Mnesicles c. Libon d. Cossutius 113. The characteristic English Gothic Cathedral is? a. Wells b. Salisbury c. Bristol d. Salisbury 114. A term for tertiary rib spanning between 2 other ribs to the central boss, also known as Stellar Vault a. Lierne b. Tierceron c. Quadripartite d. Sexpartite 115. Romanesque revival in the USA was introduced by _________? a. b. c. d.


a. b. c. d.

Louis Khan Henry H. Richardson Frank Llyod Wright Richard Upjohn 116. The Architect of the AEG Turbine Factory, Berlin? a. Max Berg b. Walter Gropius c. Peter Behrens d. Gunther Bernisch 117. A projecting block or spur of stone carved with foliage to decorate the raking lines formed by angles of spires and canopies is the _______. a. Statue b. Rocket c. Crocket d. Association In converting 2D objects to 3D objects, what object will be created if you rotate an inclined 118. line at either end points? a. Materials b. Sphere c. Cone d. Circle The architect of the Philippine General Hospital. 119. a. AIDEA b. Gabriel Formoso c. Parsons d. William V Coscuella 120. Splendid example of early gothic is __________ ? a. Stellar Sphere b. Romansque Vault c. Westminster Abbey d. Agora A line extended in a direction other than its intrinsic direction ? 121. a. Line b. Volume c. Plane d. Point 122. “Architecture must be dignified and elegant. It must be humanly scaled to man so that it belongs to him, so that he has pride in it, so that he loves it, so that he wishes to touch it". Who was the architect who stated this philosophy? a. Fukihiro A...

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