Argument against social welfare PDF

Title Argument against social welfare
Author Mary Mbai
Course Sociological theory
Institution Kenyatta University
Pages 3
File Size 56.4 KB
File Type PDF
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Surname Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Argument Against Social Welfare in a Capitalist Society Social welfare plays a significant role in the organized provision of cultural, educational, financial, and medical aid to the needy (Social welfare 67). Welfare programs have been in existence since history, whereby individuals have used them to provide aid to those who need it. However, not everyone supports the idea of social welfare since some people believe that it causes more harm to the economy than good. This essay argues that social welfare programs are not required in a successful capitalist society. Social welfare programs undermine the work ethic and create a large class of individuals who prefer depending on the government other than work (Sherman, Ruffing, &Greenstein 73). Although the programs are meant to help the needy, recent studies have shown that many people have enrolled in the programs not because they are needy but because they want to get the free services provided by the government. This results in the feeling of “entitlement” whereby the beneficiaries of these services start believing that it is their right to have them. The result is that more people, even with the capability of looking for their own money cease working and apply for the welfare beneficiaries. Welfare programs increase poverty in a capitalist world (Carson 47). Social welfare programs encourages those in needy to continue enrolling for the available programs. Although this can be perceived as reducing poverty, the poverty levels among the society increases since the beneficiaries become dependent on the programs that they no longer participate in any work to uplift their financial status. The more people become enrolled in




the programs the more the poverty levels increase since the financial aid just cover the poverty rates of the beneficiaries and make it look like everyone is living above poverty lines when in the real sense they are not. Participation into social welfare programs does more harm than good to most organizations (Karnani 48). Although companies can sometimes do well by serving social purpose, the idea that organizations have a responsibility to act in the interest of the public in order to perform well is flawed. Most of the top performing organizations engage in unethical behavior but end up getting away with it. In this case, the companies make more profits without having to donate some of their incomes in the name of giving back to community. From a capitalist point of view, social corporate responsibility, which is an example of private welfare programs, causes business to make fewer profits than they would actually make had they not donated some of their incomes. Proponents of social welfare argue that engaging in social corporate responsibility is necessary in a corporate world since it improves the image of the organization, which in turn helps it to win more customers (Karnani 39). However, this argument is based on the assumption that engaging in corporate social responsibility would automatically enable a company to attract more clients, and therefore more profits. But this not always the case, organizations could engage in CSR and still fail to attract customers. Therefore, it would be for organizations to focus on making profits rather than engaging in CSR. In conclusion, social welfare programs are not required in a successful capitalist society because they undermine the work ethic and create a large class of individuals who prefer depending on the government other than work, increase poverty, and does more harm than good to most organizations. Although proponents of social welfare argue that organizations engaging in the practice create a positive image which makes them to attract

Surname more customers and make more profits, the argument is flawed since it assumes that customers are attracted to organizations based on how well they give back to the society rather than how well they offer their services. Works Cited: Carson, B. "Welfare Perpetuates Poverty." n.p.: n.p., 13 . 23 Sep. 2020. . Karnani, A. "The case against corporate social responsibility." SSRN Electronic Journal, 1-7. n.p.: n.p., 13 . 23 Sep. 2020. . Sherman, A, K Ruffing and R Greenstein. "Welfare Does Not Erode American Values." n.p.: n.p., 13 . 23 Sep. 2020. . Social Welfare. Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 1-2. Bandow, D. "America on Welfare." n.p.: n.p., 13 . 23 Sep. 2020, 2020.


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