Argumentative essay draft PDF

Title Argumentative essay draft
Author Ummetul Islam
Course English
Institution Dallas College
Pages 6
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Impacts of Technology on education In the world, a lot of effects have been realized as a result of technology. Lynch provides that all over the world, a lot of things have changed due to technology. Since the 21st century, technology has become a way of life. Nowadays technology is being used everywhere over the world and it is used in many ways in education. The impact of technology in education going fast day by day. Even though there are some controversial using technology in education. Some people think that using technology in education would distract students’ attention and lead Using technology in education is a useful issue and it is a controversial issue between people. Some people think that using technology in education would distract students’ attention and lead them to think less. While the others think that using technology in education is very beneficial and it also has many advantages for students and teachers. Though still some individuals who argue that technology has not benefited the education system, it has positively impacted the education sector such as improving the quality of education, enhancing the communication between the teachers, improving the safety of the students, technologies in the classrooms, techniques, and tools to help in research and store information efficiently. Technology has improved the quality of education. According to Lynch, technology has been instrumental in improving the quality of education. For example, the stakeholders in education are stressing more on the use of advanced technology to get a quality education. This both in learning and teaching. Another example that demonstrates technology has been effective in improving the quality of education is that many parents are emphasizing on the use of technology to equip their children with adequate skills that will help them when it comes to competition in the job market. Additionally, on the quality of education, technology has been vital in updating and developing new materials for education as well as the syllabus. When the

curriculum is updated, the students will be able to learn the topics covering what is happening in the world currently. Another way in which technology has impacted education positively is through enhancing the communication between the teachers. Through the use of technology, communication between the students and the teachers have been improved. Before the introduction of technology, the communication between the students and teachers when they were out of school was poor. In case the students wanted to learn about a particular topic more when out of school, he or she had no mean. Today the connection between the teachers and the students have been improved. According to Khan (2018), technology has also improved education by promoting effective communication between the teachers and the students. Technology has introduced forums where the teachers can post assignments, the students can carry out their discussions on the platforms, and they can also ask the teachers to s clarify any unclear concepts from the same platform. Also,Technology devices like smartphones and laptops dominate in the classroom. These applications make a connection between teachers and students better and teachers can monitor their class activities based on student activities by login or log-out the application (Dias 12). Today, for example, through the use of technology, a social media platform can be created where the teachers and the students can join the group. When they join the group, it now becomes easy to discuss, it now becomes easy to discuss the content in a particular subject. When the connection and communication are improved, the students will be motivated to learn more. The technology has enabled the teachers to post the education material on the social media platforms where the students have also been encouraged to ask questions. Therefore, technology through social media has improved communication between the students and the teachers (Lynch).

Another way I which the technology impacted education positively is through improving the safety of the students. When the students are in school, they require security, especially considering that nowadays the terrorists are targeting learning institutions. There are many security leakages in learning institutions. Examples of these leakages include an outsider entering the school without being identified. However, there are many security leakages; technology has emerged one of the ways to improve the safety of the students in learning institutions. One of the examples of how technology has improved the safety of the students includes using E-Cards when entering the school gate to be identified as a member. Additionally, sensors are also being used in the dresses worn by the non-teaching staffs, the teachers, and the students to track any activities which might bring issues in insecurity. Moreover, technology has improved the safety of the students through CCTV cameras installation. Therefore, technology been instrumental in enhancing the safety of students (Lynch). Technology has also impacted education positively through the addition of technologies in the classrooms, techniques, and tools to help in research. The integration of the technologies in the classes has been of great importance in innovations. Through technology, the teachers and the students have been equipped with tools in solving problems. The technologies also the teachers in collecting data of the students’ performance and also in the process of storing the data collected. Technology has helped the teachers to compare the performance of different students and find out the students who are not performing well in particular subjects. This of great advantage because the teachers will come up with techniques and approaches to help the students who are not performing and thus improving their performance. Through the integration of technologies, the teaching methods which are considered best are also identified. When there was no technology, it was challenging to identify students who were not performing well in the

classrooms. Thus, with the advancement in technology, the teachers are now developing methods which are even interesting for teaching. Technology has also impacted education positively by helping the students and the teachers to store information efficiently. Through the advancement in technology, the students and the teachers can save now a vast amount of data in computers. Data stored using technology cannot be compared to the data which can be stored in notebooks, books, and chalkboards. Through the use of technology, it is even evident that computers have replaced chalkboards. The computers can do the presentation, the talking among other things that a chalkboard cannot do. Digital libraries have also been found to be efficient, economical, and most effective. This is because no physical space is required for digital libraries. Additionally, digital libraries can be accessed by any one at any place in the world. As a result of technology, the notebooks have been replaced by compact memory devices. Typing is comfortable compared to writing. Therefore, technology has helped the students in many ways when it comes to the managing of information. Even if we can clearly see that technology has revolutionized the education system, there are still some individuals who argue that technology has not benefited the education system in any way. Sheehy & Holliman argue that technology has impacted education in many ways. Some of the ways include losing focus in class. Some people say that advancement in technology has made the students less attentive in class. For example, as a result of coming up with online learning through the use of technology, many students are not even attending the classes. Therefore, technology has made the students less focused. Other people argue that as a result, technology cases of cheating have increased in the education sector. It is because, when a student is taking online classes, he or she may end up looking for a friend who can do the assignments

and the online question on his or her behalf. Other students, instead of doing their work they will copy the assignments directly from the internet. As a result, many educational institutions have developed tools which can detect plagiarism (Sheehy & Holliman). Another drawback of technology in education is deterioration and lack of writing skills. With the introduction of laptops and computers, many students now prefer to type instead of typing. Therefore, many people argue that the introduction of technology in the educations sectors have ended making the students lazy. The witting skills are considered to be of great significance to a student because of his or her job in the future (Sheehy & Holliman). In conclusion, the merits of technology in education outweigh the disadvantages of technology in education. Technology has been of great importance in transforming education in many ways. Technology has made learning and teaching easy through enhancing collaboration and communication between the teachers and the students. Through the use of technology materials like the internet have benefited the students globally and ensuring the teachers and the learners can connect in the whole world. New models in education have also been developed as a result of advancement in technology. Therefore, even there are some drawbacks provided on the impacts of technology on education such as loss of focus, increased cases of cheating, abandoning the writing skills, the stakeholders I education and educational technologists have a better chance to improve education through the use of technology.

References Lynch, M. (2017, March 4). 7 Ways Technology is Impacting Modern Education. Retrieved from The Tech Advocate: Sheehy, K., & Holliman, A. (2017). Education and New Technologies:- Perils and Promises for Learners. New York: Taylor & Francis. Kushner, David. "The Internet Has Not Improved Education." The Internet, edited by Helen Cothran, Greenhaven Press, 2002. Opposing Viewpoints. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, u=txshracd2500&sid=OVIC&xid=383cf76b. Accessed 27 Apr. 2020. Honey, Margaret. "Technology Has Improved Education." The Information Revolution, edited by Laura K. Egendorf, Greenhaven Press, 2004. Opposing Viewpoints. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, u=txshracd2500&sid=OVIC&xid=d2ff9493. Accessed 27 Apr. 2020. Dias, Laurie B. “Integrating Technology--Some Things You Should Know”. Learning & Leading with Technology, v27 n3 p10-13,21 Nov 1999.

Khan, T. A. (2018, September 27). How Technology Can (and Does) Improve Education. Retrieved December 10, 2018, from

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