argumentative essay on abortion, pro abortion 5 pages PDF

Title argumentative essay on abortion, pro abortion 5 pages
Author Maxemus Calzadilla
Course English
Institution Bartlett High School
Pages 5
File Size 72.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 63
Total Views 152


Needs work on the conclusion and last body paragraph where I put the counterclaim. A little bit of grammar errors but nothing a little revising can't fix....


Running head: ARBOTION


Argumentative Essay on Abortion Name Student number Course name Course code Instructor’s name Date


2 Argumentative Essay on Abortion

Abortion refers to the termination of pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or a fetus that is not capable of surviving on its own. It is one of the most controversial topics in today’s society. It has raised a lot of heated debate from different quarter’s right from religious leaders, philosophers, politicians, lawyers and the general public Mohr, J. C. (1978). Many people feel that abortion is bad and claim that it amounts to the murder of a helpless baby who has not had a chance of living and functioning on its own Luker, K. (1984). Those people who support it believe that it is a woman’s right to choose whatever happens to her body. If she feels she is incapable of bringing a child up, she should not be forced to bring up such a kid Petchesky, R. P. (1986). I don’t believe in abortion myself since this is murder and it is not our duty to decide whether the fetus or embryo should live or die. As a pro-life advocate, I strongly believe that the baby has a right to live irrespective of a woman’s decision. Religious groups such Human life international, Christian coalition and others support the right for life. The main point of argument is the fact that it results in the killing of an unborn baby and murdering of an unsuspecting life. By procuring an abortion therefore one is trying to take the place of God by killing someone. It is only God who has that right as the maker of everything on earth. Abortion also exposes the woman to a risky procedure that may lead to her death. The procedure is dangerous and may cause massive bleeding of the mother if done in an undesired manner or by a quack doctor. Moreover it may result in serious medical complications for the woman later in life including the risk for ectopic pregnancies which doubles; the woman have increased chances of miscarriages and contracting pelvic inflammatory diseases.



Moreover in case of rape, women now can be assured of a comprehensive medical care that ensures that they don’t get pregnant. Abortion tends to punish the unborn child who did not commit any crime. It should be discouraged since it cannot substitute other forms of contraception. If a woman did not want to get pregnant, she should use the wide range of contraceptive options available. It is not right to use tax collected by citizens to fund abortion activities. It is morally wrong which is a view that is shared by most Americans Dworkin, R. M. (1993). In addition most of the women who chose abortion are minors or young women who do not have sufficient life experiences to recognize its effects. Many of them live with lifelong regrets afterwards. Most pro-life advocates would find it better to find a home for these kids as opposed to incurring abortions. It is ones decision to engage in sex therefore one should be able to shoulder the consequences that come with it including pregnancy. On the other hand, those who are pro choice support abortion citing a number of reasons. First most argue that since most abortions occur in the first trimester, the ability of the fetus to exist is not guaranteed by this time. The fetus is still dependent on the on the umbilical cord and cannot exist outside the womb. In cases of rape or incest, most pro choice argues that the resulting pregnancy should be terminated at the request of the mother Dworkin, R. M. (1993). During these situations, the woman is psychologically tortured and is afraid to speak up or is unaware of her pregnancy; therefore she may fail to take the morning after pill which could result in the pregnancy. The prochoice also argue that the woman has full control of her body and can do anything that she feels with her body. They also argue that he taxpayers money should be used to fund this



procedure especially for the poor since the rich receive the same procedure in their medical schemes. They also argue that government funding for abortion is not different from funding warfare with another country. Those who are opposed to this should vote for those governments which do not support abortion Beckwith, F. (1993). In conclusion I do not support abortion because of the resulting effects on the mother and on the unborn baby. Everyone born has a right to life and no one has the permission to take away another’s life. By aborting a fetus, we therefore take in our own hands the ability to terminate life which is given by God. Abortion also exposes a woman to a number of health risks including hemorrhage which may result in her death. It also exposes the woman to future health risks including miscarriages, diseases like pelvic inflammatory diseases and also the risks for ectopic pregnancies. It also leads to unmoral expenditures by the government since governments use the public taxes in funding the process.


5 References

Beckwith, F. (1993). Politically correct death: Answering the arguments for abortion rights. Grand Rapids: Baker Books. Dworkin, R. M. (1993). Life's dominion: an argument about abortion, euthanasia, and individual freedom. Random House LLC. Luker, K. (1984). Abortion and the Politics of Motherhood (Vol. 205). Berkeley: University of California Press. Mohr, J. C. (1978). Abortion in America: The origins and evolution of national policy, 18001900 (p. 7). New York: Oxford University Press. Petchesky, R. P. (1986). Abortion and woman's choice: The state, sexuality, and reproductive freedom. London: Verso....

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