kant and mill\'s view on abortion PDF

Title kant and mill\'s view on abortion
Course Introduction To Philosophy
Institution The City College of New York
Pages 1
File Size 40.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Professor Natallia Stelmak Schabner...


Khushi Shetty

Abortion is one of the most contriversal topics in out world. Whether abortion should be allowed or not has always been an matter still being discussed because of the uncertainty amongst us all. But it also has to do with each and everyone one of our morals. Is having an abortion the right thing for woman to do or is terminating the embryo/fetus to stop the pregnancy a right thing to do? Both Kant and Mill share their views on morailty and from this, we can determine their morailty of abortion. Immanuel Kant believes morailty has to deal with a person happiness. “Power, wealth, honor, even health and that complete well-being and contentment with one’s state which goes by the name of Happiness” (Kant 527). But Kant also believes that the morality of an action depends on their intentions but up and foremost killing is always wrong. So talking about abortion, Kant would be against abortion because a fetus can be seen as undeveloped human being and every human, every fetus has a future. Killing a fetus (abortion), would end the chance of that future which is totally against Kants morals. Mill on the other hand would probably support the idea of abortion. Mill believes that the main goal of life is to be the happiest you can ever be. “By happiness is intended pleasure, and the absence of pain, but unhappiness, pain, and the privation of pleasure’’ (Mill 484). Mills believes that we all should foucus on our happiness. So when it comes to abortion, if having an abortion is what makes one happy and pain free, that is okay to do. Based off of Kant’s definition of morality, it is safe to safe that he would be against abortion. Mill’s definition of morality can tell us that he would be okay with a woman having an abortion as long as it would make them happy....

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