Argumetative Essay - Brexit PDF

Title Argumetative Essay - Brexit
Author Anonymous User
Course Argumentative essay, Engelsk
Institution Gymnasiet HHX Ringkøbing
Pages 2
File Size 102.2 KB
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Alexander Betts Ted Talk. Karakter lå til 12...


Ivy Caroline Storm


Argumentative Essay

Who won in the end? The vote on whether Britain should continue its membership in the European Union resulted in a victory for Brexit advocates. But what happens when such a big choice has to be made, and how do people react when they do not get their will? This argumentative essay will focus on the whole Brexit situation, as well as the inclusion of two sources that also relates to Brexit. The word "Brexit" should be understood as a context of the two words Britain and exit and on 23 June 2016, a majority of Britons voted that Britain should leave the EU. The consequences of leaving the EU could mean difficult trading opportunities, cause what they find on the supermarket shelves could easily be where they see the first effects. Its because of almost 30% of Britain's food currently comes from the EU, and it is likely that some foods, such as fresh vegetables and fruit, will become more expensive in the event of no deal. UK students studying in the EU and EU students studying in the UK face a period of uncertainty, this is true for both UK students planning to go to EU countries, and EU nationals hoping to come to the UK. In Alexander's TED Talk, he talks about Brexit and the different results after the result. Alexander Bett says: “Hindsight is a wonderful thing” because he means that it teaches the British something about their society. It highlights how ignorant the British are about the country's division. The vote is divided in the direction of age, education, class, and geography. He also mentions the areas of suffrage and the areas that were against immigration. In Alexander's speech, he has a focus on both those who wanted to leave the EU and those who wanted to stay. In his speech, he also gives an idea of what the arguments were for the British vote result. About "Leave Voters", Alexander believes that they feared globalization. There were far more immigrants getting an education than they had expected, which was one of the reasons they wanted out. They had an urge to take control of their own lives, which they did by leaving the EU. They could not find a political party that represented their opinions. About "Stay Voters", they are liberal and liked to be part of the EU. The "Stay Voters" are young and modern, and it was also mostly people from London and Scotland who voted to stay1. The other source this argumentative essay is going to involve is Nigel Farage's article. As the headline indicates: “Why we must vote LEAVE in the EU referendum” it is a pure call to leave the EU, which also makes Nigel's article emphasize his marked opinion. Nigel is conscious and convinced to leave the EU only ironing out the British. This is marked by the fact that he considers the EU a failed political union, which is a disaster zone. He believes that if Britain leaves the EU now, the British will get their borders back, democracy back, as well as become an independent nation. His arguments for leaving the EU are to strengthen Britain and raise living standards after declining results in previous years. In addition, his own country and its inhabitants are also much more important to him than the EU's measurement of GDP. Nigel emphasizes several times in the 1

Ivy Caroline Storm


Argumentative Essay

article that this is a huge opportunity for Britain and that this opportunity must be seized. He thinks a lot about the future and wishes that Britain can make big decisions in its parliament. He concludes his article by emphasizing what it will mean for the British if they choose a future within the European Union. He believes that their country will not remain in the position they are in now, but that public services will fail, while British national security will be weakened because EU borders will be widened2. Britain has left the EU, including those who wanted to stay. After the election, Britain stood with a divided nation that began to attack each other instead of realizing that one had either lost or won. There are consequences and benefits to making such a big choice, and now that the result ended like this, the country needs to be rebuilt, but independently. According to Nigel, Britain can easily become a strong independent union, but just like Alexander Bett mentioned, one must remember both sides of history, and respect each other's position without it having to turn into fights. One's point of view cannot be changed by others, but they can learn to respect it, and that is where Britain must build its independent country now.


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