Arrhythmia by Dr. Najeeb (youtube) PDF

Title Arrhythmia by Dr. Najeeb (youtube)
Author Mohammed Al-Farraji
Course Internal medicine
Institution جامعة بغداد
Pages 6
File Size 431.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 88
Total Views 159


Download Arrhythmia by Dr. Najeeb (youtube) PDF


Arrhythm Dr. najeeb lecture Normal heart rhythm criteria: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Heart rate 60 – 100 Origin from SA node All impulses propagate throug Impulses go in normal velocity

Arrhythmia: deviation from normal rhyth Classification according to heart rate:  Bradycardia or bradyarrythmia : less o 60 – 40 : mild o 40 – 20 : moderate o 20 – 0 : sever

o Nodal or junctional : from A  Ventricular arrhythmia : from ve Mechanisms of arrhythmia  Increased automaticity (e.g. increas epinephrine)  Triggered automaticity (in a myocar let Ca ion to get in and cause stimul  Re-entry ( circus movement)

Sinus arrhythmia and ECG pattern  Physiological Sinus arrhythmia : o during inspiration vagal is inhi o during expiration vagal is stim o if vagus is unable to influence autonomic N.S disease there w


Atrical tachyarrythmia and ecg  Atrial tachycardia (atria is acting as a pac o Well-defined multiple P waves

o Not well-defined Flutter waves


o  in treating these patients we want to low slow down the AV node.

Nodal (junctional) bradycardia and ECG

bundle of Kent is an abnormal extra or access atria and ventricles that is present in a small per general population. This what is known as WPW syndrome)

o if an ectopic focus supply the bu happen  intranodal re-entry when there is two d have different speeds then this will happ  Carotid message induce vagal stimulatio the circus current. Ventricular tacharrhythmia and ECG  Mostly due to irritable focus in the ventr  In ischemia less O2 mean less ATP produc ATPase activity which restore the norma before depolarization. So sodium accum the threshold. o Also ischemia injure the cell memb cell and make same effect. o When ischemic patient get stresse stimulate Gs protein which induce...

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