Asana in Apps Store PDF

Title Asana in Apps Store
Author Jojo Davids
Course BS Education
Institution Rizal Technological University
Pages 14
File Size 681.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 59
Total Views 155


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Asana in Apps Store: How to Download Asana in IOS Apps Store Asana in Apps store will help your teammates access to Asana using their IOS mobile phones. They can start working, finishing task and completing given job in just one swipe and one tap on their phones. Asana will manage your to-do list and update you on time to maximize every person’s time and skills. With Asana for iOS, you can organize your tasks for the day and communicate with your team from anywhere. Download the Asana app for your iPhone & iPad from the App Store. You can access your My Tasks, projects, Conversations, Inbox, Search, and Quick Add amongst others from your iOS device. The web and Android apps update in real-time, so your tasks and conversations sync automatically no matter what device you’re using. Asana’s mobile app is only compatible with iOS 12.0 or later.

Si gni ngupt oAsana

Wheny oufir s topent heapp,y oucan:

1. Sign Up for a new account 2. Log In to your existing account

Si gnupf oranac count I fy ouar eus i ngAs anaf ort hev er yfi r s tt i me,y ouc ansi gnupf oranacc ountf r om t he i OSapp.

Logi nt oy ouracc ount I fy oual r eadyhav eanaccount ,y oucanl ogi nt oy ouraccountont hei OSappex act l y l i k ey ouwoul dondeskt op.

Loggi ngi nwi t hGoogl eSSO Youcanusey ourGoogl ecr edent i al st ol ogi nt oAs anav i aGoogl eSSO.

Loggi ngi nwi t hy ouremai laddr ess Tol ogi nwi t hy ouremai l addr ess,ent ert hedesi r edemai l addr es s.

Fr om her ey oucanchoos et ohav eamagi cl i nkemai l edt oy ouort ypei ny ourpass wor d manual l y .

Or gani z at i ons I fy ou’ r esi gni ngupf oranAs anaaccountunderacor por at eemai ldomai n,y ouwi l l be ei t herpr ompt edt ocr eat eat eam i ny ournewOr gani z at i onori ft her ei sal r eadyan Or gani zat i onsetup,y oucanr equestt oj oi nexi st i ngt eamswi t hi nt hi sOr gani z at i on.

Cr eat eat eam i nanewOr gani z at i on: Once you’ve signed up to Asana under a corporate domain and have created an Organization, you will be prompted to create a new team. Once you’ve entered the team name, tap the Next icon on the top right of the screen.

Joi ni nganex i st i ngOr gani z at i on: Once you’ve signed up to Asana under a corporate domain and there is already an Organization associated with it, you can request to join existing teams withing this Organization. Once you’ve selected the appropriate teams to join, tap the Next icon at the top of the screen.

Logi nvi aSAML I fy ouar eaMemberofanEnterprise Organization with SAML enabled,y ou canl ogi nbyt appi ngLog In andonl yent er i ngy ouremai l addr es swhi l el eavi ngt he pas swor dfiel dempt y .Thi swi l l r edi r ecty out oy ourcompany’ sI DPl ogi npageorapp.

Ent erwi t hGoogl e TapEnter with Google t ol ogi nv i aGoogl eSSO.Youcanl ogi nusi nganyGoogl e accountas soci at edt oy ouri OSdev i ce.

Logi nvi a1Passwor d Youwi l lal sohav et heopt i ont ouse1Pass wor dt ol ogi nt oAs ana,pr ovi di ngy ouhav et he appi nst al l edony ouri OSdevi ce.

Badgesandnot i fic at i ons Thebadgei conf orAsanai st her ednumberabov et heAsanai conony ouri OSdev i ce; r ossal l ofy ourOr gani zat i ons, i ti ndi cat est henumberofnewInbox messagesac Wor ks paces ,andPer sonal Pr oj ect s . Not i ficat i onsar et heal er t st haty ouac cessbys wi pi ngdownf r om t het opofy ourdev i ce; t heycor r espondt onot i fi cat i onsi neachofy ourAsanaI nbox es .I fy ouhav enot i ficat i ons f ory ouri OSdev i cet ur nedon,y ouwi l l r ecei v epushnot i ficat i onsf ort hef ol l owi ngst or i es :     

A task has been assigned to you A task you’re assigned and/or following has a comment posted A task you’re following is marked as complete A task you’re assigned is due (sent around 9a.m. on the day of the task’s due date) A Conversation is posted in a Team or Workspace that you belong to

I fy ouwi sht oadj ustbadgecount sornot i ficat i ons:  

Tap Settings on your device Tap Notification Center

Scroll down

Tap Asana

Toggle the options on to control where you’d like Asana notifications to appear on your iOS device

TodayWi dget

ToaddAs anat ot heTodaysect i onofy ouri OSnot i ficat i on cent er :

View Today (swipe from the top of your device down)

  

Tap Edit Tap Edit again Tap + next to Asana

Shar e Youcanuset heAs anashar eext ensi ont oshar econt entf r om y ouri OSdevi cel i k e webl i nks ,t ext ,ori magesasy oubr owset heweb. Todot hi st hefi r s tt i me: 

While viewing another app, pull up the share tray

Tap More

Select Asana

Tap Asana after it’s been added

Us i ngAsanaOffli ne YoucanuseAs anaf ori OSoffli net oc hecky ournot i ficat i ons,commentont ask sand conv er sat i ons,c hangeduedat esorass i gnees,andcompl et et as ksont hego. UseAsanaoffli net o: 

Create tasks, conversations, or projects

Assign tasks

Set due dates

Add or remove Collaborators

Add or remove tags

Add or remove tasks from projects

Complete tasks

Delete tasks

Change the order of tasks in projects or My Tasks

Like tasks, conversations, or notifications

Add or delete comments

Invite teammates

Archive or unarchive stories in your Inbox

Wheny oucr eat eat askorcommentoffli ne,y ou’ l l seeabanneratt hebot t om ofy our appl et t i ngy ouk now“ As anai soffli ne. ” Forl ar geract i onss uchasc r eat i ngoredi t i ngt ask s,subt asks ,pr oj ect s ,orc omment s ,a l i ghtgr eyc l oudi conwi l l appearnextt ot hosewhi chhav enotbeens y nced.Thi smeans t hatt heyar ec ur r ent l yonl yvi s i bl et oy ou.Wheny ouar eonl i ne,t hes echangeswi l l s ync andy ourent i r et eam wi l l beabl et os eet heupdat edt ask s,pr oj ect s,andconv er sat i ons. Youcanal soqui ckl yaddat as koffli ne.ANew Task but t onwi l l appearatt het opof anyl i sti nt heapp.Addat ask ,t apy ourdev i ce’ sent erbut t on,t hens t ar tt ypi ngy ournext t as k. At al l yatt hebot t om oft heappcount st heact i onsy ou’ v eper f or medoffli ne.Wheny ou’ r e onl i neagai n,t hependi ngnumberwi l l countdownunt i l al l y ourupdat esar el i v ei nAs ana andt hegr eyc l oudi conswi l l di s appear . Tas ksandconv er sat i onswi t hi napr oj ectt hathav enev erbeenopenedony ourapp bef or ewi l l notbevi si bl eoffli ne,buty ouc anaddt ask st ot hes epr oj ect swhi l eoffli ne.

Features Difference between web application to iphone or mac os Reviews and ratings How to download Asana in Apps store Conclusion...

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