Asimov Liar - Reading Material PDF

Title Asimov Liar - Reading Material
Author Clay Kim
Course Science Fiction
Institution University of Southern California
Pages 18
File Size 120.7 KB
File Type PDF
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Liar! ALFRED LANNING LIT HIS CIGAR CAREFULLY, BUT he i of hi nge ee embling lighl. Hi ga eebo hnched lo a he oke beeen ff. I ead mind all igh-damn lile dob abo ha! B h? He looked a Mahemaician Pee Boge, Well? Boge aened hi black hai don ih boh hand, Tha a he hi-foh RB model ee ned o, Lanning. All he ohe ee icl ohodo. The hid man a he able foned. Milon Ahe a he onge ofce of U. S. Robo Mechanical Men, Inc., and od of hi o. Lien, Boge. Thee an a hich in he aembl fom a o nih. I gaanee ha. Boge hick li ead in a aoniing mile, Do o? If o can ane fo he enie aembl line, I ecommend o omoion. B eac con, hee ae een-e hoand, o hnded and hi-fo oeaion necea fo he manface of a ingle oionic bain, each eaae oeaion deending fo ccefl comleion on an nmbe of faco, fom e o a hnded and e. If an one of hem goe eiol ong, he bain i ined. I oe o on infomaion folde, Ahe. Milon Ahe hed, b a foh oice c off hi el. If ee going o a b ing o  he blame on one anohe, Im leaing. San Calin hand ee folded ighl in he la, and he lile line abo he hin, ale li deeened, Wee go a mind-eading obo on o hand and i ike me a ahe imoan ha e nd o j h i ead mind. Wee no going o do ha b aing, Yo fal! M fal!  He cold ga ee faened on Ahe, and he ginned. Lanning ginned oo, and, a ala a ch ime, hi long hie hai and hed lile ee made him he ice of a biblical aiach, Te fo o, D Calin. Hi oice became ddenl ci, Hee eehing in ill-concenae fom. Wee odced a oionic bain of oedl odina inage ha go he emakable oe of being able o ne in on hogh

ae. I old mak he mo imoan adance in oboic in decade, if e kne ho i haened. We don, and e hae o nd o. I ha clea? Ma I make a ggeion? aked Boge. Go ahead! Id a ha nil e do ge o he me  and a a mahemaician I eec i o be a e deil of a me  e kee he eience of RD-34 a ece. I mean een fom he ohe membe of he aff. A head of he deamen, e ogh no o nd i an inolble oblem, and he fee kno abo i Boge i igh, aid D Calin. Ee ince he Inelanea Code a modied o allo obo model o be eed in he lan befoe being hied o o ace, aniobo oaganda ha inceaed. If an od leak o abo a obo being able o ead mind befoe e can annonce comlee conol of he henomenon, e effecie caial cold be made o of i. Lanning cked a hi ciga and nodded gael. He ned o Ahe; I hink o aid o ee alone hen o  mbled on hi hogheading bine. Ill a I a alone  I go he cae of m life. RB-34 had j been aken off he aembl able and he en him don o me. Obemann a off omehee, o I ook him don o he eing oom melf  a lea I aed o ake him don. Ahe aed, and a in mile gged a hi li, Sa, did an of o ee ca on a hogh coneaion iho knoing i? No one boheed o ane, and he conined, Yo don ealie i a , o kno. He j oke o me  a logicall and enibl a o can imagine  and i a onl hen I a mo of he a don o he eing oom ha I ealied ha I hadn aid anhing. Se, I hogh lo, b ha in he ame hing, i i? I locked ha hing  and an fo Lanning. Haing i alking beide me, calml eeing ino m hogh and icking and chooing among hem gae me he illie. I imagine i old, aid San Calin hoghfll. He ee ed hemele on Ahe in an oddl inen manne. We ae o accomed o conideing o on hogh iae. Lanning boke in imaienl, Then onl he fo of  kno. All igh! Wee go o go abo hi emaicall. Ahe, I an o o check oe

he aembl line fom beginning o end eehing. Yoe o eliminae all oeaion in hich hee a no oible chance of an eo, and li all hoe hee hee ee, ogehe ih i nae and oible magnide. Tall ode, gned Ahe. Naall! Of coe, oe o  he men nde o o ok on hi ee ingle one if o hae o, and I don cae if e go behind chedle, eihe. B hee no o kno h, o ndeand. Hm-m-m, e! The ong echnician ginned l. I ill a ll of a job. Lanning ieled abo in hi chai and faced Calin, Yoll hae o ackle he job fom he ohe diecion. Yoe he obo-chologi of he lan, o oe o d he obo ielf and ok backad. T o nd o ho he ick. See ha ele i ied  ih hi eleahic oe, ho fa he eend, ho he a hi olook, and j eacl ha ham i ha done o hi odina RB oeie. Yoe go ha? Lanning didn ai fo D Calin o ane. Ill co-odinae he ok and inee he nding mahemaicall. He ffed iolenl a hi ciga and mmbled he e hogh he moke; Boge ill hel me hee, of coe. Boge olihed he nail of one dg hand ih he ohe and aid blandl, I dae a. I kno a lile in he line. Well! Ill ge aed. Ahe hoed hi chai back and oe. Hi leaanl ohfl face cinkled in a gin, Ie go he danede job of an of , o Im geing o of hee and o ok. He lef ih a led, B eein e! San Calin aneed ih a bael eceible nod, b he ee folloed him o of igh and he did no ane hen Lanning gned and aid, Do o an o go  and ee RB-34 no, D Calin? *** RB-34 hooelecic ee lifed fom he book a he mfed ond of binge ning and he a on hi fee hen San Calin eneed. She aed o eadj he hge No Enance ign on he doo and hen aoached he obo.

Ie bogh o he e on heaomic moo, Hebie  a fe ana. Wold o cae o look a hem? RB-34  oheie knon a Hebie  lifed he hee hea book fom he am and oened o he ile age of one: Hm-m-m! Theo of Heaomic. He mmbled inaiclael o himelf a he ied he age and hen oke ih an abaced ai, Si don, D Calin! Thi ill ake me a fe mine. The chologi eaed heelf and ached Hebie naol a he ook a chai a he ohe ide of he able and en hogh he hee book emaicall. A he end of half an ho, he  hem don, Of coe, I kno h o bogh hee. The cone of D Calin li iched, I a afaid o old. I difcl o ok ih o, Hebie. Yoe ala a e ahead of me. I he ame ih hee book, o kno, a ih he ohe. The j don inee me. Thee nohing o o ebook. Yo cience i j a ma of colleced daa laeed ogehe b makehif heo  and all o incedibl imle, ha i cacel oh boheing abo. I o cion ha inee me. Yo die of he inela of hman moie and emoion  hi migh hand geed agel a he ogh he oe od. D Calin hieed, I hink I ndeand. I ee ino mind, o ee, he obo conined, and o hae no idea ho comlicaed he ae. I can begin o ndeand eehing becae m on mind ha o lile in common ih hem  b I , and o noel hel. Ye, b Im afaid ha afe going hogh ome of he haoing emoional eeience of o een-da enimenal noel  hee a a inge of biene in he oice  o nd eal mind like o dll and colole. B I don! The dden eneg in he eone bogh he ohe o he fee. She fel heelf eddening, and hogh ildl, He m kno! Hebie bided ddenl, and meed in a lo oice fom hich he meallic imbe deaed almo eniel. B, of coe, I kno abo i, D Calin. Yo hink of i ala, o ho can I hel b kno?

He face a had. Hae o  old anone? Of coe no!Thi, ih genine ie, No one ha aked me. Well, hen, he ng o, I oe o hink I am a fool. No! I i a nomal emoion. Peha ha i h i i o foolih. The iflne in he oice doned o eehing ele. Some of he oman eeed hogh he lae of docohood. I am no ha o old call  aacie. If o ae efeing o mee hical aacion, I coldn jdge. B I kno, in an cae, ha hee ae ohe e of aacion. No ong. D Calin had cacel head he obo. Yo ae no e fo. An anio inience had ce ino Hebie oice. Thi-eigh a o con he ea; a hieled i a fa a m emoional olook on life i concened. Am I a chologi fo nohing? She doe on ih bie beahlene, And he bael hi-e and look and ac onge. Do o oe he ee ee me a anhing b b ha I am? Yo ae ong! Hebie eel  ck he laic-oed able ih a iden clang. Lien o me B San Calin hiled on him no and he hned ain in he ee became a blae, Wh hold I? Wha do o kno abo i all, ana, o o machine. Im j a ecimen o o; an ineeing bg ih a eclia mind ead-eagled fo inecion. I a ondefl eamle of faion, in i? Almo a good a o book. He oice, emeging in d ob, choked ino ilence. The obo coeed a he ob. He hook hi head leadingl. Won o lien o me, leae? I cold hel o if o old le me. Ho? He li cled. B giing me good adice? No, no ha. I j ha I kno ha ohe eole hink  Milon Ahe, fo inance. Thee a a long ilence, and San Calin ee doed. I don an o kno ha he hink, he gaed. Kee ie. I hink o old an o kno ha he hink He head emained ben, b he beah came moe ickl. Yo ae alking nonene, he hieed.

Wh hold I? I am ing o hel. Milon Ahe hogh of o he aed. And hen he chologi aied he head, Well? The obo aid iel, He loe o. Fo a fll mine, D Calin did no eak. She meel aed. Then, Yo ae miaken! Yo m be. Wh hold he? B he doe. A hing like ha canno be hidden, no fom me. B I am o o he ammeed o a hal. He look deee han he kin, and admie inellec in ohe. Milon Ahe i no he e o ma a head of hai and a ai of ee. San Calin fond heelf blinking aidl and aied befoe eaking. Een hen he oice embled, Ye he ceainl nee in an a indicaed Hae o ee gien him a chance? Ho cold I? I nee hogh ha Eacl! The chologi aed in hogh and hen looked  ddenl. A gil iied him hee a he lan half a ea ago. She a e, I oe  blond and lim. And, of coe, cold cacel add o and o. He en all da fng o hi che, ing o elain ho a obo a  ogehe. The hadne had ened, No ha he ndeood! Who a he? Hebie aneed iho heiaion, I kno he eon o ae efeing o. She i hi  coin, and hee i no omanic inee hee, I ae o. San Calin oe o he fee ih a iaci almo gilih. No in ha ange? Tha eacl ha I ed o eend o melf omeime, hogh I nee eall hogh o. Then i all m be e. She an o Hebie and eied hi cold, hea hand in boh he. Thank o, Hebie. He oice a an gen, hk hie. Don ell anone abo hi. Le i be o ece  and hank o again. Wih ha, and a conlie eee of Hebie neonie meal nge, he lef. Hebie ned lol o hi negleced noel, b hee a no one o ead his hogh.

Milon Ahe eched lol and magnicenl, o he ne of cacking join and a cho of gn, and hen glaed a Pee Boge, Ph.D. Sa, he aid, Ie been a hi fo a eek no ih j abo no lee. Ho long do I hae o kee i ? I hogh o aid he oionic bombadmen in Vac Chambe D a he olion. Boge aned delicael and egaded hi hie hand ih inee. I i. Im on he ack. I kno ha that mean hen a mahemaician a i. Ho nea he end ae o? I all deend. On ha? Ahe doed ino a chai and eched hi long leg o befoe him. On Lanning. The old fello diagee ih me. He ighed, A bi behind he ime, ha he oble ih him. He cling o mai mechanic a he all in all, and hi oblem call fo moe oefl mahemaical ool. He o bbon. Ahe meed leeil, Wh no ak Hebie and ele he hole affai? Ak he obo? Boge eebo climbed. Wh no? Didn he old gil ell o? Yo mean Calin? Yeah!Sie heelf. Tha obo a mahemaical i. He kno all abo eehing l a bi on he ide. He doe ile inegal in hi head and ea  eno anali fo dee. The mahemaician aed keicall, Ae o eio? So hel me! The cach i ha he doe doen like mah. He old ahe ead lh noel. Hone! Yo hold ee he ie Sie kee feeding him: Ple Paion and Loe in Sace.  D Calin han aid a od of hi o . Well, he han nihed ding him. Yo kno ho he i. She like o hae eehing j o befoe leing o he big ece. She old ou. We o of go o alking. I hae been eeing a lo of he lael. He oened hi ee ide and foned, Sa, Bogie, hae o been noicing anhing ee abo he lad lael?

Boge elaed ino an ndignied gin, She ing liick, if ha ha o mean. Hell, I kno ha. Roge, ode and ee hado, oo. She a igh. B i no ha. I can  m nge on i. I he a he alk  a if he ee ha abo omehing. He hogh a lile, and hen hgged. The ohe alloed himelf a lee, hich, fo a cieni a f, a no a bad job, Mabe he in loe. Ahe alloed hi ee o cloe again, Yoe n, Bogie. Yo go eak o Hebie; I an o a hee and go o lee. Righ! No ha I aiclal like haing a obo ell me m job, no ha I hink he can do i! A of noe a hi onl ane. *** Hebie liened caefll a Pee Boge, hand in ocke, oke ih elaboae indiffeence. So hee o ae. Ie been old o ndeand hee hing, and I am aking o moe in cioi han anhing ele. M line of eaoning, a I hae olined i, inole a fe dobfl e, I admi, hich D Lanning efe o acce, and he ice i ill ahe incomlee. The obo didn ane, and Boge aid, Well? I ee no miake, Hebie died he cibbled ge. I don oe o can go an fhe han ha? I daen . Yo ae a bee mahemaician han I, and  ell, Id hae o commi melf. Thee a a hade of comlacenc in Boge mile, I ahe hogh ha old be he cae. I i dee. Well foge i. He cmled he hee, oed hem don he ae haf, ned o leae, and hen hogh bee of i. B he a The obo aied. Boge eemed o hae difcl. Thee i omehing  ha i, eha o can  He oed. Hebie oke iel. Yo hogh ae confed, b hee i no dob a all ha he concen D Lanning. I i ill o heiae, fo a oon a o

comoe oelf, Ill kno ha i i o an o ak. The mahemaician hand en o hi leek hai in he familia moohing gee. Lanning i ndging een, he aid, a if ha elained eehing. I kno ha. And he been dieco of he lan fo almo hi ea. Hebie nodded. Well, no, Boge oice became ingaiaing, o old kno hehe hehe he hinking of eigning. Healh, eha, o ome ohe Qie, aid Hebie, and ha a all. Well, do o kno? Ceainl. Then-h-cold o ell me? Since o ak, e. The obo a ie mae-of-fac abo i. He ha alead eigned! Wha! The eclamaion a an eloie, almo inaiclae, ond. The cieni lage head hnched foad, Sa ha again! He ha alead eigned, came he ie eeiion, b i ha no e aken effec. He i aiing, o ee, o ole he oblem of  e  melf. Tha nihed, he i ie ead o n he ofce of dieco oe o hi cceo. Boge eelled hi beah hal, And hi cceo? Who i he? He a ie cloe o Hebie no, ee ed facinaedl on hoe neadable dll-ed hooelecic cell ha ee he obo ee. Wod came lol, Yo ae he ne dieco. And Boge elaed ino a igh mile, Thi i good o kno. Ie been hoing and aiing fo hi. Thank, Hebie. *** Pee Boge a a hi dek nil e ha moning and he a back a nine. The helf j oe he dek emied of i o of efeence book and able, a he efeed o one afe he ohe. The age of calclaion befoe him inceaed micocoicall and he cmled hee a hi fee moned ino a hill of cibbled ae.

A eciel noon, he aed a he nal age, bbed a blood-ho ee, aned and hgged. Thi i geing oe each mine. Damn! He ned a he ond of he oening doo and nodded a Lanning, ho eneed, cacking he knckle of one gnaled hand ih he ohe. The dieco ook in he diode of he oom and hi eebo foed ogehe. Ne lead? he aked. No, came he dean ane. Wha ong ih he old one? Lanning did no oble o ane, no o do moe han beo a ingle co glance a he o hee on Boge dek. He oke hogh he ae of a mach a he li a ciga. Ha Calin old o abo he obo? I a mahemaical geni. Reall emakable. The ohe noed lodl, So Ie head. B Calin had bee ick o obocholog. Ie checked Hebie on mah, and he can cacel ggle hogh calcl. Calin didn nd i o. She ca. And I don nd i o. The dieco ee naoed dangeol. Yo!Boge oice hadened. Wha ae o alking abo? Ie been ing Hebie hogh hi ace all moning, and he can do ick o nee head of. I ha o? Yo ond keical! Lanning ied a hee of ae o of hi e ocke and nfolded i. Tha no m handiing, i i? Boge died he lage angla noaion coeing he hee, Hebie did hi? Righ! And if oll noice, he been oking on o ime inegaion of Eaion 22. I come  Lanning aed a ello ngenail on he la e  o he idenical conclion I did, and in a ae he ime. Yo had no igh o neglec he Linge Effec in oionic bombadmen. I didn neglec i. Fo Heaen ake, Lanning, ge i hogh o head ha i old cancel o Oh, e, o elained ha. Yo ed he Michell Tanlaion Eaion, didn o? Well  i doen al. Wh no?

Becae oe been ing he-imaginaie, fo one hing. Wha ha o do ih? Michell Eaion on hold hen Ae o ca? If oll eead Michell oiginal ae in he Transactions of the Far I don hae o. I old o in he beginning ha I didn like hi eaoning, and Hebie back me in ha. Well, hen, Boge hoed, le ha clockok conaion ole he enie oblem fo o. Wh bohe ih noneenial? Tha eacl he oin. Hebie can ole he oblem. And if he can, e can  alone. Im bmiing he enie eion o he Naional Boad. I goen beond . Boge chai en oe backad a he jmed  a-nal, face cimon. Yoe doing nohing of he o. Lanning hed in hi n, Ae o elling me ha I can...

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