ASM-2 TEAM-6 Group- Report-2 PDF

Title ASM-2 TEAM-6 Group- Report-2
Course Client Management
Institution Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University Vietnam
Pages 16
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WORKING IN GLOBALSOCIETY [BUSM4561]Assignment 2 - Group Research ReportTutor’s name: Nhu Do Thi Huong Team: 6 Members: Pham Hoang Yen - S Nguyen Thi Hong Hue - S Nguyen Minh Trung - S Pham Phuong Linh - S Suyeon Ji - S Pham Nguyen Hai Nam - STable of ContentsI. Executive Summary........................


WORKING IN GLOBAL SOCIETY [BUSM4561] Assignment 2 - Group Research Report

Tutor’s name: Nhu Do Thi Huong Team: 6 Members: Pham Hoang Yen - S3845763 Nguyen Thi Hong Hue - S3726219 Nguyen Minh Trung - S3818776 Pham Phuong Linh - S3822054 Suyeon Ji - S3819673 Pham Nguyen Hai Nam - S3880892

Table of Contents I. Executive Summary...............................................................................................................1 II. Introduction.........................................................................................................................1 III. The Study Method..............................................................................................................1 3.1 Research.....................................................................................................................................1 3.2 Data Collection..........................................................................................................................2 3.3 Data analysis..............................................................................................................................2 3.4 Interviewee’s Characteristics...................................................................................................3

IV. The Findings.......................................................................................................................3 4.1 Work flexibility & Work-life balance.......................................................................................3 4.2 Health of workers......................................................................................................................4 4.3 Data security (risk) & Work efficiency....................................................................................4 4.4 Work stability & Workers’ standard of living.........................................................................5 4.5 Adaptation to technology..........................................................................................................5

V. Discussion.............................................................................................................................5 VI. Appendices..........................................................................................................................9 5. 1 List of Interviewees..................................................................................................................9 5.2 List of Question.........................................................................................................................9

Reference list...........................................................................................................................12

I. Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to create a literature review of the theme “Technological Changes”, stressing its impacts on the lives of workers. This paper will present a qualitative review based on the data gathered from the interviews of five individuals working in different industries. Firstly, the report will examine the method of collecting based on the interview performed. Secondly, the analysis will appraise the link between interviewees' responses and the eight concepts: work efficiency, work flexibility, work stability, adaptation to technology, data security and risk, work-life balance, worker's standard of living and health of workers. Thirdly, it will provide an in-depth discussion of the effects of technology on change in nature of works, and workers' lives by incorporating journal articles into the analysis. A list of question and assumptions will also be given to summarise the impacts of technological changes on each aspect. Ultimately, a conclusion for the effects of technological changes will be provided, as well as suggestions for future research.

II. Introduction In today's world, technology has become a fundamental part of almost every business in the world, in which it plays a fundamental role in enhancing business daily operations and contributing to business success. The emergence of technology causes alters in the nature of various jobs and workers’ lives. This report will inspect the effects of change caused by technology through interviewing six workers who work in different fields: clothing seller, teacher, Grab driver, banker, and IT marketer to explore the scale of the impact regarding distinct industries. The analysis will conduct three main assessments including the study method, findings from the interviews, and analytical research and discussion. Finally, it will present a conclusion based on the findings, and give advice on limitation areas.

III. The Study Method 3.1 Research In this research, we chose qualitative research to help us develop a deeper understanding of the technical changes in the workplace. To be more specific, since we do not have a clear assessment of the effects on the changes in technology, we, therefore, employed intensive data collection and analysis methodologies to obtain a broad perspective regarding the 1

common understandings and beliefs about technical changes, and in particular insight into its current impacts of dignity in the modern-day workplace. Besides that, secondary data, such as scholarly tools and journals, papers, and analysis firm databases were also used to support the research.

3.2 Data Collection Personal interviews were applied as a means of implementing the qualitative research approach as well as effectively gathering information. According to QuestionPro, personal interviews can help the researcher in detecting and analysing the interviewee’s body language when asking questions as well as taking notes about it. Participants for this research are selected based on several work characteristics and their workplace has gone through a technical change. Our team interviewed people based on the same set of questionnaires used in each interview with an average length of about 7 minutes. The interviews were conducted with a variety of individuals throughout different positions and organizations between the fourth and fifth of May 2021. Our team has conducted these interviews using several interview methods including face-to-face, phone, and email. The roles of the interviewees included Clothing seller, banker, IT worker, Grab driver, teacher, and Marketer. However, due to the limited sample size, the result will not accurately reflect the general perception and experience of workers towards technical changes.

3.3 Data analysis Our team followed a systemic approach to deliver the questions which encouraged interviewees to consider their own situations and elaborate about both the positive and negative ways they have been affected as well as the potential effect they believe to be in common in the workplace. The issues raised were all related to the theme of technical changes in the workplace, and the data was analysed to collect conclusive information about the direct impacts of the changes in technology based on the experiences of individuals in organizations dealing with such changes. After completing all the interviews and the responses were compiled, the data were analysed using a thematic analysis approach. Thematic analysis is a common and efficient method for analysing qualitative data (Jack Caulfield 2020). This included the examination of data to clearly identify any trends, themes, common ideas, or patterns in interpretations. After these

key factors have been identified in the data collection, the data can be transferred into reliable information to draw well-informed conclusions.

3.4 Interviewee’s Characteristics There were six people who were interviewed in the study, they all have different occupations but had direct involvement in technical changes. Six interviewees' professional experiences are examined in this interview. Interviewee 1 is a 20-year-old individual who graduated from Business and Technology University and currently working as a clothing seller in Hanoi. Technology also affects her current job. Interviewee 2 is a 45-year-old individual who completed a degree in Economics and Finance and currently working in a bank as a customer service officer. He has gone through technical changes since he started working in the bank. Interviewee 3 is a 23-year-old individual who graduated from Hanoi University of Science and Technology and currently working as an IT worker. He is now facing changes in technology. Interviewee 4 is a 42 years old individual who graduated from NEU and currently working as an Economic lecturer at Thang Long University. Recently, there have been several changes in technology that affected her way of teaching. Interviewee 5 is a 30-year-old individual who graduated high school and currently working as a Grab driver worker in Hanoi. His current job appeared in the changes of technology. Interviewee 6 is a 42 years old individual who is a Marketer, she is working in the marketing department of Dr. Shebah, a Korean cosmetic company. Her job depends mostly on technology.

IV. The Findings 4.1 Work flexibility & Work-life balance Based on the data collected from the interviews, we identify a number of trends caused by the implementation of technology in the workplace. Regarding workplace flexibility, the impacts of technology are controversial, in which, five out of six interviewees agreed that technology influence positively by allowing working remotely, and telecommunication, however, many of them complained about not having

flexible working hours. According to Ms. Phuong Nguyen, a teacher stated: “on special occasions that we are unable to attend physical class, it is flexible to move to online classes”. The development of such telecommunication platforms like Zoom and Google meetings enable her to work and communicate remotely. Similarly, Mr. Hai Tran, a banker indicated that there is “no need of having face to face communication with customers” that he can now do consultation online. In relation to working hours, Ms. Trang Nguyen, a clothing seller demonstrated that she “has to work extra hours” due to the rising workload from online sales. Similarly, Mr. Thien Pham, a marketer stated that he “has to spend extra time at home to practice new technology”. Conversely, Mr. Manh Tran revealed that working as a Grab driver gives him the right to “decide my own working hours”, instead of working fixed hours compared to other jobs. According to participants’ responses, it is recognizable that the application of technology in the workplace enhances work practice flexibility, yet it does not satisfy the demand of most workers for having flexible time.

4.2 Health of workers

All of the six interviewees indicated receiving negative impacts on their health as a consequence of using technology in daily work. In particular, all interviewees demonstrated to have issue with worsen eyesight, headache, and dizziness after long uses of computer.

4.3 Data security (risk) & Work efficiency By technological changes, every respondent stated that they have received positive assists in terms of protecting data and conducting their tasks; easier, faster, and less mistakes. In particular, teachers can reduce time to prepare their classes and cut down time to write notes by hand on the board during classes through using PowerPoint, according to Ms. Phuong Nguyen. In the marketing department, Ms. Choi, Korean cosmetic marketer, stated they can identify their customers’ insights and behaviours easier and faster than the past by applying big data. Moreover, both Ms. Trang Nguyen and Mr. Hai Tran responded that they become more easier to manage their duties by using computers. According to Mr. Manh Tran, he can easily capture more customers compared with before using the mobile app. However, the respondents also added that employees can be distracted by utilizing digital devices like smartphones for personal purposes during their working time. To enhance work productivity, some respondents showed positiveness about workplace monitoring, and the others claimed

that employees may feel uncomfortable and unhappy about being observed and it can lead to lower productivity conversely.

4.4 Work stability & Workers’ standard of living Most interviewees except Mr. Hai Tran showed their feelings that they are not threatened by artificial intelligence, even though new technologies are consistently developing. However, all interviewees claimed it is absolutely right that getting a job or receiving promotion is harder than before. One of the respondents, Ms. Phuong Nguyen claimed we might confront loss in our monthly income or jobs if we cannot utilize technical skills well. In addition, as jobs have been replaced by AI and the working environment has been managed by programs, not humans, we become harder to keep our positions in companies according to Ms. Choi. To enhance or maintain their jobs and income, they said we need to have ardour and open minds about adapting to changing technologies, regardless of professions.

4.5 Adaptation to technology The need for technical changes has risen in recent years because of globalization and new job standards. Many alternative platforms are provided for individuals to keep updated and upgrade their technical knowledge and skills as defined by all interviewees. Apart from individuals looking for external platforms to learn new and relevant technical skills, many companies provide training as well. This is the reason why our interviews were conducted with workers who are currently practicing and working in the changes of technology and they are all motivated to adapt technology in their workplace. Besides that, these workers are all willing to try new things and learn for self-satisfaction or to future-proof their skills and knowledge. One of the interviewees, Mr. Hai, who works as a service customer officer in a local bank, stated that his company does provide training for all the employees to adapt to new technology. As a result, it can be seen that the industry being prepared in facing the technology changes, ensures that sufficient training is provided for staff.

V. Discussion The rapid technological changes had brought a major impact on how contemporary businesses operate. Regardless of the form of technology, its introduction into the workplace has unquestionably altered the nature of work (Haddad 2002). It enables organizations to

survive and gain competitive advantages in contemporary business. However, as technical advancements accelerate, so does the demand for employees' adaptation. Thus, technology is becoming a crucial factor in influencing employees’ work-life balance (Nam 2013). Companies are recognizing this matter and supplying staff with training workshops as well as allowing them to arrange job flexibility according to their needs.

Even while some certain jobs are rendered obsolete as a result of new technologies, new jobs are still generated with new possible income. As machines are supposed to automate labourintensive works, jobs for data miners, data analysts, and data managers will be generated (West 2015). From McKinney's Paris office study in 2011, although the internet had killed 500,000 jobs in France within the past 15 years, it had also generated 1.2 million more, meaning 2.4 new jobs created for every job lost (Manyika 2017). According to our Grab interviewee, Mr. Manh Tran said that technology has changed the traditional drivers to modern and effective ones by using mobile apps. With the new technology, more jobs and potential income are generated and attract thousands of new drivers in this market. For instance, Grab currently dominates the ride-hailing space with about 190,000 drivers and 75% of the market share (Le 2020).

Advances in communication technologies have enabled each organizational department to easily communicate through the utilization of smartphones, email, and video conference applications for timesaving and work efficiency. Thanks to these new technological inventions, organizations can build and use effective virtual teams rather than traditional teamwork in the workplace. As company colleagues from various continents can form without having physical meetings, time and travel expenses can be saved. Thus, they can meet electronically and disband at the organization's request (Pilis & Furumo 2007). Additionally, as most of our interviewees highlighted their need for work flexibility, it emphasizes that working virtually is beneficial to improve employees’ productivity, higher job satisfaction, and brings healthier their work-life balance (Peoples 2021).

As a result of recent technical advancements, data has become a deluge in current business (Zhang, 2018) Big data is frequently unstructured, necessitating real-time analysis. Big data can explicitly endanger user privacy and data protection if it is not well secured for user data in the course of use. (Hawkins et al. 2000) Thus, there is a rising demand for data analyst jobs so organizations can follow the current trends. With the advancement of

technologies, data analysis and security have become easier to manage than before. For example, Cloud computing can be used as the storage layer for big data systems to satisfy those infrastructure needs including cost-effectiveness, elasticity, and the ability to scale up and down ( Hawkins et al. 2000). The majority of our interviewees agree that it is a lot easier to monitor data using technologies, Ms, Trang Nguyen, a clothing seller, stated that replacing handwriting invoices with the invoice on the computer had made her job a lot more convenient and time-saving. In short, our findings back up previous research that shows how advanced technologies make data processing simpler.

Employers can easily track their workers' actions at work thanks to modern technology. In addition to video cameras and telephone tapping devices, computers are also used to monitor transaction entries, intercept electronic mail (e-mail), and record keystrokes and customer service operations (Oz et al, 1999). Thus, organizations can cut down the cost of hiring security personnel and excessive managers. Moreover, employers argue that electronic surveillance ensures efficient use of time, prompt and courteous customer service, and the avoidance of illegal activity (Oz et al, 1999). Chalykoff and Kochan concluded their research that while the detrimental consequences of monitoring are inherent for some workers, they can be mitigated for others by paying attention to feedback and performance assessment processes. (Chalykoff & Kochan, 1989) The majority of our interviewees agree that workplace monitoring is necessary because it could increase productivity with feedback from their managers. In general, our findings align with the research of Chalykoff and Kochan that employees may not necessarily view electronic monitoring negatively.

Along with the positive impact, there are drawbacks to technological advancement. For example, because of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), some people can work more during their time due to technical convenience and are not hesitant to handle affairs from the office, while others prefer a strict distinction between their private and public lives and see such infiltration as harmful to their personal lives (Nam 2013). Some of our interviewees stated that they prefer fixed working hours rather than the requirement to work in their time. In addition, there is a growing need for a deeper understanding of information, technology, and work. Turbulent shifts in the modern workplace put a lot of pressure on information workers to keep learning and adapting to the changing technology in which they work. (Cairns and Malloch, 2011, Littlejohn et al., 2012). A majority of our interviewees mentioned that they were pressured to adapt to technology and required to learn information

technology (IT) as a basic skill. Because of the pressure, they have to learn technical knowledge and skills in their pers...

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