Assignment 3 - WOM PDF

Title Assignment 3 - WOM
Course The world of maths
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1 Assignment 3 - Folio

Kelly Nugent EDU10004 World of Maths Assignment 3 – Folio Student Number: 103253881

2 Assignment 3 - Folio

Assignment 3: Folio The Australian Curriculum is designed to ensure all students across the whole of Australia are being taught the same content. It is mainly designed for teachers to ensure they are aware of what has to be taught. It does not tell teachers how to teach each subject, what resources to use etc, it is purely designed to ensure consistency across Australia to ensure that at the end of each school year, the children in each year level have acquired the same knowledge as the other students within the same year level across Australia.

Explanation of the Curriculum

The curriculum is made up of 3 cross curriculum priorities, 8 learning areas and 7 general capabilities. The main learning area that will be focused on in this assignment is Mathematics with numeracy being the main general capability that will be addressed. The difference between the learning areas and the general capabilities is the learning areas is what is actually taught in the classroom, whereas the general capabilities is what is expected to be learnt through the content of the learning areas. The general capabilities are not taught. Mathematics is structured by content strands, sub-strands and content descriptors. The content strands are what has to be taught and the students must learn, are the same at each year level, they do not change, and they include Number & Algebra, Measurement & Geometry and Statistics & Probability. The sub-strands are smaller strands that fall under each content strand and include content like fractions under content strand Number & Algebra, shapes under Measurement & Geometry, chance under Statistics & Probability etc these also do not change at each year level. Content descriptors are what is included under the sub-strands, these are what change at each year level and they are what is expected to be known by the end of the year level. For example, if we look at Year 1, Content Strand Measurement & Geometry, sub-content using units of measurement, one of the content descriptors is telling time to the half-hour. The Australian Curriculum Rationale for Mathematics explains that learning mathematics and developing numeracy capabilities throughout the Australian Education System provides Australian students with the basic skills they need for their future after school. The Australian Curriculum also aims to ensure teachers keep up to date with new digital technologies and tools to ensure that Australian students get an up to date schooling experience that includes technologies they have in their everyday lives. Lastly, the Australian Curriculum aims to ensure mathematics is taught creatively and efficiently, provides students with critical skills and concepts while encouraging teacher to help students become self-motivated and confident learners.

3 Assignment 3 - Folio

Age group / Year level

All three templates are aimed at Year 1 in Primary School and are linked to the Australian Curriculum.

4 Assignment 3 - Folio

Template 1 Links to curriculum

Year 1, Statistics and Probability – Chance

Include one content descriptor / learning outcome to focus on.

ACMSP024: “Identify outcomes of familiar events involving chance and describe them using everyday language such as ‘will happen’, ‘won’t happen’ or ‘might happen’” (The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA],2018, version 8.4). This resource is a jumbo PVC Dice.

Resource Include the name of the resource, evidence (image and URL) and a brief description. A minimum 1 out of the 3 resources must be ICT resources.

Figure 1. Jumbo Dice. (Abacus Educational Suppliers, 2021).

Rationale Justification for your resource selection. This must be supported by academic literature.

The children will sit in a circle while the teacher creates a birthday chart on the IWB. Each child will have a turn at throwing the jumbo dice in the middle of the circle, if the child throws a 6 then they get to put their birthday on the birthday chart. Each child will continue to get a turn until they throw the number 6. As the activity is going the teach will ask open ended questions like “I wonder what the chances are that we all have a birthday in August? Do you think it will happen?” This can then be further built on by asking questions like “I wonder if it likely we will all throw the number 1 this time, what do you think?” This give the children the opportunity to think and The resource addressed the content descriptor by identifying the chance of the children having the birthday in the same month, all in different months etc, while using everyday language such as “will happen”, “won’t happen” or “might happen” to describe the outcome. This resource is beneficial in the classroom because it is hands on and fun which in turn helps to keep the children engaged. It is critical that children in the classroom have an engaged mindset to ensure that they are enjoying what they are learning. Using the jumbo dice will keep the children engaged as each time the dice is thrown, they will be actively imagining what

5 Assignment 3 - Folio number it could possibly land on. According to the Ministry of Education Singapore (2013), children who were engaged while being taught maths had a more positive attitude towards their learning. Schoolatoz (2011), found that parents of current primary school age children find it very daunting helping their children with mathematics, this is because of the way mathematics was taught to them as a student. The teaching strategies used today involves a much more hands-on, problem solving and play based approach. Josh Stephens (Schoolatoz, 2011), from Crystal Creek Public School mentions that he finds students learn maths better with hands on activities. The Australian Curriculum states that it encourages teachers to help students become self-motivated, confident learners through inquiry and active participation in challenging and engaging experiences (ACARA, 2018)

6 Assignment 3 - Folio

Template 2 Year 1, Measurement and Geometry – Shape Links to curriculum

ACMMG022: “Recognise and classify familiar two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects using obvious features” (The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA],2018, version 8.4).


This resource is an online video called: Sing Along Shapes Song Link:

Figure 2. Sing Along Shapes Song video. (Bounce Patrol, 2014) This is a sing-along video where the children can choose to sing or read along as the Bounce Patrol team sing about different 2D shapes. During the song they sing about the sides and angles the shapes may have and give some examples of the shapes in the real world. This video would be shown on the IWB at the beginning of the class, it can be shown once or possibly twice so the children get a chance to sing-along the second time once they have become familiar with the song. After watching this video, the children will each be given laminated shapes e.g. circles, squares, triangles with blue tac. They will be split into pairs and each pair will be given different colour shapes so the teacher can identify who the shapes belong to. They will work in their pairs, going around the classroom placing their colour 2D shapes on items within their

7 Assignment 3 - Folio environment that match their shapes. For example, one pair might put their laminated circle onto the clock or their laminated rectangle onto the IWB. Once this has been completed the teacher will get all the children back together and each pair will tell the classroom why they chose to put their coloured shape onto each object, discussing the corners edges and sides to justify their choice. This particular resource addresses the content descriptor as during the song not only does it include correct mathematical terminology, but it also discusses 2D shapes, comparing them to everyday objects and using their features like the sides, angles and edges to help determine them. As stated by Connor (2011), mathematical language is one of the most valuable ways you can support young children’s development of numeracy. ICT in the classroom is beneficial because it is something children in this day age are becoming increasingly familiar with. ICT is something that is all around us, we use mobile phones, computers, headphones daily and these items are found in our homes, workplaces, school and shops. According to Bennett and Weidner (2012) ICT links naturally to mathematics in the early years and gives children the opportunity to learn skills that they will continually develop on throughout their lives. Rationale Technology designed to enhance learners through active inquiry and problem solving fosters a much deeper level of mathematical thinking (Kildberry, Yelland, Lazaridis and Dragicevic, as cited in Knaus, 2015). This particular ICT resource enhances the mathematical learning by engaging the children with a fun sing along, drawing on student interest to enhance their engagement in learning (Angileri, 2006). Furthermore, allowing the children time to explore their environment after watching the video, and find real life items that match the shapes in the video, gives them the opportunity to link mathematics to the real world which supports the children’s development on numeracy. The discussion at the end of the activity, gives the children the opportunity to work together as a class and add onto each other’s thoughts and ideas. Problem solving and helping each other better understand the content being taught.

8 Assignment 3 - Folio

Template 3 Year 1, Number and Algebra – Number and Place value Links to curriculum

ACMNA012: “Develop confidence with number sequences to and from 100 by ones from any starting point. Skip count by twos, fives and tens starting from zero” (The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA],2018, version 8.4). This resource is a wooden 100 grid board.


Figure 3. Wooden Grid Board (Amazon Australia, 2020) The children will be placed into pairs and each pair will be given a wooden grid board and asked to play around using the wooden numbers counting to 100 placing each wooden number in the correct place. Once the children understand the matching aspect of placing the number counters onto the correct number on the board, they will then be asked to work together and discuss the best way to count to 100. This could be in 2’s, 5’s 10’s etc. They will also place each correct wooden number onto the board. The teacher will ask open-ended questions like “If I give you 10 counters, how do you think you would count to 100?” or “If you start at the number 10, how would you get to the number 50”

9 Assignment 3 - Folio Working in groups enhances learning by helping children to learn from each other. It promotes discussions, problem solving and encourages children to learn from each other for a better understanding of what is being taught. The children will bounce ideas off of each other on what they think is the best way to approach the question the teacher is asking and discuss why they think this is a good approach. According to Way (2011), working together allows children to learn at different stages, one child may be familiar with the task whereas another may be encountering it for the first time. This will allow the children to help each other through the learning task and collaborated learning experience. Rationale Using this resource the children would work in pairs to work on their counting skills, when they are asked question like “If you start at the number 10, how would you get to the number 50?” they can collaborate, sharing each other’s ideas until they decide the way they think is best and why. This resource encourages active participation from all children which according to the Australian Curriculum will help students become confident learners. (ACARA, 2018). One of the limitations of this resource is that the more confident children may take a more active approach to the activity which in turn could leave the less confident children behind.

10 Assignment 3 - Folio References

Abacus Educational Suppliers (2021). Jumbo Dice [image]. Retrieved from Amazon (2021). Wooden Grid Board [image]. Retrieved from =&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9070851&hvtargid=pla-881243549030&psc=1 Anghileri, J. (2006). Children’s mathematical thinking in the primary years perspectives on children’s learning. (Repr. 2006. ed.). London: Continuum Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA]. (2018). Australian Curriculum: F-10 curriculum: Mathematics version 8.4. Retrieved from Bennett, E. & Weidner, J. (2012). Everyday Maths Through Everyday Provision: Developing Opportunities for Mathematics in the Early Years. Retrieved from Bounce Patrol – Kids Songs (2014). Sing along Shapes Song – with lyrics (featuring Debbie Doo) [video]. Retrieved from Connor,J. (2011). Being numerate. The Early Years Learning Framework Professional Learning Program [eNewsletter]. Retrieved from Knaus,M. (2015). Maths Is All Around You. Retrieved from Ministry of Education Singapore (2013). Fun & Activity-based Mathematics [video]. Retrieved from Schoolatoz (2011). School A to Z – How to help with primary school maths [video]. Retrieved from Way, J. (2011). Learning Mathematics Through Games Series: 1. Why Games? [Article]. Retrieved from

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