Author Kanishka Surendranath Balasooriya
Course MBA in HRM
Institution The Open University of Sri Lanka
Pages 14
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Sri Lanka Air Force is the air arm of the military which is assigned the task of protecting

the skies of the country to achieve its vision

“Ensuring National Security through effective

employment of Air Power”. Air Force organically a technical force as its unique capability, air power is highly technological in nature. The principle asset of any air force are aircraft and higher level of technical knowhow and professionalism is essential to operate and maintenance such machines. 2.

Air Force structured with officers and airmen belongs to number of professions which are

involve with various functions those directly or in directly related to the key function of an Air Force, “flying an aircraft”. Those professions are organized under different branches/directorates such as Flying, Aeronautical Engineering, General Engineering, Logistics, Administration, Medical, etc. There are number of professions under each branch. 3.Among those branches the Directorate of Aeronautical Engineering perform one of the the core function of the Air Force, maintenance of the aircraft fleet. The human resource element of the directorate consist of officers of technical engineering branch and the airmen of following professions (trades): a. Aero Engine b. Air Frame c. Aero Electrical and Instruments d. Safety Equipment

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Enlistment of officers and men for Air Force 4.The officers of the directorate enlisted from youth with A/L qualification in physical science stream (Maths) with minimum ‘Z’ score required to be enlisted to university. Some directly enlisted to the SLAF and trained thrugh Air Force academy. Another stream is through Kathalawala Dfefence University (KDU). Some are enlisted and sent for foreign Air Force academies/universities on availability basis. In addition, those who got professional qualifications through foreign/local universities are also inducted as direct entry officers. Enlistment of airmen 5. In this paper it is discussed about the training of airmen belongs to aeronautical engineering directorate. They are enlisted as untrained recruits those possessed with pre-described education and other qualifications. Normally recruiting process takes place annually. Training of airmen 6.Trainig is one of the key HR function in any organization. The Air Force is a unique entity, military in one hand and highly technical in one hand. Training iis utmost important to have set of personnel to perform meeting both criterion 6.

On enlistment all airmen, despite their profession (trade) undergo basic combat training at

Sri Lanka Air Force Combat Training School (SLAF CTS) through which the ordinary civilian are transferred to a military personnel. This training is common to all. Then they will directed to the training of training on their respective profession to qualify them to perform duties of respective trades (professions).

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Training of aeronautical engineering trades airmen (aircraft technicians) On completion of basic combat training, the airmen of aeronautical trades are going to Sri Lanka Air Force Trade Trainig School (SLAF TTS) Ekala. This school is a fully fledged training establishment capable of making tradesmen belongs to many trades (almost all professions of SLAF, except very few). 6.

Unlike for other professions, the aircraft maintenance technicians are abide to have

peculiar set of training at different level, and need to be possessed level of knowledge and skill (competencies) to perform different levels of function. The trrainig are assessed and evaluated through








processes/procedure are there to ensure aircfraft maintenance activities are done by appropriately qualify and competent personnel.

(intentionally left blank)

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7.The training process of aircraft technician can be summarized to following steps:

Step Location enlistment Basic combat training CTS Basic trade training TTS On the job training Respective flying Squadron Aircraft trype training Testing Issue of initial competency –Flight Line Working Experience Testing Issue of first line competency Working experience+ Training Testing Issue of first second


competency Working experience+ Training Testing Issue of first third line competency

The process can be depicted as follows

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BOB aaJTss/iicA rToc ma dbf eaTty rpraaeiinntra iggn g / F lig h t lin e c o m p e t n c y



FST iehr cs otd lind elinc oe m p e t e n c y Other training requirements 5 of 14




8.In addition to above, all technicians are required to be undergone a formal training on ‘Human Factor’ at least twice a year. In addition must to attend followings at prescribed intervels Training Human Factor Continuation Training

periodicity Minimum 2 classes a year Minimum 2 classes a month on

particular trade General Service Minimum 2 classes month training (GST) Quality assuarance English IT

Annually Availability Basis Availability Basis

Training and testing for career progression. 9.

In addition to above, the following trainings and tastings are compulsory for all airmen

and are essential pre-requisites for career progression/promotion. Training /Testing Advance Trade Training

Description Advance training


Remarks Essential

Conducted once elapsed minimum 3 years


from completion of basic trade training.

promoted to Coporal

Provides advance knowledge, skill and




supervisory/managerial competencies.

Promotion Examination I

Required to be promoted from Leading Aircraftman (LAC) rank to Coporal (Cpl)

Promotion Examination II

rank Required to be promoted from Corporal

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pre to


(Cpl) rank to Sergeant (Sgt) rank Other local and overseas training

Importance of the training 10.All the above training programmes are very important. Basically they are aiming at: a.Making a civilian towards a service personnel, a combatant, which is primary and esentil requirement being a military. b. encompass required knowledge and skill to perform duties of respective profession. c. Carreer progression d.Personal development e.To have required work force with appropriate knowledge, skill, competency, attitude and physical stamina Training in aircraft maintenance domain 11. In the aeronautical engineering domain it is essential to ensure every personnel involve with aircraft maintenance are timely trained, tested and certified to perform respective level and type of maintenance. The aircraft maintenance is highly technical, professional activity. Lives of the crew, passengers and aircraft worth of hundreds of millions are depend on the hand of maintenance staff, thus their work must be 100% perfect. There can’t be any compromise on safety and procedures. Having an appropriately trained, qualify and certified maintenance staff is utmost important. NEED FOR AUTOMATION FOR TRAINING OF AIRCRAFT TECHNICIANS Current process of training of aircraft technicians

12. Presently all the record keeping , monitoring and updating doing manually. On completion of each training, required details and certifications being updated at different level and finally report to Command Quality Assuarance Inspectorate (CQAI) . Then they update their records and authorize to perform respective tasks. 13.Once pre-described period elapses from preceding level of competency, the respective individual(s) required to be trained to the next level, then tested and certified. The process primarily monitored through traditional file monitoring system at operational level formations (aircraft flying squadrons) by the training element of such formations. a. Once observed an individual qualify for next level, iniate to get approval for training from CQAI, through the Quality Assuarance element of respective Base. The Base QAO check

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the accuracy and submit to CQAI at Head Quaters with a copy to respective directorate (Directorate of Aeronautical Engineering) b. Then then the Head Quarters Quality Asuarance (CQAI) recommend the training and submit to Directorate of Training (DT) at Air Force Head Quaters. C .Directorate of Training gives the approval for training d. The respective formation conduct training through trained and authorized instructors according to the approved programme. e. Base Quality Assurance monitor the training process. g. On completion of training , testing done by Base Quality Assurance element and submit results to Command Quality Assurance Inspectorate with copies to Directorate of Training and Directorate of Aeronautical Engineering. h. Quality Assurance asses and authorize to perform work at respective level, issues competency certificates to the individual who tested. Once competency is issued, the respective individual is certified to perform respective level of maintenance in particular type of aircraft. j. Records will update at Directorate of Admin (in personal files, there available personal file to every member of the Air Force), Directorate of Aeronautical Engineering and individual formations. k. Then individual formation has to keep monitoring to employ the technician to suit their competency level (by production control) and to conduct next level of training on completion of required time period (by training cell) ISSUES EXPERIENCED IN PRESENT TRAINING SYSTEM 14.The followings issues/difficulties are experienced in the present system a.The monitoring done by individual assigned to that task, there have been some oversights due to human error. b. Physical records (documents/files) need to be maintained at different locations. This involves cost and space. c. Possibility of misplacing/damaging of documents/files. Termite attack/fungus/mice damages. c. Possibility of unauthorized access and alterations. 18.Time wasting on exchange of correspondences/documents. d. Delay in communication/record updating. e. Difficulties in cross-checking, auditing as physical files/documents need to be accessed. 8 of 14

f. Authenticating at different level by manually. g. Inconvenience of amalgamating and coordinating of data/records of different training conducted at different locations. h. Inconvenience of getting details/data for selection process for training, performance evaluation as the physical files need to be accessed. POSSIBILITY OF INTRODUCE AUTOMATION FOR TRAINING PROCESS OF AIRCRAFT TECHNICIANS- A GOOD BREEDING GROUND 24. A well established IT network, data base management system is readily available. Required infrastructure, networking, software and hardware requirements are readily available. Therefore, training process automation can be incorporated to that without much burden. 25. 25.

For many trainings online testing is readily available. Dedicated qualified IT staff is available

26. Majority involves with training and administration are familier with operation of different IT based systems such as equipment procurement and accounting system (EPAS), Aeronautical Engineering Resourse Management System (AERMS), General Engineering Resource Management System (GERMS), etc BENEFITS OF AUTOMATING THE TRAINING PROCESS 27.There are many benefits of introducing a automation system for the training process of aircrfaft technicians such as: a.The time taking for correspondence exchange can be minimize. b.Errors can be minimized. c.Monitoring and updating is much more easier. d.Any ‘dues’ can be arranged to monitor easily through highlighting

e.Un authorized access and alternations can be minimized. f.Much convenience to coordinate and amalgamation of data of different training conducted at different entities for different purposes. g.Can be cross check easily.

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h.Can be introduced multitier authentication through which data can be more credible. j.Easy to take records/reports. k.Online testing can be amalgamated. l.Real time updating on various training can be achieved m.Easy to get details/data for performance management. (performance management also can be amalgamated later). n.Can authorized only the technicians with required certification to access the Aeronautical Engineering Resource Managment System (AERMS) to update maintenance activities. p.Training material can be uploaded and provision can available to access to instructors/trainees. q.A Learning Management System (LMS) can be easily incorporated. r.On successful implementation, same can be introduce to other directorates too, then same can be incorporated with a central.




Basic requirements proposed to be obtained from the process. a. Updating of each training data of all aircraft technicians to a central data base. b.Provisions to highlight automatically when any ‘dues’ are reaching before pre-described duration. Eg highlighting particular technician’s name when next training is about to begin. Give a caution when advance training is overdue. c.Provisions to access and check availability of appropriate competency/certification when detailing for jobs by production control sections. d.Provision to get a summary of training undergone by an individual. e.Provision to filter personnel with given qualifications/training. make it more easy to update and monitor in order to ensure technicians with required training, experience and certifications are available in aircraft maintenance domain. ENTERING DATA TO THE DATA BASE AND AUTHENTICATION

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25.Entering of data should be allowed to a selected authorized personnel holding relevant appointments. And they must be allowed access only to the relevant details of particular group of personnel applicable to them. Such personnel should log in to the system and provision should be there to indicate the details of personnel upload details if any future requirement exists. 26.Authentication. Once entered and saved by the entering staff, a authenticating officer need to be verified and then only allowed to update to the main data base. ENTERING/UPDATING DATA NEED TO BE DONE AT FOLLOWING STEPS AND PROPOSED AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL TO ENTER AND AUTHENTICATE

# STEP 1 - Recruiting/enlistment Entering data Authentication Staff of personnel Staff officer administration personnel (airmen) at administration Directorate of (airmen) Administration # STEP 2 - Basic Combat Training Entering data Authentication Staff of training Officer wing of Combat Commanding Training School Training (OCT)

# STEP 3 Basic Trade Training Entering data Authentication Staff of examination Officer department of Trade Commanding examination Training School

Remarks -Bio data -Scanned photograph -Scanned copies of key educational qualifications -Details of any special qualifications Remarks -Marks obtained for each subject -Merit -Special achievement (trophies given to best performers of each category and best allround performer)

Special Start counting the service from the date of enlistment

On completion notification #pending Basic Trade Training# must be displayed against individual’s name

Remarks Special Once started Marks obtained for individual modules, Final notification examination #following Basic (Theory/Practical), Final Trade Training# must English and IT Test be displayed against name. -Decide the seniority based on the order of merit of the final examination - Those who secure average over 80% will get direct Leading Aircraftmen (Lac) 11 of 14

Rank # STEP 4 OJT at respective flying formation NOTE- Now onwards aircraft training starts, suggested two tier authentication to ensure reliability and accuracy Entering data Authentication Remarks Special Staff of Training Tier 1 Cell of respective Quality Asuarance Flying Formation Officer Tier 2 QAO Aero Eng of Command Quality Assuarance Inspectorate # STEP 5 Flight Line Training at respective flying formation # this step onwards Link to Aeronautical Engineering Resource Management System to authorize access to respective technicians to log in update respective maintenance activities Entering data Staff of Training Cell of respective Flying Formation

Authentication Tier 1 Quality Asuarance Officer Tier 2 QAO Aero Eng of Command Quality Assuarance Inspectorate

Remarks Once due notification/Highlight the name On completion notification #certified technician-flight line#

Special Ability to monitor from Directorate of Aeronautical Engineering to Staff Officer Training -On completion a notification to Pay and Record of Directorate of Administration for effect Airworthiness allowance

# STEP 5 First Line Training at respective flying formation Entering data Staff of Training Cell of respective Flying Formation

Authentication Remarks Once due Tier 1 Quality Asuarance notification/Highlight the name Officer completion Tier 2 QAO Aero On #certified Eng of Command notification Quality Assuarance technician-first line# Inspectorate # STEP 6 Second Line Training at respective flying formation Entering data Staff of Training Cell of respective Flying Formation

Authentication Tier 1 Quality Asuarance Officer

Special Ability to monitor from Directorate of Aeronautical Engineering to Staff Officer Training

Remarks Special Once due Ability to monitor notification/Highlight the from Directorate of Aeronautical name 12 of 14

completion Engineering to Staff Tier 2 QAO Aero On #certified Officer Training Eng of Command notification Quality Assuarance technician-second line# Inspectorate Other notification requirements On reaching total service to 5 Years notification to Advance Trade Training Step 1 Once completed 4 Years #Advance course within one year# yellow notification to the user Squadron and Directorate of Aeronautical Engineering training cell, then they can initiate the process for arrange such training Step 2 Once completed 4 Years and 6 months #Advance course within six months# AMBER notification to the user Squadron and Directorate of Aeronautical Engineering training cell Step 2 Once completed 5 Years and still not commence advance trainig #Advance course overdue# RED Warning notification to the user Squadron and Directorate of Aeronautical Engineering training cell And Command Quality Assuarance Inspectorate Once away from aircraft maintenance for more than six months cease certification to maintenance (competency) and update same on the system Indicate notification #certification suspended# Cease the payment of Airworthiness allowance #Up date pay and records section #stop airworthiness# if possible automatically update pay and record network Respective flying formation and directorate of Aeronautical Engineering responsible to update system when taken away from aircraft maintenance. Updating of other local and foreign training Responsible - Directorate of Training on completion of such training

MANAGEMENT INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE PROPOSED SYSTEM 25. The following are the management information can be obtained through the proposed system. a. Details of trainees/technicians following each training. b. When any training is need to be arranged prior indication/planning training programme well in advance. c. De...

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