Attitudes THAT Foster Critical Thinking Worksheet PDF

Title Attitudes THAT Foster Critical Thinking Worksheet
Author Brooklyn Johnson
Course Fundamentals Of Nursing
Institution Campbellsville University
Pages 2
File Size 47.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 36
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critical thinking...


FUNDAMENTALSOFNURSI NG ATTI TUDESWHI CH FOSTER CRI TI CALTHI NKI NG Compl et et hedes cr i pt i onbypr ovi di ngt hedefini t i oni nt hebl ankbel ow.Pl ease pr ovi deoneexampl ef oreach. ATTI TUDE

DESCRI PTI ON Acqui r i ngne w knowl edgeandexper i enc e,exami ney ourbel i e f s I ndependenc e undernew evi de nce .Readi ngt hesci ent i ficl i t er at ur et ose et he di ffe r e ntvi ewsonnur s i ngcar e .Tal ki ngwi t hot hernur s est o shar ei deasabouti nt er ve nt i ons. Li s t eni ngt obot hsi desoft hedi sc ussi on.I fast affmember Fai r Mi ndednes s l abel sapat i entuncooper at i v e,ass umet hecar eoft hepat i ent wi t hopenmi ndedandadesi r et omee tt hene edsoft hepat i ent Res ponsi bi l i t yand As kf orhe l pi fy ouar eunc er t ai nabouthow t oper f or m as ki l l . Aut hor i t y Re f ert ot hepol i c yandpr oce dur emanualoft hef ac i l i t yt o r e vi ew t hes t epsoft hes ki l l . Humi l i t y

Di sci pl i ne

I nt egr i t y

Per se ve r anc e

Confidenc e

Cur i osi t y

Cr eat i vi t y

Ri skTaki ng

Rec ogni z ewhe nyounee dmor ei nf or mat i ont omakeadec i si on. As kf or anor i ent at i ont ot hear ea.As kRNst hatar er egul ar l y assi gnedt ot hatar eaf orassi s t anc ewi t happr oac hest ocar e . Bet hor oughi nwhat ev ery oudo.Useknowns ci ent i ficand pr ac t i c ebase dcr i t er i af oract i vi t i e ssuc hasasse ss mentand ev al uat i on.Taket i met obet hor oughandmanageyourt i me effec t i v e l y . Rec ogni z ewhe nyouropi ni onsconfli c twi t ht hoseofapat i ent . Revi e w yourposi t i onanddec i dehow bes tt opr oc eedt or eac h out comest hatwi l lsat i sf ye ve r yone .Donotcompr omi se nur si ngst andar dsorhone st yi ndel i v er i ngnur si ngcar e . Becaut i ousofane asyanswert hatav oi dsuncomf or t abl e si t uat i ons.I ff act saboutapat i entsee m mi ss i ng,dot al kt ot he pat i entdi r ec t l y . Donothes i t at et odi s agr eeorbet r oubl ed.Ac tl i kear ol emode l t ocol l eagues .Speakwi t hconvi ct i ont ot hepat i entwhe nyou begi nani nt er v ent i on.Donotl eadapat i entt ot hi nky ouar e unabl et oper f or m car es af el y . Al waysas kwhy .Bewi l l i ngt oc hal l enget r adi t i on.Expl or eand l ear nmor eaboutapat i entsoast omakeappr opr i at ec l i ni cal j udgement s. Lookf ordi ffe r entappr oac hesi fi nt er v ent i onsar enotwor ki ng f orapat i ent .Whenappr opr i at e ,i nv ol v et hepat i ent ’ sf ami l yi n adapt i ngy ourappr oac hest oc ar eme t hodsathome . I fy ourknowl edgecause sy out oques t i onaheal t hpr ovi der s or der ,dos o.Bewi l l i ngt or ec ommendal t er nat i v et onur si ng car ewhenc ol l eaguesar ehavi ngadi fficul tt i mewi t hpat i ent

car e .

Thenpr ovi deyourt opt hr eecat egor i esofacr i t i calt hi nkerandbot t om t hr ee ar easf orper s onali mpr ovement ,af t erpr ovi di ngyourl owes tcat egor i es,pl ease pr ovi deoneper sonali nt er vent i ont oi mpr oveeachweaknessl i s t ed. TOPThr eeat t i t udesofacr i t i calt hi nker : 1.Cur i osi t y

2.Fai r ness

3.Humi l i t y

BOTTOM Thr eeat t i t udesofacr i t i calt hi nker :

1.Confidence I nt ervent i on:r eadmor enur si ngl i t er at ur eandl ear naboutnew ski l l sand becomemor ecomf or t abl ewi t hpr ovi di ngcar et oi ncr eas econfidence. 2.Thi nki ngi ndependent l y I nt ervent i on:t r yt ogetasmuchhandsonexper i enceandobser vat i ont oget i deashow t omakei nt er vent i onson myown. 3.Ri skt aki ng I nt ervent i on:l ear nt henor mali nt er vent i onsandor der sf ordi s easessot hatyou can pul lt hati nf or mat i onoutwhen l ooki ngataphysi ci an’ sor der...

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