Audio Lingual Method Lesson Plan Sample PDF

Title Audio Lingual Method Lesson Plan Sample
Author Bai Al-Saraffiah Ulama
Course Socio-Cultural Foundations of Education: A Comparative Approach
Institution University of the Philippines System
Pages 7
File Size 193 KB
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FACULTY OF ARTS ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE DEPARTMENT SECOND FOREIGN LANGUAGE ACQUISITION II AUDIO-LINGUAL METHOD LESSON PLAN Teacher: RAMAZAN KARAKEHYA RAMAZAN KARAKEHYA – 1833200420 1. Class Profile: -Age: 10-11 -Proficiency: A1 -Class size: 17 -Grade: 4th -Number of female and male students: 7 Female, 10 Male

2. Syllabus -Topics: Food and Drinks, Daily Life Vocabulary: Words about the Food and Drinks and Daily Life will be given to the students like “Sandwich, Salad, Hot Dog, Hamburger, Banana, Taco, Ice Cream, Cake, Zoo, Tiger, Giraffe” Listening: Students will listen a song. (contains 8 food names) Speaking: Students will be talking about Daily Life and Food dialogues. Aims and Objectives A) Aims: Aim for Warm Up; As a teacher, I want my students to, 1- Speak freely and participate willingfully. Aim for Practice of Listening; As a teacher, I want my students to: 1- Listen and ıdentify the words carefully that were given to them. Aims for Practice of Speaking; As a teacher, I want my students to: 1- Use them by speaking according to the content. 2- Improve their fluency while speaking. 3- Know how to produce correct pronunciation of some structures like “Can I come with you?” while speaking.

B) Objectives: Objectives for Listening; Learners will be able to: 1- Understand the sentences clearly.

2- Visualize the words in the video in her/his mind. Objectives for Speaking; Learners will be able to: 1- Produce correct pronunciation of vocabulary like “chicken, soup, cucumber” while speaking. 2- Have an idea about Food and Drinks, Daily Life Activities.

Lesson 1 Time: 1 Hour Interaction Type: Teacher-Whole Class, Teacher-Student, Student-Student Warm Up: 10 Minutes Practice: Listening: 25 Minutes Practice: Speaking: 25 Minutes Teacher’s Role: Teacher controls the language and action of students. She is favorable model for the target language, because ALM is teacher-oriented method particularly for speech pattern and oral skills. Also, differences between L1 and L2 must be known by the Teacher. He/she chooses the topic that will determine the way the lesson is taught and produces examples according to this path. According to these examples, the teacher should make her/his students speak individually or collectively. Students’ Role: Students are emulators of the Educator as the model of the target language. Students should act according to the teacher’s instructions that the teacher show them and have to answer as soon as possible. They are prohibited from using their mother tongue, since it is not effective to become skilled in foreign language.

C) Exercises The teacher enters the classroom and greets the students with a positive attitude. Students listen carefully to the teacher. Lesson Activity 1: Warm Up, 10 Minutes Teacher briefly introduces today’s lesson, tells a story related with the topic, asks students what they have learnt in the previous class and prepares herself and the students for the lesson.

Lesson Activity 2: Listening, 25 Minutes – Repetition Drill – Backward Build-up Drill The teacher shows a short video to the students and tells them to listen carefully. After listening the video twice, she asks her students to memorize the video by choral repetition. Here is the video and the dialogue. Matt: Hello. My name is Matt. What’s your name? (Tunes shows up in the screen) It’s great to see you. I’m hungry. Matt: Tunes, you scared me. Tunes: Matt, are you hungry? Matt: Yes. Tunes: Watch this. ( Foods show up in the screen ) What do you want to eat? Matt: I want a banana. (Tune brings banana to the Matt) Magic! Cool! Now, the whole class starts to repeat the lines after the teacher. - Repetition Drill Teacher: Hello. My name is Matt. What’s your name? Class: Hello. My name is Matt. What’s your name? Teacher: It’s great to see you. I’m hungry. Class: It’s great to see you. I’m hungry. Teacher: Tunes, you scared me. Class: Tunes, you scared me. They repeated each line several times but when they come the line “Tunes, you scared me.” Teacher notices that some students have difficulties to read this line. For this reason, she stops the repetition and uses Backward Build-up Drill. “The purpose of this drill is to go back and correct students’ mistakes. Teacher removes some words from the sentence and starts reading one by one. After that, she adds new words and class repeats this expended sentence. Step by step the teacher forms the words until entire sentence is being repeated.” Diane LarsenFreeman & Marti Anderson. (2011). Techniques and Principles in Language Teacher: Repeat after me: Tunes.

Class: Tunes. Teacher: You. Class: You. Teacher: Scared me. Class: Scared me. Teacher: Tunes, you scared me. Class: Tunes, you scared me. Thanks to this procedure, students who have difficulty reading in dialogue improves their reading, understanding and pronunciation skills.

Lesson Activity 3: Speaking, 25 Minutes – Multiple-slot Substitution Drill – Question Answer Drill After the video that the teacher watched to the students, the teacher moves the third phrase of the lesson. Teacher brings some pictures to the class and writes a new dialog to the board, the students will repeat the sentence from the dialogue and replace a word or phrase in the sentence with the word or phrase the teacher gives them. This word or phrase is called cue. Students must listen to the teacher very carefully. Because according to the word given by the teacher, students should guess in which sentence the new word will be used. Teacher starts to read the dialogue for the first time. Harry: Hello Ron. Ron: Hi Harry. Harry: Where are you going? Ron: I am going to the Zoo. Harry: Oh, really? Can we go together? Ron: Of course, we can. Harry: Hey Ron, let me ask you a question. What is your favorite animal?

Ron: It’s giraffe. What is yours? Harry: Mine is tiger. Ron: Oh that’s scary. Harry: Yes, I know.

She reads the original sentence from the dialogue “ I am going to the Zoo.” Then she gives a cue “They”. The students understands the situation and forms the new sentence “They are going to the Zoo.” Teacher models new examples and tries to help students to understand the whole exercise. They transform about 10 sentences of these patterns and they are ready for next phrase, Question and Answer Drill. The teacher shows the pictures taken from the internet. The picture of Café, and asks the class “Are you going to the Café?” She responds to herself “Yes, I am going to the Café.” Next, she shows a picture of Supermarket and asks a question while holding the picture of Supermarket, and asks the class“ Are you going to the Supermarket?” and again she responds to herself “Yes, I am going to the Supermarket.” Finally, she shows picture of School and asks “Are you going to the School?” This time she does not answer the question and asks the class. Class respond together “Yes, I am going to the School.” The students understand what they have supposed to do when they see a picture. Teacher exclaims “Perfect!” and she says “You are so good my children, class dismissed.”

Conclusion Today’s lesson ends. The students and the teacher are satisfied with the lesson they are working with. In this course, only speaking and listening are covered. Although students and the teacher are tired, it has been a very productive lesson. The students have learned to respond according to the cue teacher have given them without hesitation.

Bibliography SARI ÇOBAN,A.( 2004) .TheUs eofAudi ol i ngual Met hodi nT eac hi ngTur k i s ht oSpeak er sofEngl i s h. Hac et t epeÜni v er s i t es i Tür k i y atAr aş t ı r mal ar ı( HÜT AD),( 1),187202.Ret r i ev edf r om ht t ps : / / der gi par k . or g. t r / en/ pub/ t ur k i y at / i s s ue/ 16660/ 329820

Diane Larsen-Freeman & Marti Anderson. (2011). Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching (Third Edition). Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press....

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