Authoritative or balanced parenting is a parenting style in which the parents are both responsive and demanding PDF

Title Authoritative or balanced parenting is a parenting style in which the parents are both responsive and demanding
Author Gabrielle Shaffer
Course Child Psychology
Institution Alcorn State University
Pages 1
File Size 18.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 35
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Aut hor i t at i v eorbal ancedpar ent i ngi sapar ent i ngst yl ei nwhi cht hepar ent sar ebot h r es ponsi v eanddemandi ng.Thesepar ent sar ef oc usedonmai nt ai ni ngpos i t i v er el at i ons hi ps wi t ht hei rchi l dr en.Theygi ver ul esbutex pl ai nt hem aswel l ast her at i onal ebehi ndt he cons equences .Thes epar ent sus efir m,nonvi ol entpuni shment s.Theyuseposi t i v edi sc i pl i ne andr ei nf or cement s.Chi l dr enr ai s edbyaut hor i t at i v epar ent st endt obecomesucc essf ul , r es ponsi bl eadul t swhoar ecomf or t abl ewi t hexpr essi ngt hemsel v es . Aut hor i t ar i anorst r i ctpar ent i ngi sapar ent i ngst yl ei nwhi cht hepar enti sdemandi ngy et unr es ponsi v e.Theybel i ev et hatchi l dr enshoul df ol l owt her ul eswi t houtex cept i ons.These par ent st endt ohavei ti s“ mywayort hehi ghway”ment al i t y .Chi l dr enofaut hor i t at i v epar ent s gener al l yf ol l owt her ul es .Thesechi l dr enmaydev el opsel f est eem i ssues,hav eaggr ess i ve at t i t udes ,andposs essanant i s oci al behavi or . I ndul gentorper mi ssi v epar ent i ngi sapar ent i ngst yl ei nwhi cht hepar ent i ngst yl ei s r es ponsi v ebutnotdemandi ng.Theydonotexpectmuchf r om t hechi l dandt heyusual l ypr ovi de al l t hechi l d’ sneedsandwi shes .Thesepar ent ssetr ul esbutbar el yenf or cet hem.Theyof t en f eel t hat“ ki dswi l l beki ds . ”Chi l dr ent endt ogr owasspoi l ed,hav ebehavi orpr obl ems,and st r uggl eacademi cal l y .Thesechi l dr enal somaygr owupt ohav el owsel f est eem andheal t h pr obl ems . Negl ect f ul oruni nv ol v edpar ent i ngi sapar ent i ngst yl ei nwhi cht hepar enti snei t her r es ponsi v enordemandi ng.Theydonotsuppor tt hei rchi l dr enemot i onal l ybutwi l l st i l l pr ovi de t hei rbasi cneeds .Thesepar ent shav el i t t l eknowl edgeofwhati sgoi ngoni nt hei rchi l d’ sl i f e, whot hei rchi l di s,orspendmucht i mewi t ht hei rchi l d.Chi l dr enr ai sedbynegl ect f ul par ent s usual l yr ai set hems el ves .Theyar eunhappy ,st r uggl ewi t hsel f est eem i ss ues,t endt oper f or m poor l yi nschool ,andhav ebehavi orpr obl ems . Mypar ent swer eaut hor i t at i vepar ent s .Mydadi sapast orandwewer er ai sedi nt he chur ch.Theyhadr ul es,butal waysex pl ai nedt hem t ousandgui dedusi nt omaki ngourown deci si ons .Mypar ent st al kedt ousaboutt hi ngsandwedev el opedheal t hy ,posi t i ve r el at i onshi ps.Wewer et aughtt owor kf orwhatwewantandnot hi ngi nl i f ei sf r ee.Thi shel ped met obei ndependentandmat ur e.Inowhaveas t r ongwor ket hi candhi ghmor al s.Ir ai semy chi l dr enwi t haut hor i t at i vepar ent i ngbecauset hi swor k edwel lf ormef ort hemostpar t .Iadmi r e mypar ent sanddespi t ecer t ai nci r cumst ances,If eel t hatt heydi dagr eatj obi nr ai si ngus ....

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