Autism Cause and Effect Essay Great Read PDF

Title Autism Cause and Effect Essay Great Read
Course Personality Psychology
Institution Grand Canyon University
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[Last Name] 1 Kimberly Lopez ENG-106 March 16, 2021 William Lehman Reflection on Autism: Social, Mental and Psychological Dilemma There are many different aspects of how autism affects a child. ASD which stands for Autism Spectrum Disorder, is sometimes difficult to diagnose and it is best to be able to learn the cause and effects of this disorder in order to understand how to treat those with ASD. Understanding the causes and effects of autism is beneficial especially understanding the social, mental and psychological dilemma that is faced within the child and those around them. Social dilemma for those on the spectrum find it difficult to understand social cues, as well as interact with other children the same age. According to a Blogger: “The reason this is such a problematic issue is because, we, as humans, are social creatures by nature. Social interaction is a ‘requirement’ within our species” (Blogger, n.d). This is true, many on the spectrum find it harder to interact with others as they are shy or harder to express themselves. Most children with ASD are sometimes secluded by their own judgement away from everyone to make sure they do not get mocked or anything else that may happen. Social dilemma is a huge impact on a child and ends up scarring them for life, if not helped from a young age they can develop anti-social skills and become what is known as a “hermit crab”. Reading, ‘Evaluating the latent structure of the non-social domain of autism in autistic adult’: “The social domain of autism has been studied in depth, but the relationship between the non-social traits of autism has received less attention” (Grove, 2021). With not many people understanding what autism is, or how it works, the child usually goes on without the proper help and their social skills go down until it is too late to help. Not only is the child affected by ASD but those around them such as the family. Most often the parents as they sometimes can struggle with understanding their child

[Last Name] 2 on what they want, need or what they are trying to express due to some children with ASD being non-verbal. This causes more social anxiety as they cannot express themselves within their own home imagine when they are in school and cannot express themselves or try to make friends because of their social awkwardness they have. The constant fear they may have and their social interaction fails more and more. When it comes to autism many of us understand it as Autism Spectrum Disorder but there are some people who believe that it is a disease and not a disorder. From the last paragraph, it was left off on how socially awkward a child may get and not only that but their mentality goes down as well. According to Dr. Miller: “Some children are unable to reciprocate love or affection towards their parents or siblings. Others engage in self-harm behaviors, sometimes requiring medication in order to minimize harm to themselves.” (Miller, 2015). Due to their minds being different than anyone else’s a child, teen, or even an adult handle autism differently. There are children that are non-verbal and just keep to themselves, others that are loud and tantrum making throwing things and sometimes hurting themselves or those around them. This affects them mentally in the sense that the child ends up believing there is something wrong with them and because they cannot express much about it due to being non-verbal or even shy they may get bullied for it which causes them to have more doubts about themselves and becoming more anxious due to all of that. It is believed that with some therapy or even with some medication it can help them be better, but of course it all depends on the child and the family because one way can work for one but not the other. The psychological dilemma on a person who has ASD. Someone who suffers with ASD is not one that is emotional or likes to display their own emotions out to the world or to some stranger. Daniel W. Hoover stated “Anxiety, social isolation, and developmental regression are

[Last Name] 3 associated with trauma.” (Hoover, 2015). All this plays out to the person psychologically, not many understand it nor are known about it but with so much trauma as such, can cause the person with ASD to suffer psychologically and make them wonder things by themselves which can cause anxiety, depression and other things. Not only is it an effect on the child but it can also effect the parents; Mr. Benson, made a study on mothers with ASD children and “Findings indicated increased use of disengagement and distraction to be related to increased maternal maladjustment over time, while increased use of cognitive reframing was linked to improved maternal outcomes (findings regarding engagement’s effects on adjustment measures were mixed).” (Benson, 2014). Within these findings, they noticed that there was a bit of different findings from each mother, some were disoriented by everything and others were handling well in a matter. There are always ways to obtain help as well that can help psychologically for both the parent and the child. Thankfully, there are places one can go to get help and diagnosis, such as the doctor’s office, other places such as public schools, developmental disabilities eligibility determinations, and our hospital-based early childhood mental health program. These are very helpful in the sense to get the help the child needs and deserved as well as the help a family may need to understand how to cope with the child and make them comfortable in the household and understand that they have someone on their side that will help them through the difficulties. In the end, ASD is different to each child. Although when learning the ways of a child with ASD not everything works on everyone. One thing can help and benefit the child/family, but it may not help another child/family the same way. Each and every person affected by ASD is different, whether it is socially, mentally or even psychologically. One needs to understand one to understand the other and properly help.

[Last Name] 4 Works Cited All Answers Ltd. (November 2018). Effects of Autism Disorder on Children. Retrieved from Benson, P.R. Coping and Psychological Adjustment Among Mothers of Children with ASD: An Accelerated Longitudinal Study. J Autism Dev Disord 44, 1793-1807 (2014). Grove, R., Begeer, S., Scheeren, A. M., Weiland, R. F., & Hoekstra, R. A. (2021). Evaluating the latent structure of the non-social domain of autism in autistic adults. Molecular Autism, 12(1), 1–13. Hoover, D.W. The Effects of Psychological Trauma on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: a Research Review. Rev J Autism Dev Disord 2, 287-299 (2015). Retrieved From Miller, K. K, MD. AMA J Ethics. 2015:17(4):297-298. The Autism Paradox. Retrieved from My ASD Child. Education and Support for Parents of Children and Teens on the Autism Spectrum. Retrieved from Nursing Answers. 11th Feb 2020. Effects of Autism Disorder on Children. Retrieved from

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