Cause and Effect Essay PDF

Title Cause and Effect Essay
Author Sidney Steffen
Course Anatomy and Physiology 2
Institution Agnes Scott College
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Sidney Steffen Composition 1 Professor Kosse January 12, 2019 Trump's Presidency Cause and Effect Essay Trump's presidency has been a long term, constant, hot topic not only in America but around the world. He has been in office about two years and he certainly has the means to make some change. During these first two years he's largely affected a good amount of things; such as the longest government shutdown in U.S. history. That topic alone has greatly affected so many Americans; including lack of funding to the FBI, coast guard food shortage, TSA employee shortage, and delayed cases for sexual assault victims. Totalling at thirty five days, putting more than eight hundred thousand employees without pay and setting history for the longest government shut down yet. It originally had started when Trump and Democrats could not agree on funding for the southern border wall. Trump was asking for about five billion and that was not going to happen, so in response the next day Trump shut down the government. A very noticeable effect was how incredibly thin the FBI had to be stretched with financial limitations. One example is funding for drug related investigations. They were unable to conduct controlled drug purchases, pay sources or effectively investigate gang violence. Child predator cases are being delayed, officers are unable to take cases to grand jury in order to get a arrest warrant for criminals. As well as, the financial shortage needed to sort out testimonies and evidence. More affected operations included counter-terrorism, cybersecurity, healthcare and security fraud. Thomas O'Connor of the FBI Agents Association said in a statement: "The resources available to support the work of FBI agents are currently stretched to the breaking point and are dwindling day by day." It is easy to see how large the effect of the shutdown had been on the FBI.

Second, the airports are a bit of the mess due to their wages not being given. Around fifty three thousand TSA agents as well as fifty four thousand customs agents are going the thirty five days without pay. The number of workers reporting to the airports for their jobs had dropped a substantial amount, with an average of about 5% of all the workers. Air traffic controllers had also taken some time off with the shutdown, causing flight delays. Another red flag from the lack of employees was a gun getting through security and onto a plane. The passenger flew Delta airlines from the US to Tokyo and back, forgetting the weapon was with them. It is easy to say the security and comfort of passengers and workers were severely affected by Trump's shutdown. Next, the Coast Guard had gone into a food shortage; resulting in people relying on food pantries. Said food pantries were quickly running short, leaving several districts with none left to give out. Nearly eight thousand Coast Guard employees were left struggling, only thing they had gotten was a tip sheet about managing finances. The sheet suggested setting up things like garage sales or selling hobbies, in order for the people to gain extra money. Also, a coastal housing is a possible important factor to the job; which was also put in danger. Government subsidies had allowed the housing to be a bit cheaper for employees, but with the government shut down they were not able to help with the expenses. Fourth, the FDA (food and drug administration) began to suspend all ´non essential work´ leaving possible safety concerns. FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb says ¨It's not business as usual, and we are not doing all the things we would do under normal circumstances¨. In order to focus on higher risk foods --such as dairies, seafood, or meat-- they are skipping the usual checks over salmonella in breakfast cereal, E. coli in romaine lettuce, or listeria in ice cream. According to Integenta, checking ice cream for listeria is very important to preventing an outbreak or financial trouble for companies (2018). The safety of food and general population is put at risk when the government is shut down this long. Leaving the FDA with less supplies and finances can cause them to overlook many safety hazards.

Lastly, the negative effects it had on all different types of businesses, such as farmers, steel and aluminum, homeownership, economic development, general small businesses, and energy business. Another decision from Trump was the choice of putting retaliatory tariffs up, leaving farmers struggling as they rely on USDA (United States Department of Agriculture). As this has become a new problem, the shut down had made it much worse because the USDA was another department stretching financially thin. As well as farmers being affected by both the shutdown and tariffs, steel and aluminum companies were as well. Tariffs had made it incredibly hard for the companies as their products were being taxed high. The shutdown halted the (already) slow examinations for the companies. Lease sales for energy companies are suspended, as well as permits. ScienceDirect states that energy development gained about nine million dollars in economic growth (2018). Small businesses who rely on federal assisted loans will be hit pretty hard as they weren't able to access technical assistance. Lastly, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) projects or housing loans will be put on hold. While it is not a factor many people would think about during a shutdown, businesses were in severe hurt from the shutdown's effects. The shutdown stemmed from the disagreement for the 2019 fiscal year on budgeting. When they couldn't get a permanent or temporary budget by the deadline the government closed down. The bill was approved by the Republican House and Senate, but Trump did not let it go forward when he had not seen the appropriate funding for his wall. It was his choice not to allow the bill to be put in place, even temporarily, until a better wall funding plan. Due to his choice of not allowing the bill to be passed by the deadline, he had caused the government to shut down. The effects of his decision to not only shut down the government but to keep it shut down for the longest in history. The effects of this shutdown costed millions of Americans harm. Citations: Bain, Marc. “US Air Travel Is Getting Bumpier Thanks to the Shutdown.” Quartz, Quartz, 13 Jan. 2019,

Levenson, Eric. “Delta Passenger Who Carried Firearm through TSA Screening Returned from Japan to US on the Same Day.” CNN, Cable News Network, 15 Jan. 2019,. “Managing Furlough.” Scribd, Scribd,. “PROJECTED IMPACTS OF A TRUMP SHUTDOWN | United States Senate Committee on Appropriations.” Committee Jurisdiction | About the Committee | United States Senate Committee on Appropriations, 12 Dec. 2018,. “Urbanization, Economic Growth, Energy Consumption, and CO2 Emissions: Empirical Evidence from Countries with Different Income Levels.” NeuroImage, Academic Press, 16 June 2017,. Veronica, Elba, et al. “Application of an Environmental Phage-Based Assay (Sample6 Detect HT/L) for the Detection of Listeria Spp. in Ice Cream.” Latest TOC RSS, PNG Publications,;jsessionid=d5hcjnb76skk4 .x-ic-live-01....

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