BA-BUS10 5db235e162e60 Management Hawthorn PDF

Title BA-BUS10 5db235e162e60 Management Hawthorn
Course BUS10012
Institution Swinburne University of Technology
Pages 1
File Size 135.5 KB
File Type PDF
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COURSE ENROLMENT PLANNER Bachelor of Business Management - BA-BUS10 Recommended Sequence Units are listed on your Course Planner in a recommended sequence. However this can be amended depending on unit availability, unit progression, timetabling and the semester in which you commenced your course.

Year One

How to use your Course Planner Refer to the below table to help explain what units are required each semester throughout your course. The units in your planner are colour coded to assist you with mapping out your studies.

Your First Semester ACC10007 Financial Information for Decision Making

Your Second Semester +12.5

+12.5 ECO10004 Economic Principles

MGT10001 Introduction to Management MKT10007 Fundamentals of Marketing



BUS10012 Innovative Business Practice 1 INF10003 Introduction to Business Information Systems

HRM10003 Human Resource Management MGT10002 Critical Thinking in Management



Core units 100 Credit points +12.5


Semester +12.5


ORG20002 Business and Society PRM30001 Project Management Essentials


Component unit


Can be completed from a combination of the following:




A structured set of 4 units or 50 credit points from a field of study which you can choose in addition to a first major.

Component unit +12.5

Component unit


Component unit

Professional Placement An additional 6 months or 1 year to your course. Your course rules will be modified to accommodate the Professional Placement.

Professional Placement 50 / 100 Credit points +50 / +100

Year Three

A Professional Placement is a Work Integrated Learning (WIL) option. You can apply for Professional Placement during your second year. More information on Professional Placement and other WIL options at Work Integrated Learning


Semester +12.5

BUS30009 Industry Consulting Project



MGT30005 Strategic Planning in Dynamic Environments


ORG30003 Sustainable Organisational Design



Component unit +12.5

Component unit

ELECTIVES A standalone unit from any study area.

Optional Component

ORG30002 Leadership in Context

First Major units 100 Credit points

Component Units 100 credit points


Component unit

BUS30024 Advanced Innovative Business Practice

A set of compulsory units you MUST complete as part of your Course.

A structured set of 8 units or 100 credit points in a field of study specific to your course.

Year Two ORG20003 Organisational Behaviour

Course Information Course 300 Credit Points


Component unit

FAQ’s What is a component unit? A unit that forms part of a second major/co-major/minor or elective, that you select. How can I find which component units I can enrol in ? Visit Bachelor of Business for major/ co-major/minor and elective options. Where can I find out more about individual unit content? Visit the Single Unit Search page to...

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