Basic Social Etiquette Rules PDF

Title Basic Social Etiquette Rules
Author Mahbub Hasan
Course Biostatistics for Public Health
Institution University of Regina
Pages 6
File Size 52.4 KB
File Type PDF
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basic classifications of social etiquette and manners...


Basic Social Etiquette Rules  Always be on time for get-togethers/invitation/dinner. Showing up late is rude and shows lack of respect for other people’s time.  Make eye contact when you are in a conversation with someone.  Never interrupt the other person while talking, respect each other’s personal space.  Give and receive compliments graciously.  Refuse to gossip with and about friends. If you share gossip with someone, that person will think what you are saying behind his/ her back.  Bring a host or hostess a gift and something to share when invited.  If you are sick and contagious, postpone your since it is rude to knowingly expose your friends to illness.  Pay your share when you are with a friend or group. Otherwise, they may not invite you again. This includes tipping.  Do not be aggressive, judgmental and practice any risky behavior  Appropriately use the words ‘Please, Sorry and Thank you’.  Don’t talk on cell phone during a family meal.  Chew with your mouth closed and do not talk with food in mouth.

 Addressing unknown/known people using respectful word .  Show patience and compression to others in family, academic/work places and public places.  Should focus on self development rather than criticizing others.  Should respect others opinion .  Show respect to elders/teachers and love to Youngers.  Show respect to all professionals and professions.  Build up helping tendency to others and encourage to younger generation.  While using public transports- give priority to children, elderly or ill people, pregnant women, physically challenged people.  Keep your voice down in public gatherings such as in restaurants, shopping malls etc.  Obey traffic rules such as not blowing horns, use foot over bridge or zebra –crossing and drive in one lane etc.  Keep your environment clean both in indoor and outdoor. Basic Social Media Etiquette Rules:  Never post anything on any forum that you wouldn’t want the world to see.  Avoid put-downs, regardless of how witty you think you are.  Don’t posttoo much information about yourself or your family. You can never be sure who all are watching.

 Self-promotion is okay in limited amounts. There are others who need your attention, so take some time to respond to their posts and offer praise when needed.  If you make a mistake on social media, own it. Apologize and avoid doing it again.  Follow the rules of whatever social media you are using. Why are Manners and Etiquette Important?  Good manners defines a person, while etiquette is what makes someone socially acceptable.  Helps earn respect and create a good, and a lasting impression on others.  Behavior and conduct mirrors personality.  Your eye-contact, the way you greet others and your smile, are the first things people will notice about you.

1. Earn Respect  The Golden Rule states, 'Treat others the way you want them to treat you'.  Rude and offensive behavior does not go down well with anyone.  It is said, ‘Respect given is respect earned'. Hence, if you respect others you are most likely to be respected, trusted, and cared for.

2. Attract Personality  Good manners and etiquette embellish your personality and add extra charm in portraying you as an individual.  Manners need to be acquired and adapted.  You followed your parents; the same way your children will try and imitate you.  Learning and inculcating good manners help create a positive impression on others. 3. Develop Smooth Relationships  Good manners help you swallow pride and reach out to others.  Consideration for feelings and emotions of others  It teach you to be polite.  Out of acquired good manners you are not rude and don’t over-react.  People will think highly of you, and it will make your relationships easier.

4. Increase Confidence  Practicing good manners makes you more confident, and increases awareness of your surroundings.  They act as a magnet and draw people towards you.  Your attitude and confidence will help in react to particular situations.  These come from the practice of good manners and etiquette, which are the stepping stones of success in life.

5. Keep You Motivated and Happy  Manners, etiquette, wisdom, virtue, knowledge, and intelligence are accepted and appreciated universally.  Being kind and generous towards other people, and maintaining a calm and composed stature even in bad situations, helps earn respect.  It is impressive behavior that will please others and help gain respect.  Good manners and etiquette give constant happiness to your own self, and help gain self- respect and constantly keep you motivated.

6. Impart Strength to Digest Failure  All of us can not accept failure easily, whether it is personal or professional failure. Good manners and etiquette gives the strength to accept any kind of failure. It keeps positive motivation to face rough weather.  Its never easy to accept defeat or face the struggles in life. Manners and their positive attributes will help maintain posture and turn the tide in favor.  Someone not only represent family, but a community and nation as well. Good manners & etiquette in daily life will add value to personal and social life....

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