Business etiquette of different countries PDF

Title Business etiquette of different countries
Course International Affairs
Institution KROK University
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Business etiquette of different countries


Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3 Ethics at the official events…………………………………………………………………………………………….5 i.

Receptions and their organization………………………………………………………………………6


Making a list of invitees………………………………………………………………………………………7


Invitations and mailing……………………………………………………………………………………….8


Seating guests…………………………………………………………………………………………………….9

National features of communication…………………………………………………………………………….11 i.

International business etiquette……………………………………………………………………….18


Forms of greeting and communication………………………………………………………………19


Are gifts appropriate? ……………………………………………………………………………………….20


Interethnic differences in facial expressions and gestures………………………………….21

Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….…25 Bibliography………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………….…26


Introduction Every person must deal with what is commonly called business communication. How to make an official letter or invitation, accept a partner and negotiate with him, resolve a controversial issue and establish mutually beneficial cooperation? All these issues in many countries receive a lot of attention. Often, the first acquaintance with the “written” and “unwritten” rules of business communication and behaviour, its features, norms, and laws begins with school. Books on business etiquette and protocol, psychology of business communication that go abroad are very popular. Every person, regardless of profession, social status, must deal with similar problems to one degree or another. Business communication is of importance for businesspeople engaged in business, and especially international business. In many ways, the success of their activities depends on how well they master science and the art of communication. In the West, there are relevant training courses in almost every university and college, a lot of scientific and popular literature is published. As a result, the person at the reception does not suffer from questions where to put the napkin or in which glass to pour the wine, but entering negotiations with a partner, knows how to put it and where it is better to start a conversation. For a long time that side of business communication, which is represented by protocol and etiquette, was trained, at best, by diplomats and employees of foreign trade organizations going to work abroad. Other experts rarely had the opportunity to get at least a general understanding of these “wisdoms”. On the other side of business communication related to the problems of psychology, the technology of conducting business conversations and negotiations did not pay attention at all, believing that there was nothing to learn here. Now times have changed. Firstly, the circle of persons connected with foreign partners by the nature of their activities has significantly expanded. In order to successfully conduct business, they need to know the generally accepted rules and norms of international communication, to be able to conduct negotiations and conversations. Secondly, becoming a part of a single business world, we increasingly transfer the existing general patterns to our reality, demanding civilized communication from our domestic partners. 3

In addition, knowledge of the business protocol, etiquette is also important psychologically. Probably, many found themselves in an awkward situation, or they saw the confusion of a person who did not know whether he should first give a hand at the meeting or, wait until his partner did it. Uncertainty, awkwardness interferes with business relations, spoil the general atmosphere of the meeting. Psychological aspects of business communication are very important. The question that businesspeople and diplomats constantly face is how to build a conversation and negotiations. It is important to understand the general patterns of business communication, which will allow analysing the situation, considering the interests of the partner, speaking the “common” language. Mastery in any business comes with practice, and international business communication is no exception.


Ethics at the official events Official events include various receptions and ceremonies organized on national holidays, historical anniversaries, the arrival of a foreign delegation, heads of state and government, etc. Receptions are conducted by heads of state, government, ministers, and trade missions of countries abroad. Receptions are carried out by military attaches, captains of ships that are visiting friends in foreign bases, as well as representatives of the local military command and civilian authorities in order to honour honoured military guests. Diplomatic receptions are also held from any events, in the order of daily diplomatic work. In the practice of diplomatic representatives, these techniques are the most common. Such receptions, not numerous in terms of the number of invitees, constitute a convenient opportunity for making contacts, strengthening and expanding ties, obtaining necessary information, influencing local circles in the right direction, explaining the foreign policy of their country. Regardless of the purpose, scope and type, any diplomatic reception is political in nature, since it is a meeting of representatives of foreign states. While abroad, you must respect the rules and customs adopted in this country. When inviting a foreigner to a formal event, you should take care not to put him in a position that degrades or insults his national dignity, otherwise he may regard this as disrespect for his state and nation. First, it is necessary especially strictly and strictly to observe diplomatic etiquette. Diplomats in the performance of their functions, the organization of official events, participation in ceremonies and procedures act in accordance with the diplomatic protocol, which is understood as the totality of generally accepted rules, traditions, conventions observed by governments, government representatives abroad (embassies, consulates, etc.) and their staff when communicating with each other. It should not be forgotten that diplomatic protocol and civil etiquette are two different things.


Receptions and their organization Receptions are divided into day and evening, receptions with seating guests and without seating at the table. Day receptions include “champagne glass”, “wine glass”, breakfast. In international practice, it is commonly believed that daytime receptions are less solemn than evening ones. The evening includes receptions such as tea, “Jour Fix”, “a la buffet”, cocktail, lunch, lunch buffet, dinner. Any reception should be pre-prepared very carefully. The preparation of the reception includes: the choice of the type of reception, drawing up a list of invitees, sending out invitations, drawing up a seating plan at the table for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Menu compilation, table setting and guest service. Preparation of toasts or speeches, drawing up a scheme (procedure for conducting) reception. When determining the date of admission, one should proceed from the fact that receptions are not held on public holidays, and in Muslim countries - on the religious holiday “Ramadan”. Receptions are not held in the days of national mourning, and previously appointed are cancelled. Depending on the case in which it is necessary to arrange a reception, the type of reception is chosen. This should consider international diplomatic practice, according to which the most solemn, and, consequently, the most honourable types of receptions are lunch or evening reception. If we are talking about guests in the country, the head of state or the prime minister, the minister for foreign children, and other members of the government of the host country, it is advisable to choose lunch. In less important cases, you should use other of the above types of techniques. In this case, it is always necessary to consider the protocol traditions and customs established in a given country. These traditions will help in the choice of reception.


Making a list of invitees One of the most important moments of the organization of the reception is the compilation of the list of guests. An invitation to a diplomatic reception is always political. The compiler of the list must first determine the total number of guests to be invited to the reception. This number should not exceed the normal service and facilities where the reception will take place, and it is necessary to consider a certain percentage of guests who, for various reasons, will not be able or refuse to be at the reception. The foreign guest list primarily includes representatives of official authorities, the diplomatic corps, if invited, and members of the public. At receptions (breakfasts, lunches, dinners, cocktails, buffets) held in a narrow composition, it is not recommended to invite people with sharply opposing views and attitudes. So that the receptions were also successful, it is advisable to invite people of the same party affiliation or related by mutual friendship and interests.


Invitations and mailing Invitations to receive sent on a letterpress, printed by typographical method. The name of the guest and his position are written by hand or on a typewriter. For receptions on a national holiday or in honour of any statesman or delegation, special forms are ordered. When organizing breakfasts, dinners and other receptions with seating guests at the table, the invitation contains a request to answer (R.S.V.P. or “request to answer”). In the case when breakfast or dinner is given in honour of the Prime Minister or the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the host country or another high-ranking official, the invitation is sent to him only after he has received an oral invitation and has accepted it. In this case R.S.V.P. cross out on the written form and the letters “p.m.” or “pour memorie” or “to remind” (for memory) are written on them. Invitations are sent depending on local practice no later than 1-2 weeks prior to reception. Depending on the specific circumstances, invitations are sent by courier or mail. Invitations to officials and prominent figures are always advised to be sent by courier.


Seating guests Seating at a table for official breakfasts, lunches or dinners is carried out in accordance with generally accepted protocol rules. Seating requires strict adherence to the official or social status of guests. Breaking this basic seating rule can be interpreted as deliberately damaging both the guest and the country they represent, which can lead to unpleasant consequences or complications in the relationship. As an example, this is the case. French ambassador to the US Alfan was invited to dinner at the US senator. When he came and saw the seating plan for the guests at the table, he declared that he would not sit at the table, because thinks he has a wrong place. He said: “As Alfan, I can even sit under the table, but as an ambassador, as a representative of France, I must take a place that is fitting for the country I represent.” The senator had to urgently change the seating plan. To avoid difficulties in seating, it is necessary even before sending out invitations to have an accurate idea of where the guests will be seated. For this purpose, an approximate seating plan is drawn up and, in the case of finding difficulties with seating, amendments are made to the proposed guest list for breakfast, lunch or dinner. There was a certain practice of marking places at the table: Seating and covert cards are printed - small white rectangles made of thick paper with handwritten or typed names of all the participants. In the hall or hall, where guests gather on a small table, a seating plan is displayed. Strictly in accordance with the plan, every seat at the table is marked with a coupon card. Those invited to the reception get acquainted with the seating plan, find their place, clarify the names of the neighbours on the right and left. At receptions with many invitees, special cards are used showing the place at the table. In order to avoid mistakes, the seniority of the guests is checked in the MFA protocol service. A special place is given to the menu and table setting. In drawing up the menu is recommended to consider the tastes of the guests. Their national and religious traditions and other moments. For the reception to be carried out clearly and in an organized manner, 9

the scheme of its implementation is thought out in advance. It provides for the time and place of meeting guests host, the time of the invitation to the table, the proclamation of toast, etc. And, of course, great importance is given to appearance. Usually the form of clothing is indicated in the written invitation to receive. If the invitation does not indicate the uniform, the officers attend the dress in full dress, and civilians in evening dress (tails, tuxedo), women in evening dresses.


National features of communication In every country and every nation there are traditions and customs of communication and ethics. Are they important when meeting people from different cultures? There are two points of view on this. Both recognize the presence of national characteristics. According to the first point of view, the intensity of business communication in the modern world leads to the “erosion” of national borders, the formation of uniform norms and rules. The development of international relations, exchanges in the field of culture, science, education accelerate the process. As a result, for example, a Japanese or Chinese educated in the United States perceives the characteristics of American thinking and behaviour. With the development of civilization, the processes associated with the penetration of national styles of communication, the formation of many uniform parameters of negotiation, play an increasing role. Representatives of the second direction, on the contrary, tend to devote to national peculiarities one of the central places in international communication and at the negotiations that form the basis of this communication. They believe that difficulties in negotiations arise due to differences in expectations, which, in turn, are due to differences in cultures. The values, traditions, customs, etc., acquired in childhood, i.e. those that have a national basis. Another argument is added to this argument. An increasing number of people who often do not have international communication experience are actively involved in international business. They contribute a significant element of national identity. The Swedish researcher K. Jonsson notes that usually with a significant coincidence of interests of the parties, i.e. when collaborating, national differences are not noticed, but it is worthwhile that conflicts arise as they begin to play an important role. But national peculiarities influence business relations not only in the event of a conflict between the parties. For example, a Western European pharmaceutical company decided to ship a batch of new painkillers to Arab countries. The drug was well sold out on the European continent, which allowed the company to count on success. Three pictures were used for advertising in Europe: the first one is depicted, the woman screaming in pain, the second she took the medicine, the third one took the pain after taking the drug, and she was depicted in a relaxed, calm state. Advertising, which did not require explanation, 11

decided to leave. After some time, they discovered that the drug was not bought at all in Arab countries. Of course, they knew that they were reading from right to left, but they simply did not think about the fact that this also applies to pictures. Without considering cultural specifics, the meaning of advertising turned out to be exactly the opposite: a woman takes the proposed medicine, and then screams in pain. So, the participants of international communication adhere to common norms and rules, nevertheless, national and cultural characteristics can be very significant in business relations. Before describing the national characteristics, I will make a few explanations: 1. Under the national peculiarities are understood styles that are typical for certain countries rather than certain nationalities. 2. It is necessary to consider that it is practically impossible to “completely objectively describe” the national style of business communication. The established stereotypes of the national features of certain peoples always work. National style is the most common, the most likely features of thinking, perception of behaviour. They will not be obligatory features, characteristic for all representatives of the described country, but only typical for them. Knowledge of national characteristics can serve as a kind of guide, guideline of possible partner’s behaviour. USA Americans are personalities. Personality and individual rights are the most important thing for Americans. These qualities can be regarded as a manifestation of selfishness, but it makes Americans treat other individuals with respect and insist on equality. They are independent and independent; they value honesty in people and do not spend time on formalities. Americans do not like stiffness, prefer comfortable clothes, address each other simply, informally, even if there is a big difference between interlocutors in age and social position. Americans love to compete, value achievements. They are often considered materialists. “Success” is often measured by the amount of money earned. A business


American is not petty and not pedantic. But he understands that there are no trifles for organizing any business. Americans cherish time and value punctuality, live on schedule. As for communication in an informal setting, receptions in the USA are a common thing. This is an opportunity to talk about family and hobbies. And as a gift it is better to bring a bottle of good wine. France The French are one of the oldest and most distinctive nations on the European continent, with a rich history and culture. French are more gallant than polite, sceptical and calculating, cunning and resourceful. At the same time, they are enthusiastic, trusting, generous. In France, people love and know how to show off with a word; a silent person kills himself socially. The conversation with the French is relaxed and goes with exceptional speed. Great importance to the French style of business communication has an education system that is focused on the education of independent and critical citizens. Personal contacts and acquaintances are of great importance in the business life of France. New partners seek to find through intermediaries connected by friendly, family and financial relations. They skilfully, even gracefully, defend one principle or another or their position, but the French are quite tough in negotiations and, as a rule, do not have a “spare” position. The French are not accurate and not always punctual. At receptions they follow the rule, the higher the guest status, the later he comes. And being invited to dinner by your business partner is considered an exceptional honour in France. Great Britain The British are inherent restraint, a tendency to understatement, scrupulousness, which cause the British to be closed and unsociable with strangers, honouring property, enterprise, efficiency and, most importantly, independence. Rude behaviour is considered when a person talks a lot. Punctuality in the UK is a hard and fast rule. And you can rely on the English word of honour.


Germany Germans are distinguished by diligence, diligence, punctuality, thrift, rationality, organization, pedantry, scepticism, seriousness, calculating, the desire for orderliness. They have a habit of painting their business and private life by day and time. It is advisable to consider the commitment of the Germans to titles, because they ...

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